"Mr. Han, your fans wanted to rush in, I, I just stopped her"

"Is that how you stop it?"Han Jae-bin was obviously suppressing his inner anger, at least from the outside.

Acting talent, full of

"Mr. Han, I." The security guard was speechless. The gap in status was huge, and whatever he said was wrong.

"That's it." Han Jae-bin began to put on a magnanimous image again,"You owe my fans, and let this matter go."

"Me!" The young and aggressive security guard tried to argue but was stopped by an older man next to him.

"Xiao Li, forget it, pay attention to your identity!"

With no other choice, security guard Xiao Li could only walk up to the fan, lower his head, and reluctantly said three words:

"I'm sorry." He clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging deep into his flesh.

Does it hurt? It hurts, but for the sake of life, this pain can only be endured.

He has a girlfriend and is getting married soon, so he can't lose this job.

You know, it's too difficult to meet a girl in Shanghai who doesn't dislike being a security guard.

A man who just did his job well was forced by a star to apologize to the other's fans.

This exaggerated society.

At this time, the whole audience was silent.

Only the security guard Xiao Li's"I'm sorry" echoed in the ears of all Han Zaibin's fans.

Then, the whole audience burst into crazy screams and shouts.

Han Zaibin's brainless fans rioted again!

"Binbin loves us the most! Did you see that, the dead security guard?"

"It turns out that only Binbin loves us, my mother always dislikes me"

"You guys get out of the way, do you dare to attack us?"

In an instant, the security guards were pointed at by these brainless fans and scolded.

But none of these men talked back.

They had to endure it for the sake of life.

As Han Jae-bin gradually walked into the mall, the crowd of onlookers and the size of his fans grew larger and larger.

Most of the customers in Bandai Plaza were attracted here.

People surrounded the mall in three layers, and the first and second floors, the third and fourth floors, the fifth and sixth floors were all full of people.

If it weren't for the security guards assigned to the mall to maintain it, it would have been a mess long ago.

Xiao Zihang had heard the situation on the scene clearly from Manager Luo's intercom.

"How could this be possible?" Qin Feifei was even more disappointed with her senior brother, stepping on the security guard's body to create a high-quality image of him protecting his fans.

"Boss, how should we deal with this?"

The development of the matter was far beyond Manager Luo's expectations. If he wanted to maintain the interests of Bandai Plaza, he should obviously swallow his anger and let it go.

""We'll talk about it when we get there."

Xiao Zihang originally just wanted to see what the legendary superstar Han Zaibin looked like, but it seems that this time he can't just take a look.

When Xiao Zihang rushed to the first floor where everyone was gathered, Dong Xiaoxue and her father were also there to join in the fun.

"Dad, you saw it just now, right?"

"That's too much. The security guard did nothing wrong, why should he apologize?"

Passersby are not like the brainless fans who can't tell right from wrong.

"There are too many people today." Dong Xiaoxue looked at the crowds coming from all directions, wondering if Xiao Zihang was there too."Business is much better here when the celebrities come.""

"Maybe it was just a deal."Dong Xiaoxue's father thought he saw it clearly,"Celebrities and the owner of Bandai Plaza cooperate to create traffic and economy."

Fan economy also belongs to this category.

"Aren't these security guards being made a fool of?" Dong Xiaoxue bit her lip, feeling pity for

"This is capital, isn't that what all bosses do?" Dong Xiaoxue's father sighed and said,"They are just capitalists, we little people shouldn't care so much."

"Yeah, I know, Dad."

"Xiaoxue, you will start school in a few days. When you arrive at Yangcheng University, take good care of yourself, okay?"

The father and daughter chatted with each other, while Han Zaibin took his girlfriend to the mall on the first floor.

They walked very slowly because there were too many fans around them.

""Who is that?"

Looking around, Dong Xiaoxue seemed to see Xiao Zihang's figure.

But he flashed by and disappeared into the crowd again.

Everyone's attention was on the big star in the middle.

The onlookers held up their mobile phones, taking photos and videos non-stop, and it was extremely lively.

"It's really Han Jae-bin and his girlfriend Du Shihan! Did you know that they got engaged on National Day? It is said that the engagement banquet was held in Shanghai"

"The engagement of a big star is much more lively than the wedding of ordinary people. There will definitely be many celebrities attending."

"You all know celebrities? Don't you know that Professor Yang of Fudan got married during the National Day holiday?"

The mall was full of discussions.

At this time, Xiao Zihang, Qin Feifei, and Manager Luo all arrived at the scene.

They were surrounded by people, reporters, and anchors who came to join in the fun.

Many reporters had already squatted there to report live for the media. The same was true for the anchors of the live broadcast platform.

"This is the first time I’ve seen so many people!"Qin Feifei looked up and saw that every floor was packed with people.

""Boss, they are just ahead." Manager Luo pointed ahead. He heard all the stories of the security guards at Bandai Plaza on the intercom.

However, it was up to the boss, Xiao Zihang, to decide how to deal with the situation.

"Yeah, I saw it."

Xiao Zihang narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Han Zaibin who was in high spirits in front of him.

What a traffic star, a popular young idol!

"The real person is not as good-looking as the photos on the Internet."After taking a look, he came to this conclusion

"Let's take a look first."Xiao Zihang finally waved his hand and asked Manager Luo to stand beside him and not to act rashly.

There are too many people today, so some things need to be done carefully.

""Okay, boss."

Manager Luo looked up and saw security captain Zhang Haoqiang directing the team. He looked very humble.

"Binbin, Binbin, don’t go, we are here!"

"Girls, show your enthusiasm, Binbin! Binbin!"

"What are you doing, you stinky security guard? Don't block us from seeing Binbin!"

The whole mall was surrounded by the harsh shouts of brain-dead fans.

Han Jae-bin has more and more fans, and when there are too many people, it is easy to get chaotic.

They come from all directions and quickly approach the idol, and they can't be stopped!

(PS: There is another chapter at noon, and there will be a thank you speech for the release later. It is expected to be released at around 6 pm. After counting, there are still flowers left for extra chapters, and a total of 11 chapters are owed, which will be paid off after the release. The rules for extra chapters are still valid, and they are still the same for the time being! After the release, as long as everyone sends flowers and comments, we will continue to add more chapters!)

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