"Everyone, please don't push, please cooperate with our work!"

The security guards formed a human wall to block Han Jae-bin's crazy fans.

It's ironic that it was clearly a matter of mutual consent between the fans and the stars, but the security guards had to endure a disaster for no reason.

"Go away, it's you again, believe it or not, I'll let Binbin slap you!"

Because of the previous behavior of security guard Xiao Li, he has already become a thorn in the eyes of many brainless fans.

It is this security guard that he is most disgusted with!

As for the apology, it is a symbol of his weakness and easy to bully.

"Miss, can you please step back?" Security guard Xiao Li suppressed his anger and continued his duties."This will cause trouble to Mr. Han."

""Can you please make way? It's easy to cause trampling."

Security captain Zhang Haoqiang also joined in the persuasion, but to no avail.

The fans' crazy behavior is exactly what manager Qian Duoli wants to see.

Popularity, topics, and heat, with good hype, Han Jae-bin is about to reach a new height!

Not long after, Han Jae-bin could hardly move.

But he still kept smiling and waved to the fans present.

"Binbin, you are so handsome, wow, Binbin is waving at me!"

"Come on, sisters, these damn security guards are so annoying!"

The scene got out of control again, and many crazy fans broke through the security wall and got close to Han Jae-bin.

"It’s almost done." Han Jae-bin knew it was time to get in touch with these fans and fulfill their little dreams.

I love my fans like this!

""Don't worry, little fairies." Han Zaibin decided to abandon these security guards to further enhance his glorious image."Don't crowd, pay attention to safety."

Han Zaibin's concern made these brainless fans more unscrupulous.

"Ahhh, I knew Binbin was the best!"

"Damn security guard, stinky security guard, get out of my way!"

The shoving started, and the fans pushed the security guards hard one by one, and some were even knocked to the ground.

However, the security guards did not resist.

Instead, they stood up quietly and continued their work.

"Everyone, please don't push, safety first." Security captain Zhang Haoqiang and Xiao Li were still maintaining order.

The scene was about to get out of control.

"Get out of my way!"

Suddenly, a crazy fan slapped the security guard Xiao Li in the face, just because Xiao Li blocked her view of the idol.

Anyway, this guy was forced to apologize by the idol just now, so he dared not do anything!

"You!" Covering his swollen face, security guard Xiao Li felt an unprecedented grievance.

Just as the fan wanted to continue to attack, security guard Xiao Li reached out and clamped the other's arm.

How could a little girl compare to a man's strength?

Immediately, the fan who beat him was thrown out by security guard Xiao Li and fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing this, Han Jae-bin immediately defended his fans.

Under the loud shouts of the idol, the crazy fans suddenly became quiet.

Reaching out, Han Jae-bin helped the fallen female fan up and looked at her with a distressed face.

"What did you do to my fans! ?"

"Mr. Han, she was the first to hit him. I, I."Security guard Xiao Li was speechless again because he did push the other person down.

"This time, it's not as simple as an apology!"Han Jae-bin was secretly delighted. This little security guard was really his lucky star!

As long as he was dealt with severely, his fans would be more loyal to him.

Money, it was all money!

"Mr. Han, it was indeed wrong for Xiao Li to push someone, but it was this girl who started the fight first."

Security captain Zhang Haoqiang couldn't stand it anymore and stood up to defend his brothers.

"How come I didn't see it?" Han Jae-bin pretended not to see anything, protecting his fans with one hand and pointing his finger at the nose of security guard Xiao Li, scolding loudly,"Is this how you work? Pushing a girl to the ground? A man hitting a woman? You still have the nerve to explain, to stand here?"

"I won't tolerate your insults to my fans!"

"You, must apologize to my fans in front of everyone!!!"

As soon as these words came out, his female fans were immediately moved to tears and snot.

"Binbin, sisters, come on, let’s protect the best Binbin in the world together!"

"Wow, Binbin is the only one who treats us the best."

The sudden turn of events made the whole mall feel strange. Because of the angle, only a few people saw that the female fan started the fight first. The rest of the people only saw the security guard push the other person to the ground.

"Mr. Han, this matter."Security captain Zhang Haoqiang wanted to explain, but Han Zaibin glared at him fiercely, signaling him to shut up.

"You, apologize to my fans immediately!"

At this juncture, Han Jae-bin can only maintain his fan-loving image by asking the other party to apologize.

Han Jae-bin's loud rebukes, the indifference of the people around him, the ridicule of the brainless fans, the live broadcast of the anchor's mobile phone, and the reporters' scramble to report. He was so aggrieved that he couldn't tell.

Security guard Xiao Li clenched his fists tighter.

He tolerated the apology once.

He couldn't tolerate this apology because he was a man!

However, he could do nothing because he was facing the big star Han Jae-bin.

The two of them were obviously of different classes and could not fight.

His eyes gradually turned red, and all kinds of emotions broke out at this moment.

The difficulties of life and countless grievances made him, a man, shed tears in front of everyone.

He could only shed tears, not cry.

The collapse of an adult is just a moment.

But what can he do?

"I will not apologize."

Security guard Xiao Li's eyes were red as he took off his security uniform.

"I quit!"

He wanted to throw his clothes at Han Zaibin's face, but he didn't dare.

Finally, he calmly put the security uniform on the ground. Then he raised his head and looked straight at Han Zaibin.

"What do you mean by this?"

Han Zaibin frowned, he was angered by the security guard Xiao Li's actions.

The turning point came again, and everyone in the mall was silent.

No one knew how this matter would end.

Fortunately, at this moment, a voice came from the crowd.

"The security guard did nothing wrong, why should he apologize?"

Finally, someone stood up and spoke up for the security guard.

"Who are you?"

Han Zaibin looked at the man who was walking slowly forward with displeasure, and his heart became alert.

Walking to the front, Xiao Zihang glanced at the security guard Xiao Li, and then looked at Han Zaibin again.

"Mr. Han, don’t you think you’ve gone too far?"

(PS: The comments for the release will be posted soon. This is the last chapter before the release. Thanks to Meng Po for the 200 VIP reward, and all the readers for their support!)

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