What caught my eye was a girl with shoulder-length hair and a round face.

Dong Xiaoxue was Xiao Zihang's class beauty in high school.

Her appearance was okay, but she was far inferior to Qin Feifei. The school beauty of Xiao Zihang's high school was also far behind this magic school beauty.

Dong Xiaoxue's personality was similar to that of a boy. She was outgoing, lively and cheerful. Her grades were average. She could talk to everyone except the rich second generation Qian Longfei.

"Dong Xiaoxue?" Xiao Zihang said with a smile,"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Yes, my dad and I are here to buy something today. And I heard that the famous star Han Jae-bin will be here later, is it true?"

"Are you his fan too?"

"How is it possible!" Dong Xiaoxue shook her head to clarify,"Those who like him are teenage girls, crazy fans."

Dong Xiaoxue is just a spectator, she came to join in the fun when she heard there was something interesting going on.

Many people like this.

Seeing Xiao Zihang coming out of the car, Dong Xiaoxue pointed at the Rolls-Royce and asked,"Is this car yours?"

"Yes, that's right." Xiao Zihang nodded and said,"Newly bought"

"This car looks good."Dong Xiaoxue didn't recognize the car logo, but thought it was about 200,000 yuan. I didn't expect Xiao Zihang to become a car owner right after graduation.

At this time, a middle-aged man came over.

"Xiaoxue, is this your classmate?"

Dong Xiaoxue's father smiled kindly at Xiao Zihang.

"Dad, this is the school hunk in our high school. He is now a top student at Fudan University and also the school hunk!"

Dong Xiaoxue also saw the piano playing video of Xiao Zihang.

She was astonished!

"It turns out that Xiao Zihang can also play the piano!"

However, the information about Xiao Zihang on the Internet is fragmentary, and his high school classmates are not aware of his identity as a super rich man.

"So amazing! ?"

For the locals of Shanghai, Fudan University is the most ideal university in their minds.

Parents hope their sons will become successful and their daughters will become outstanding.

"Xiaoxue, how about dad go shopping first while you chat with your classmates?"

"Oh, no need, Dad." Dong Xiaoxue saw Qin Feifei beside Xiao Zihang and understood most of what he had said."Haha, we'll meet again at the class reunion in a few days anyway, so we'll talk about it then.""

"By the way, Xiao Zihang, Qian Longfei bought a new car these days. It is said to be very expensive."

"Really?" Xiao Zihang thought of the habitual pretentious criminal,"It fits his personality quite well."

"It seems to be a Porsche. He posted it on WeChat. I heard that this car cannot be bought even if you have money now. No more talking. See you on Tuesday, old classmates!"

After saying that, Dong Xiaoxue walked to her father, smiled and waved goodbye.

After leaving the underground parking lot, Dong Xiaoxue's father smiled and asked:"Your classmate is amazing. He was admitted to Fudan University."

"Well, his family conditions seemed average when he was in high school, but now he even has a car, so things should be better."

Just now, I heard my daughter mention that another classmate bought a Porsche, and he was a little curious about Xiao Zihang's car.

"What brand is it?" Dong Xiaoxue's father asked

"I don't know. The logo is two letters RR, and there is a little man on the front of the car. It's very beautiful."


Dong Xiaoxue's father looked at his daughter in disbelief and said,"Your classmate bought a Rolls-Royce?"

"Xiaoxue, this car is very expensive. The cheapest one costs several million. It is a symbol of status and you may not be able to buy it even if you have money!"

"So expensive! ?" Dong Xiaoxue looked back and whispered,"Then Dad, is this car better than the Porsche?"

""Rolls-Royce is definitely more famous than Porsche!"

So, Xiao Zihang's car is better than Qian Longfei's?

Thinking of this, Dong Xiaoxue smiled even more brightly. I'm afraid Qian Longfei won't be able to show off at the class reunion.

Seeing Dong Xiaoxue's parents leave, Qin Feifei walked beside Xiao Zihang in high heels and praised:"Your high school classmates are very beautiful."

But it didn't pose a threat, so Qin Feifei was not jealous

"Of course, the class belle is not bad, but how can she compare with the school belle."Xiao Zihang saw that Qin Feifei was still wearing the same clothes he bought her last time, and thought it was necessary to buy her some new clothes in the afternoon.

Girls like beautiful clothes and sweet words.

The two left the parking lot and entered the pedestrian street of Bandai Plaza.

Clothing and food are the main things on both sides of the street.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are always the mainstream.

Walking on the cobblestone middle road, Xiao Zihang and Qin Feifei immediately became the focus of pedestrians.

Golden boy and jade girl, a perfect match

"Wow, are they stars?"

"So handsome, I feel this little brother is even more handsome than Han Jae-bin!"

Han Jae-bin, the young handsome boy, mainly relies on makeup. When he first debuted, he had a lot of smoky makeup.

Xiao Zihang is the kind of handsome man who is really handsome.

"They are all looking at us."Qin Feifei leaned closer to Xiao Zihang, feeling uncomfortable being stared at by passers-by.

But she was also quite proud, because she understood something from the envy of others.

There were many men and women shopping on the pedestrian street.

A guy with amazing looks like Xiao Zihang couldn't hide himself.

"This little brother seems to be the school hunk that is trending online!"

"That’s right, it’s him, the school hunk of Fudan!"

For a moment, many girls’ eyes were envied and focused on Qin Feifei beside Xiao Zihang…

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