"Brothers, we have received your kindness, so you don’t need to give gifts anymore." It was not until Xiao Zihang typed that these super emperors stopped giving gifts to Qin Feifei.

Although they didn’t give gifts, they had already given her a sense of presence and goodwill. This wave of profits was huge!

"Hello, boss. Let us see your awesome driving skills next time!"

"Mr. Xiao's magic car, anyway, my dad is also convinced."

In Qin Feifei's live broadcast room, these super emperors chatted with Xiao Zihang.

The licking skills stunned the crowd of spectators

"I didn’t expect that the rich second generation are the ones who really know how to lick!"

"What is the identity of this super rich little brother? Who is Mr. Xiao?"

"It turns out that Sister Feifei has a real big shot. Isn't it too easy to win this guild PK?"

In the third PK, Xiao Zihang won before he even gave any gifts.

"There is one last match left. I don’t know which anchor I will be matched with."

"Come on, brothers. This time we have so many super kings on our hosts. How can we lose when flying dragons ride on our faces?"

Soon, the fourth PK started.

When the other host's screen appeared on the other half of the screen, everyone was shocked.

"Oh my god, Xiaoqiang is the best outdoor live streamer? What kind of magical matching system is Shark Live?"

""Hey, brother in the outdoors, is Sister Feifei okay?"

However, before Qin Feifei and Xiao Zihang could speak, Brother Xiaoqiang on the opposite side spoke first.

"Wow, hello Feifei, hello Mr. Xiao!"

Xiao Qiang can be the top outdoor guy, which is inseparable from his super high emotional intelligence.

"Brother Xiaoqiang gave the little rabbit Feifei a super hot"

"Super Emperor, Brother Dafei, give the little rabbit Feifei a super fire."

First, Brother Xiaoqiang ran to Qin Feifei's live broadcast room to give gifts, and then typed to admit defeat

"Mr. Xiao, admit defeat, admit defeat, haha, I look forward to seeing you drifting again!"

Big Brother Fei, a local tyrant on the Xiaoqiang Brother List and a member of the Supercar Club, also came over to show his goodwill to Xiao Zihang.

"Hello Mr. Xiao, your 918 today is really awesome!!!"

"Hello, both of you."Xiao Zihang reciprocated and went to the other party's live broadcast room to make a super fire.

So far, the four rounds of guild PK have ended, and Qin Feifei has a green light all the way, winning completely.

"That's it?"Everyone thought there would be a great battle, and they had already bought melon seeds and peanuts.

In the end, the other side all gave up voluntarily?

The victory was too easy, which made Xiao Zihang depressed.

Amount of consumption: 382,000

"Can't you give me some help?"

I can't even spend more money, Shark Live, you disappoint me so much!

Xiao Zihang needs to spend 50 million in the next two days, and this amount of consumption is not enough to fill the gaps between his teeth.

There is no choice but to bring Qin Feifei with him tomorrow to buy, buy, buy, buy.

After the guild PK ended, Qin Feifei did not turn off the live broadcast and continued to chat with the water friends in the live broadcast room.

And Xiao Zihang has long become a legend in the Shark Live broadcast industry.

"This is the most awesome guild PK I have ever seen. They won without fighting. Who else could it be?"

"The true identity of the super rich little brother is probably more explosive than the shocking secret"

"Don't ask why these local tyrants are so flattering. Isn't the three words"Mr. Xiao" enough?"

After successfully helping Qin Feifei win, Xiao Zihang watched the live broadcast while chatting with her on WeChat.

"Today’s PK is over, and the next round seems to be the annual anchor PK?"

"Well, the next time is the most important PK, which will start after the National Day."

Every year, Shark Live will hold an annual ceremony. At that time, all the big anchors will participate in the annual anchor PK to compete for the only annual top 10 anchors.

The top ten anchors can participate in the annual meeting of Shark Live, walk the red carpet, and get the best traffic support.

There are also star packaging, Avenue of Stars and other benefits.

It is one of the shortcuts from Internet celebrities to stars.

Originally, Qin Feifei didn't dare to imagine the top ten anchors of the year, but the appearance of Xiao Zihang made her think about it.

"My agency is under Shark Live, which is a disguised direct signing."

Qin Feifei was directly signed by Shark Live because of her outstanding appearance. Unfortunately, her ability to monetize disappointed the other party.

After two rounds of support, she failed to rise and was semi-frozen.

"Shark Live signed directly, which would eliminate many intermediaries."

Xiao Zihang could foresee that after what happened tonight, Shark Live's subordinate agency would pay more attention to Qin Feifei and provide her with more high-quality resources and support.

With so many rich people, would Shark Live dare to offend them?

"The main event is the PK competition between anchors during the annual ceremony."

At that time, there will be no limit to the amount of money spent.

Those top anchors will spend tens of millions of dollars in one night without blinking an eye.

"Tens of millions?" Xiao Zihang suddenly found it funny,"It seems that it is not as valuable as any of my cars?"

After chatting with Qin Feifei about live broadcasting for a while, Xiao Zihang invited her again.

"Are you free tomorrow? I have a class reunion on Tuesday and need to buy some things. Can you give me some advice?"

"Well, I'm free." Qin Feifei was overjoyed. Although Xiao Zihang didn't say it explicitly, this treatment was almost equivalent to being a girlfriend. After closing WeChat and exiting the live broadcast, Xiao Zihang opened the browser to surf the Internet.

He wanted to see if there were any reports about him on the Internet recently.

Suddenly, a hot search appeared, which caught Xiao Zihang's eyes.

"It was revealed that a certain owner of Tomson Yipin openly drove a sports car to drive away Han Jae-bin’s fans, showing low quality."

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