"Manager Zheng, how much is this car?"

Tombson Yipin receptionist Li Jiaxue was very curious about how generous Xiao Zihang was.

"This car is indeed a private order. There is only one in the world, and it is worth 90 million."

The shape of this car is obviously different from ordinary models of the same brand. The coupe-style design is unique and quite eye-catching.

The multi-curved design of the whole body gives people a dream of a future concept car.

This is a bold attempt by Rolls-Royce, which has always been conservative and retro.

The front of the car retains the tradition. On the familiar air intake grille, there stands a Rolls-Royce iconic"angel".

But this time the logo is made entirely of diamonds, and a car logo costs millions!

It was announced at the official Rolls-Royce exhibition not long ago, and then disappeared. No one knows the mysterious buyer.

"Mr. Xiao, what is your identity?"

"This is not important." Property manager Zheng Chaoyuan once again warned everyone,"I only know that you must never go against Mr. Xiao, no matter if you are a big star or not!"

This sentence is very clear.

"I have posted the clarification video online, and let the Internet promoters spread it, and also @ Han Zaibin and his official fan Weibo account."Han Zaibin and Xiao Zihang are both owners of Tomson Yipin, but how to choose, how can Manager Zheng, who has been working in the upper class for many years, not know?

While everyone in Tomson Yipin was discussing this matter, Xiao Zihang was driving a Rolls-Royce Huiying towards the Shanghai Drama Academy.

Along the way, the car attracted many passers-by to admire.

Rolls-Royce is very well-known.

"This car is a Rolls-Royce, right? Why does it look like a sports car?"

Rolls-Royce gives people the impression of a luxury car. When did it come out with this type of sports car?

"I haven't seen it before. It seems that Rolls-Royce doesn't have this model. Is it a private order?"

When it comes to private order, everyone knows that this car is very valuable.

Xiao Zihang is on the road, and the surrounding cars deliberately keep their distance.


At this moment, a Ferrari with an exaggerated shape in the back braked to slow down.

"What are you doing?" The girl in the passenger seat pinched her boyfriend's arm and complained,"Why did you brake suddenly?"

"Keep your distance, don’t you see that Rolls-Royce in front?"

"A Rolls-Royce is only worth a few million, isn’t your Ferrari the same?"

"Women don't know shit about cars!" The man said enviously, looking ahead,"This Rolls-Royce is custom-made. Generally, the price of a custom-made Rolls-Royce is not less than 50 million! This one is probably worth more than 100 million!"

"A car worth hundreds of millions!?"

The girl was scared to death. What if some unlucky guy rear-ended her? Wouldn't he lose everything?


At this time, Qin Feifei was putting on makeup in her double dormitory.

Her roommate Zhen Xiaoling, chewing an apple, complained:"Feifei, that's enough. You are naturally beautiful, there is no need to do this. Really"

"He said he was going to attend a class reunion and wanted to buy some clothes and watches. The places he went to were all luxury flagship stores, so of course I had to dress up."

"Damn rich whore!" Zhen Xiaoling smacked her lips,"Then shall we do a live broadcast today?"

"It depends on the situation. Qin Feifei replied,"He wants to go to Bandai Plaza first."

"Bandai Plaza! Hahahaha!" Zhen Xiaoling laughed so hard that she spat out the apple peel in her mouth."Is that where you guys ate at Xinghaihui buffet last time?"

The average consumption per person is 108 yuan, which is good value for money.

"Hey, he won’t take you to the buffet again this time, will he?"

"So what if I really eat it?" Qin Feifei pouted,"I think it's delicious."

As long as I eat it with Xiao Zihang, the instant noodles are delicious.

"Forget it, you are a hopeless woman." Zhen Xiaoling knew that her best friend had already turned her back on him and could not be persuaded."Did you know that our senior Han Zaibin is also going to Bandai Plaza today?"

Zhen Xiaoling is not a fan of celebrities, but she also pays attention to online trends.

"I know." Qin Feifei didn't like this senior who had already graduated. Who made his fans go against Xiao Zihang?

This morning, Qin Feifei saw the Weibo post that angrily criticized a certain owner of Tomson Yipin.

Who else could be driving a Bugatti Black Emperor except Xiao Zihang?

"Han Xuechang's crazy fans are really disgusting." Zhen Xiaoling threw the core of the apple into the trash can."Once they blocked a shopping mall, making it impossible for others to do business. There was also a stampede at the airport, which paralyzed the entire airport for two hours."

These are all dark histories, but they were all resolved by the operation team behind the scenes.

"Hey, Feifei, do you think that this time when he goes to Bandai Plaza, the business won’t be disrupted?"

"Why do you care about these things?" Qin Feifei rolled her eyes at her bestie,"Bandai Plaza is not ours, don't worry about it." After applying the last layer of eye shadow, another layer of blush, and finally a touch of lipstick, Qin Feifei smiled contentedly.

"Let's go, the time he agreed to meet is coming soon."

The two girls walked hand in hand towards the school gate.

When they arrived at the gate, Qin Feifei looked around and didn't see the cool supercar.

"Here." Xiao Zihang opened the car door and waved to Qin Feifei and the others.

"Handsome guy, why didn't you drive your supercars today? This is a Rolls-Royce, right?"

To pick up girls, shouldn't you drive a supercar?

"Those trucks are not convenient for carrying goods." Xiao Zihang opened the trunk of the Rolls-Royce Huiying, which had a lot of space."Is this truck okay?"

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