Click on the hot search, it is a long Weibo post

"Let me introduce you to the real Tomson Yipin and the quality of some owners."

The article is also accompanied by pictures and videos, which condemn Xiao Zihang's behavior, Tomson Yipin's property and security from a very subjective perspective.

These fans got up early in the morning and thought of Tomson Yipin to give their idol Han Jae-bin"love support".

They did not block the door, but just guarded silently on the side.

However, the security guards violently drove these teenage girls away on the grounds of disturbing public order. Some girls were even injured.

A picture showed the bruises on her arm.

But the most hateful thing was that an owner rushed out in a black sports car.

"I was so scared at the time. The car didn't care if there was anyone in front of it and just hit it!"

In the video, Xiao Zihang's black Bugatti Emperor was shot at a tricky angle and looked really domineering.

"We angrily went up to argue, but they cursed us and drove us away!"

The content was all taken out of context and has already rushed into the top five trending searches.

Who would believe that there is no operation behind the scenes?

This trending Weibo has been reposted by Han Jae-bin, with a paragraph of words to comfort fans attached

"Little fairies calm down, read my next Weibo post, I love you guys." As soon as this Weibo post came out, this group of brainless fans instantly climaxed and left comments below

"Binbin loves you and knows that you are the best!"

"That sports car costs just 100 million yuan, who are you trying to fool by bragging?"

"Binbin, we will raise money for you to live somewhere else, Tomson Yipin, you don’t have to stay!"

As soon as these stupid remarks came out, a group of onlookers flooded into Weibo again.

"Han Zaibin, you should be more careful. You dare to criticize the owners of Tomson Yipin, your brainless fans. Be careful of being liquidated."

"Sorry, the black sports car in the video is really worth 100 million. Bugatti Black Emperor, the only one in the world, is priced at 126 million"

"This happened last time, right? It was obviously your brainless fans who started the trouble, and you are the bad guy who complained first?"

The public's eyes are sharp, but these messages were quickly deleted.

Weibo control comments, the packaging team of the fresh meat is a common trick.

In fact, this hot search is just a prelude, the key is to attract traffic for Han Jae Bin. He is about to get engaged during the National Day, and he has used all kinds of methods to hype it up during this period.

"Is this how young and popular celebrities are packaged?"

Xiao Zihang sneered and clicked on the other party's Weibo. He saw a pinned message that had just been posted.

There were two pictures, one of which was Bandai Plaza in Shanghai, and the other was a photo of the two holding hands and showing their affection.

The text below read: Sunday at 10 o'clock, waiting for you.

Although it was not stated explicitly, everyone could see that at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, Han Zaibin would go shopping at Bandai Plaza with his girlfriend Du Shihan.

What they were waiting for was the fans.

"He's really good at packaging himself and creating the image of caring for his girlfriend and protecting his fans, right?"

"Binbin is the best man in the world, Sister Shihan is so happy!"

"Wow, ladies, gather together, the coordinates are set for tomorrow, we can't let Binbin down!"

This time, Han Jaebin took his girlfriend shopping in the mall, which was a kind of compensation for his fans.

This is how he protects his fans! A breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry!

"Are you going to Bandai Plaza tomorrow to go shopping?"

Xiao Zihang didn't know whether to laugh out loud or laugh even louder?

It's fate. There are so many supermarkets in Shanghai, but you chose Bandai Plaza.

In this case, see you tomorrow at Bandai Plaza.

"I am a very low-key person and I don't like to slap others in the face. Tomorrow I just want to see what the big star Han Jae-bin looks like."

Xiao Zihang has heard a little about the rise of Han Jae-bin, this young idol.

At the beginning, he was a member of a boy band from"Oppa". It took him a year to enter the domestic market and gained a lot of female fans.

After the team disbanded, he went solo, but his popularity gradually declined.

After a while, Han Jae-bin was photographed dating his girlfriend.

For traffic stars, falling in love is a big taboo!

Due to the conclusive evidence, he had no way to defend himself at the time and could only let the agency admit it.

However, things took a shocking turn at this juncture.

"His popularity has not decreased, but has been rising."

Packaging, build a persona for me!

" Therefore, the young and handsome Han Jae-bin, under the packaging of the agency, became a good man who loves his girlfriend and a good brother who cares for his fans.

In order to get more traffic, Han Jae-bin publicly stated that he would get engaged to his girlfriend on National Day this year!

A stone stirs up a thousand waves!

He jumped to the top of the traffic star, leaving all the other young and handsome men behind.

This is also the reason why he has been using this to hype himself recently.

It's nothing but money.

After closing the laptop, Xiao Zihang walked to the spacious study.

From the bookshelf, he took down a parchment notebook.

Opening the notebook, he took out a Tibaldi fountain pen from the drawer, which cost 400,000 yuan.

"I have to plan my recent trip carefully."

Since he was a child, Xiao Zihang has had the habit of writing down his plans, and he still keeps it up.

As the pen slides, lines of neat handwriting appear on the paper...

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