"You use a Rolls-Royce as a truck?" Zhen Xiaoling narrowed her eyes and said,"Okay, as long as you are happy."

"How much is this car?"Qin Feifei felt that this car was definitely not cheap.

"This number."Xiao Zihang stretched out nine fingers and gestured in front of Qin Feifei and the others.

"90 million?"

Qin Feifei covered her mouth and guessed a number quietly.

"Guessed it right"

"Damn it!" Zhen Xiaoling's mouth moved and her nose twitched,"You use a 90 million Rolls-Royce as a truck?"

She was prepared, but still shocked.

Perhaps for Xiao Zihang, tens of millions or hundreds of millions are just a string of ordinary numbers.

Super rich, this is super rich!

"Then you guys should be careful on the road." Zhen Xiaoling pushed her best friend Qin Feifei to Xiao Zihang,"I have something else to do, so I'll go back first."

Evil rich lewdness!

Zhen Xiaoling didn't dare to stay any longer, lest she be infected, thinking that ten million was just a string of numbers.

If she had that much money, wouldn't she be able to eat all the delicacies in the world three times?

"Get in the car."

Xiao Zihang asked Qin Feifei to sit in the passenger seat, then closed the door, started the car, and left the magic show.

In the car, Qin Feifei was browsing her phone, turned around and asked,"Did you see the hot search last night?"

"The one that angrily criticized a certain owner of Tomson Yipin? I saw it."

Xiao Zihang said in a calm tone, as if it had nothing to do with him

"Has it been dealt with?"

Qin Feifei guessed that Xiao Zihang had already dealt with everything, so now he was calm and collected.

"Well, that's about right." Xiao Zihang wanted to give a thumbs up to Tomson Yipin for handling this matter quickly and decisively."The clarification video will be available soon.""

"That's good." Qin Feifei stared at Xiao Zihang's profile while he was driving. He was angular, handsome and tall. She couldn't help but be mesmerized.

She shook her head, her eyes wandering, and smiled:"In fact, there is another hot search. I don't know if you have seen it."

"Which one?"

"It just appeared this morning and is still at the end of the hot search." Qin Feifei pursed her lips like a little rabbit, blinked her eyes and waved her phone in front of Xiao Zihang's eyes,"Did you see it? You've become an Internet celebrity!"

Qin Feifei chose to share this good news with Xiao Zihang as soon as possible.


Xiao Zihang glanced at his phone and instantly remembered the hot search content.

""Fudan schoolboy, the most handsome schoolboy in history."

The topic just came out, and now more and more people are discussing it.

The hot search is a photo taken by a student, which shows: a student in a white suit sitting in front of a piano playing.

In the photo, Xiao Zihang's face is tilted at a 45-degree angle, and he looks noble and like a prince.

There is also a video of Xiao Zihang and Su Muning's piano and violin ensemble at the welcome party.

"So handsome, is this the school idol of Fudan?"

"Wow, he is playing the piano, and he plays it so beautifully!"

"The girl next to her is so beautiful, could she be the school belle of Fudan University?"

"Oh my god, the school hunk and the school belle of Fudan? What luck Fudan has this year, the strongest freshman!"

Only after seeing this trending search did Qin Feifei know that Xiao Zihang could play the piano.

And it was a heavenly sound!

Is there anything he can't do?

"That one." Qin Feifei asked hesitantly,"Who is that beautiful girl next to you in the video?"

Su Mu Ning's appearance in the video was not clear, but it was vaguely recognizable that she was a great beauty.

"Her name is Su Muning, a classmate of the Finance Department of the School of Economics"

"Oh." Qin Feifei felt sour in her heart. They were classmates, so they would see each other every day.

But she was not Xiao Zihang's girlfriend, so she had no right to care about these things.

"Even if it's a girlfriend, she can't control it."

Qin Feifei knew Xiao Zihang's unfathomable identity. How could a girlfriend control a young man of that level?

But knowing this, Qin Feifei still kept fantasizing about it.

""Oh!" Qin Feifei muttered to herself, patted her face gently, trying to calm down,"Qin Feifei, what are you thinking about all day long?"

Seeing Qin Feifei patting her face strangely, Xiao Zihang asked:"Feifei, what are you patting?"

"Do some face-lifting exercises." Qin Feifei patted her little face again, and then smiled at Xiao Zihang.

Her teeth were like shells, white as pearls.

Hypocritical but cute.

Half an hour later, the two arrived at Bandai Plaza.

"It's really the star effect, haha."

Qin Feifei saw that groups of girls had already gathered in front of her, and knew that they were all following Han Zaibin.

These fans were chattering and discussing something.

I'm afraid this morning will not be peaceful.

Han Zaibin's brainless fans have too many dark histories under his"protection"

"The legs are on him, and he is free to go wherever he wants."Xiao Zihang told Qin Feifei not to worry, Bandai Plaza is his territory, and Han Zaibin is just one of them."After all, he is still your senior."

"Well, but I only stayed there for a year before I went abroad for further studies."

Crossing the four-lane road, Xiao Zihang came to the underground parking lot.

He parked the Rolls-Royce Huiying and closed the door. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a familiar figure.

They hadn't seen each other for a few months.

And the other party also found that Xiao Zihang, who had always been outstanding,

"Xiao Zihang, what a coincidence!"

(PS: It will be available at around 6pm tomorrow, Friday. Please support me, readers)

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