"This girl is so beautiful, could she be the school hunk’s girlfriend?"

"I really envy her, that piano prince, the school idol of Fudan!"

The gazes of the girls around her made Qin Feifei a little flustered. She tucked her hair behind her ears and tidied her appearance. She turned to look at Xiao Zihang and asked,"It seems that the girls on the street are all looking at you?"

"I didn't expect to be exposed so soon."

Didn't it just become a hot search?

Why would I be recognized by passers-by when I was shopping early in the morning?

However, Xiao Zihang had already considered this situation.

He took out the LV sunglasses from his pocket and put them on. The last time he drove a Bugatti Black Emperor out, it was this model.

""Puff." Qin Feifei's face trembled,"Would you wear sunglasses to attract more attention?"

Sunglasses are a must-have for celebrities when going out.

"Mainly because I can't recognize her."

Xiao Zihang smiled and took Qin Feifei through the busy pedestrian street.

On both sides, there were many girls, aged twelve or thirteen, and the older ones were sixteen or seventeen.

Their faces were flushed and they were panting.

They held signs with the names and portraits of their idols.

"Binbin loves you!"

"Binbin is the best, love you."

Obviously, they are all waiting for Han Jaebin to come to Bandai Plaza.

These fans are sometimes pitiful, but their parents are even more pitiful.

"Let's go, let's go inside."

Bandai Plaza is his property. As the boss, it is reasonable for him to inspect the entire plaza.

Entering the mall, there are obviously more tourists today than in the past.

There are security guards in every corner to maintain order.

"There are so many security guards today." Qin Feifei guessed why the number of security guards increased three or four times."We can't help it. Han Zaibin is coming." Xiao Zihang took out his cell phone and called Luo Zhifei while walking with Qin Feifei.

"Boss! Boss, do you have any instructions for me?"

On the other end of the phone, Luo Zhifei, general manager of Bandai Plaza, was quite surprised. In the past few days, he did not dare to relax at all, and he had to leave a good impression on Xiao Zihang.

"I'm here, come over here, I'm near the mall entrance"

"OK, OK, Boss, I'll be right over, please wait a moment!"

After Xiao Zihang hung up the phone, Qin Feifei asked doubtfully:"Who is it, calling you boss?"

"Come over and you will know."

Three minutes later, a thin middle-aged man wearing glasses, carrying a briefcase and wearing a plaid suit came running in front of him, panting.

Xiao Zihang was wearing sunglasses, but he still recognized him at a glance.

""Hello, Boss!" He came up and greeted warmly,"Boss, how about coming to my office and sitting for a while?"

"Okay, let's go."

Then, Luo Zhifei led the way and took the internal elevator to the top floor of the mall.

""Boss, my office is in front, please."

Following Xiao Zihang, Qin Feifei felt more and more that something was wrong.

This middle-aged man seemed to be from Bandai Plaza?

Then Xiao Zihang was not?

Luo Zhifei, who had been working in the business world for many years, soon saw the doubt on Qin Feifei's face.

"Hello, Miss. What is your name? Luo Zhifei nodded respectfully to Qin Feifei and asked

"My name is Qin Feifei. Hello. Hello."

"Hello, Miss Qin." Luo Zhifei took Xiao Zihang to the reception desk in front of his general manager's office, turned around and solemnly introduced to Qin Feifei,"I am Luo Zhifei, the general manager of Bandai Plaza. Please take a seat on the sofa in front."

Then, Luo Zhifei respectfully said to Xiao Zihang,"Boss, you came here, and we didn't even have a welcome ceremony. This is my dereliction of duty."

"It's all fake, don't take it seriously."

Xiao Zihang was just looking at it casually, not wanting to be exposed.

But Qin Feifei, who had just sat on the sofa, could no longer remain calm.

"You, you, you are the owner of Bandai Plaza?"

I had a hunch, but it was still too shocking.

"Yes, I am the boss here."

I can't help it, one of my identities is exposed.

"I knew it." Qin Feifei pouted and looked at Xiao Zihang with a smile, her eyes showing more understanding."Then you must be busy. I'll wait for you here.""

"Boss, can I report my work to you?"

"Okay, let's go inside and talk."

The two walked from the reception desk into the general manager's office. After they sat down, Luo Zhifei attentively handed over a cup of tea, and then went out to hand another cup to Qin Feifei who was waiting.

His manners and reception were impeccable.

After returning, Luo Zhifei turned on the computer and printed out a document that had been prepared long ago.

"Boss, this is the business performance of our Bandai Plaza last year, and this is this year."

The environment is favorable and the overall trend is upward.

"This is the net profit for the first eight months."After deducting all expenses, the business situation has improved significantly, and the overall market is recovering.

The rent of Bandai Plaza is collected once a month.

Looking at the information, Xiao Zihang nodded and said,"This year's business is good, and the profit in eight months is 230 million."

"So, boss, will the rent be paid into your card?"

"Just charge my card."

Xiao Zihang is not short of money, but 230 million is not a small amount.

"OK, boss, I will contact the finance department to transfer the money! It will be here in about ten minutes."

(PS: Good evening, readers. It will be on the shelves tomorrow. Please give me a first order)

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