"who is he?"

"Why would someone dare to stand up at this time?"

Han Zaibin is a popular star, who dares to go against him?

Xiao Zihang, who entered the public's sight, was still wearing LV sunglasses, with a clear face and a tall, slender and handsome figure.

At first glance, he was as dazzling as a big star.

"He looks like a star, this boy is so handsome!"

"No way, is there really someone standing up for a security guard?"

After Xiao Zihang showed up, security captain Zhang Haoqiang recognized the boss from his clothes and handsome facial features!

"old——"The security captain was about to speak when Xiao Zihang stopped him.

The boss is here!

The security captain couldn't hide his excitement. In this world, there is actually a boss who stands up for them, the little security guards!

The key is that the opponent is a popular star! The one who sticks out gets shot. Han Zaibin hates the people who ruined his plan with gnashing teeth.

"The security guard beat up my fans, so I asked him to apologize, which is too much?"

Han Jae-bin insisted on this point. On the surface, the security guard was indeed in the wrong.

"As a public figure, how do you indulge your fans like this?"

Xiao Zihang pointed the finger at Han Zaibin, saying that his indifference and indulgence were the culprit. His righteous words resounded throughout the mall, causing the onlookers to speak more.

"Indeed, what the young man said is correct. I saw it. It was the fan who slapped someone first. He wanted to hit him again, but was stopped and pushed away by the security guard."

"It is always wrong for a man and a woman to fight. The other party is still a little girl, so it is wrong for the security guard to do so!"

All kinds of discussions were spread to the Internet through the camera of the crowd's mobile phones.

In order to attract traffic, many reporters and anchors were at the scene, with long guns and short guns, and various mobile phones and cameras.

For these people, who is right or wrong is not important, the main thing is the popularity.

Xiao Zihang's stepping forward is the biggest explosion point!

"It's commendable that you stood up for a security guard. Young man."

"Isn't he afraid of Han Zaibin's fans?"

These brainless fans can definitely tear an adult to pieces.

The crowd gradually divided into three factions.

Many supported Han Zaibin because they didn't know the truth and only saw their idol standing up for the fans.

Some supported Xiao Zihang and applauded such a young man with a sense of justice.

There were also many who just passed by and watched the show.

"Xiao Zihang?"

Having been high school classmates for three years, how could Dong Xiaoxue not recognize her old classmate wearing sunglasses?

"Dad, will he be okay?"

The common people openly confronted the big star, trying to stop the chariot with their arms.

"It's good for young people to have a sense of justice, but they are impulsive!"

Dong Xiaoxue's father felt sorry for Xiao Zihang. If you run out like this, won't you be torn to pieces by those brainless fans?

Even if your car is a Rolls-Royce, it won't look good under the aura of a big star.

Clenching her little fist, Dong Xiaoxue looked at Xiao Zihang anxiously.

"Does this young man know who he is talking to? Han Jae-bin, the hottest star now!"

"All I can say is that his courage is commendable, but the final outcome is doomed to be tragic."

No one is optimistic about Xiao Zihang.

"You say I indulge my fans?" Han Jae-bin laughed instead of getting angry,"You are confusing right and wrong and talking nonsense. What qualifications do you have to talk to me?"

"Who are you to dare to speak to my Binbin like that?"

"Get out of here! If you keep talking, you'll end up like the dead security guard!"

The brainless fans immediately turned their spearheads towards Xiao Zihang. To go against their idol is to go against them.

The two sides were on the verge of a fight, and they had to speak out.

"Apologize to our Binbin immediately!"

"Apologize, don't even think about leaving if you don't apologize!"

The crazy fans were so aggressive that the agent Qian Duoli could no longer stand by and watch.

""Captain Zhang!" Qian Duoli vented his anger on the security captain beside him,"Is this how you maintain law and order at Bandai Plaza? You let anyone in, and you dare to question our Binbin in public?"

"Do you still want to be the captain? Get that guy out now!"

"Mr. Qian, of course I still want to be the security captain." Zhang Haoqiang glanced at Xiao Zihang, secretly delighted,"But whether I become the captain or not is none of your business, right?""

My boss hasn't said anything yet, why are you talking so much nonsense?

"You!" Qian Duoli threatened heavily,"Rebellion! Rebellion! You are finished!"

""Okay, okay, you're so cruel!"

Security captain Zhang Haoqiang is a martial artist with a burly figure. The skinny Qian Duoli is definitely no match for him.

"I can't control you, right? Let your manager Luo control you!"

After saying that, Qian Duoli called Luo Zhifei, the general manager of Bandai Plaza.

"Hello, Manager Luo, is this how you at Bandai Plaza protect my Binbin?"

"Do you believe me, I will make you appear on the front page of tomorrow's news and ruin your reputation?"

Qian Duoli's threat was ignored by Manager Luo.

The boss has already come out to express his position. If he, the general manager, doesn't follow suit, he will be fired.

"Mr. Qian, you are indeed wrong in this matter." Manager Luo answered the phone while walking out of the crowd.

Next to him was Qin Feifei.

"Manager Luo, what do you mean?"

Qian Duoli couldn't figure out what was going on with his 180-degree change in attitude.

"Our boss came over today." Manager Luo replied with a smile,"What the boss meant was that the security guard was not at fault, but you were."

It's that simple.

"You, you guys!" Qian Duoli clenched his fists, his whole body shaking with anger,"Okay, then where is your boss?"

"Didn't our boss just express his opinion?"

Manager Luo walked to Xiao Zihang and nodded respectfully in front of everyone.

""Hello, Boss."

These three words made the whole audience speechless.

"Walter!? Hello, boss? What happened?"

"Who is this guy in a plaid suit? Why is he calling me boss?"

Manager Luo rarely appears in the mall, and few people know his position as the general manager of Bandai Plaza.

But the security guards all know

"Boss? No wonder he looks familiar, he is really the boss!"

"The boss is here, the boss is backing us up!"

Xiao Zihang, wearing sunglasses, was not recognized by the security guards at first.


Qian Duoli looked at Xiao Zihang in front of him in disbelief. This young man���The boss of Bandai Plaza? Are you kidding me?

"Captain Zhang, since others don't need your protection, why don't you bring your brothers over here right away?"

Xiao Zihang waved to the security captain and many security guards.

"Yes, boss!"

The security captain patted Xiao Li on the shoulder, put the security uniform on him again, and said with a smile:"Xiao Li, why don't you go to the boss quickly?"

"Good! Good!"

Security guard Xiao Li wiped the tears from his face, tightly grasped the security uniform, and followed the crowd to run towards Xiao Zihang.

Then they lined up again and stood in unison behind Xiao Zihang.

Such a boss is worth following.

"Mr. Han, am I qualified to talk to you now?"

"You, you are——"Han Jae-bin's face turned red, and he tried his best to control himself.

"I am just the boss here."

Xiao Zihang's voice echoed in Bandai Plaza.

"The Bandai Plaza you visit is all mine."

A wave of slaps in the face left Han Zaibin speechless. The owner of Bandai Plaza is certainly qualified to speak on this piece of land.

The exposure of Xiao Zihang's identity made the media present excited.

"Breaking news, tomorrow’s front page headline!"

"He is the boss of Bandai Plaza. How old is this guy? He must be a student. Unbelievable!

Bandai Plaza is one of the top ten commercial centers in Shanghai, with annual turnover of billions and rental income of hundreds of millions.

But the boss is actually a young handsome guy?

"He, he is the boss of Bandai Plaza?" Dong Xiaoxue looked at her former classmate and felt that an insurmountable gap had appeared between them, which was getting bigger and bigger.

"What's wrong with your classmate?"

Dong Xiaoxue's father couldn't accept that a second-generation rich man had been his daughter's high school classmate for three years.

And no one knew?

At this moment, everyone looked at Xiao Zihang with a different look.

The initial doubt and sympathy turned into envy and admiration.

"The boss of Bandai Plaza must be worth several billion."

"In terms of net worth, Han Zaibin is not as good as this young man. I can't believe that the big boss is so young!"

The spectators upstairs shouted loudly, vying to inform each other about today's explosive news.

The media reporters also began to enter their manuscripts, striving to publish them as soon as possible.

The anchors pointed their phones at Xiao Zihang and Han Zaibin. The next confrontation was exciting!

"It's great. I originally thought there was a huge disparity in power, but now they are evenly matched!"

"But after all, the security guard was wrong, and the boss was wrong. You can protect your employees, but you can't confuse right and wrong."

More people's attention was focused on Xiao Zihang.

"He looks familiar. I feel like I've seen this guy somewhere before."

"It seems to be a hot search online. Hey, do you think he looks like that Fudan school idol? That little brother who plays the piano so well!"

"I remember a student driving a supercar to Fudan University to register not long ago. Yes, it was him!

More and more people opened their phones and searched for news about Xiao Zihang online.

""Boss, boss, I am." The security guard Xiao Li came behind Xiao Zihang and couldn't hide his excitement.

Today, after feeling the cold, he felt the warmth like the sun.

"You are right, don't worry, I will give you and all the security brothers justice."

"This is my territory, it is not the turn of a star to point fingers and act recklessly"

"He, Han Jae-bin, owes you an apology."

Every word pierced the hearts of these security guards.

They had always been ordered around and didn't feel the respect they deserved.

Today, they were insulted wantonly, but they didn't dare to talk back.

"We have a good boss."

The security guards felt that all the grievances they had suffered today were worth it.

Taking a step forward, Xiao Zihang once again said to Han Zaibin and his fans:"Mr. Han, I saw it clearly just now. It was indeed your fan who started it first."

"But I, my agent, and my fans only saw your security guard abusing his power and pushing people to the ground. Is this true?"

"So, Mr. Han doesn't admit it?"

"There must be evidence for everything!"

"Evidence?" Xiao Zihang sneered,"If you want evidence, you can."

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