The security guards at Bandai Plaza gave us enough face this time.

""Baby, get off the bus." Han Jae-bin put his mouth close to his girlfriend's ear and whispered

"Well, let's go."

Today Du Shihan wore a Hermès halter neck dress with lotus pink laces.

Although her figure was not as full as Qin Feifei's, it also set off her dignified and elegant figure.

The exaggerated golden belt in the middle hung naturally, and the dress was asymmetrical, with a diagonal cut, and her legs were sometimes visible and sometimes hidden, looking beautiful and bright.

She looked like a lady from a noble family.

This Hermès dress was bought by Han Zaibin with his girlfriend the day before yesterday.

It was a coincidence that Xiao Zihang also bought the same one with Qin Feifei yesterday.

What's more, Qin Feifei didn't have any better clothes, so she wore this one today.

"You look so beautiful today." Han Zaibin looked at his girlfriend. He always had a good eye for her.

After getting off the car, the two walked out.

When passing by Xiao Zihang's Rolls-Royce Huiying, Han Zaibin stopped and took a reluctant look before walking away.

"This Rolls-Royce Huiying is almost 100 million, I really want one."

It's a pity that it's a private order, the only one in the world, and he, a young man, doesn't have the qualifications.

Leaving the parking lot, there was a square formation of hundreds of female fans in front of them.

They held cheering signs in their hands and shouted heartbreakingly.

"Binbin loves you! Binbin is the best!"

"Ah, I can't stand it, Binbin is too handsome!"

Hair dyed brown, thick foundation, dark lipstick, black eyeshadow, this is the look of the young man Han Zaibin.

His facial features are not three-dimensional, mainly relying on extraordinary makeup techniques such as lighting.

Neither male nor female, full of yin, but popular with brainless fans

"Hello, fairies." Han Jae-bin waved to his female fans, causing another riot

"Binbin, I want to give birth to a baby for you. Sister Shihan won’t mind!"

"Sister Shihan looks so beautiful today, please take good care of my Binbin!"

Devoting herself wholeheartedly to her idol is so touching.

"Hello, please don't get too close to Mr. Han, thank you for your cooperation"

"Hello, please step aside and let Mr. Han pass."

The security guards of Bandai Plaza performed their duties conscientiously and always guarded Han Zaibin to protect his personal safety.

However, this behavior undoubtedly made these brainless fans dissatisfied.

"What? Why can’t you let me get close to my Binbin!"

"Who do you think you are? Get away from my Binbin!"

""Binbin is so nice. She didn't bring any bodyguards or assistants today!"

But, these mall security guards were too ignorant to stop them from approaching their idols?

Holding a walkie-talkie, the security captain Zhang Haoqiang kept in touch with his team members while talking to the general manager Luo Zhifei in the distance.

"Manager Luo, we have come out of the underground parking lot. Yes, everything is fine now. We can hold on!"

"Okay, work hard and don't make any mistakes."

From the intercom in Manager Luo's hand, Xiao Zihang heard some unbearable voices.

"What's going on over there? Why did I hear someone cursing?"

"Boss, I'll ask Captain Zhang to take a video right away."

Soon after, a video of the scene came in, and it was very chaotic.

"They are indeed crazy fans."Xiao Zihang and Manager Luo have already left the office and walked out with Qin Feifei.

In the video, security guards surrounded Han Zaibin and his girlfriend, not letting fans get close.

This is their job and they must complete it.

"Get out of here, you damn security guards!"

"My Binbin didn’t bring any bodyguards or assistants today, he just wanted to be close to us fans!"

"That's right, Binbin came here today just to see us, what are you doing, get out of my way!"

This video made Xiao Zihang sneer

"So vicious."

Han Jae-bin's move was to shift all the blame to the security guards.

He was still the high-quality idol who protected his fans.

At this time, Han Jae-bin, who was surrounded by security guards, walked close to his girlfriend Du Shihan's ear and said in a private voice that no one else could hear:"Baby, my fans are good, right?"

"Well, your fans are awesome."

"Of course." Han Zaibin's expression gradually became more interesting,"These leeks, once cut, will grow again very quickly, and all the flowers are money."

When Han Zaibin was walking on the pedestrian street with his girlfriend, more and more passers-by gathered around.

Because of the security guards, it was not convenient for them to go over to ask for autographs and take photos.

"Wow, it’s really Han Jae Bin, the big star!"

"Next to him is Du Shihan, so beautiful. They are getting engaged on National Day, right?"

"There are so many fans, this popularity is too scary."

Arriving at the pedestrian street, Han Jae-bin pretended to take his girlfriend into a store to buy clothes.

The security guards stood at the door to prevent fans and passers-by from entering.

"Please cooperate, thank you."

"Please stop, Mr. Han is shopping inside, thank you for your cooperation."

After a while, Han Zaibin came out with a shopping bag with a skirt in it.

Of course, this kind of shopping is just a show, and when he goes back, he will throw this kind of clothes into the trash can.

"Wow, Binbin, give me an autograph, I want an autograph!"

""Binbin, look at me, I'm here, the fairy who loves you the most is here!!" A fat fan who weighs nearly 180 pounds shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice hoarse.

These brainless fans gave the security guards a headache.

"Hello, please make way for Mr. Han. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Get out of here! I want to hug Binbin!"After saying that, the crazy fan rushed to the store entrance.

But halfway through, she was grabbed by the wrist by the security guard, who stopped her crazy behavior.

"Let go of your hands!"

However, at this time, Han Jae-bin's face turned pale and he walked out step by step.

He pointed at the security guard and shouted again:"What are you doing to my fans?"

(PS: This is not an exaggeration. In reality, the behavior of brain-dead fans is even more awesome. Thanks to Meng Po for the monthly ticket, and thank you readers for your support)

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