"There were so many people present, someone must have taken a picture of the scene"

"Now I offer a reward of 100,000 yuan. If you provide video evidence, I will give you 100,000 yuan in cash on the spot."

"Select three people."

I won't argue with you any more. Anything that can be solved with money is not a problem.

When Xiao Zihang's on-site reward was announced, the entire mall was crowded with people.

One hundred thousand yuan, as long as you provide a video evidence!

"Damn, this boss is so generous that he spends money for his employees without blinking an eye!"

"Good boss, I'm so envious, why didn't I take a video at the beginning!"

All of a sudden, the onlookers took action

"Me, me, me! Boss, I have a video here!"

""Boss, I took a clear picture!"

Soon, five or six people rushed towards Xiao Zihang. For 100,000 yuan, they ran faster than horses.

When they came in front of Xiao Zihang, they shook their phones and played the video content.

"Yours is not clear, nothing is captured"

"This video is fine and can be used as evidence"

"Very good, very clear, 100,000 yuan is yours."

After a screening, Xiao Zihang selected three lucky winners.

After the three video evidences appeared, the finance department also came down from upstairs with a bag of cash in his hand.

"Boss, here's the 300,000 in cash!"

"100,000 yuan each, give them that."

The three were very excited after receiving their respective 100,000 yuan awards.

Wasn't this money coming too easily?

"Thank you, boss. Your business is booming. Bandai Plaza is awesome!"

"Wow, it’s really 100,000 yuan, thank you so much, boss!"

This wave of invisible advertising has greatly improved the status of Bandai Plaza in people's hearts.

"Seriously, the owner of Bandai Plaza is awesome! I will choose this place for shopping from now on!"

"Han Zaibin can't argue now, haha."

Pointing at the phones in the hands of the three people, Xiao Zihang questioned Han Zaibin:"Mr. Han, the video evidence is here. It was your fan who slapped me first. When she wanted to slap me a second time, my security guard acted in self-defense."

"Manager Luo, please use the mall's large LED screen to play the video for everyone to see."

""Okay, boss!"

When Han Zaibin heard that Xiao Zihang wanted to play the video evidence in public, would he agree?

"Well, even if my fans started it first, would she do it for no reason?"

"There must be something wrong in the middle!"

"Yes, I think there is a problem too."Xiao Zihang said with a smile,"Your fans have a problem with their brains."

Brainless fans, of course they have a problem with their brains

"You!" Han Jae-bin clenched his fists. The development of the situation made him unable to back down."Boss, there is no need to play the video. Forget it, I don't need your security to apologize to my fans."

He wanted to make a big deal out of a small matter.

"How can this be possible?"Xiao Zihang absolutely refused,"You must apologize."

Soon, three videos appeared on the large LED screen in the mall.

In the videos, Han Zaibin's fans swore foul language, attacked the security guards, and physically assaulted them.

"Get out of here, you damn security guard! You’re blocking me from seeing Binbin!"

"Get out of the way! You dare to touch me? Binbin won't let you go!"

The fan's behavior became more and more excessive, but none of the security guards resisted.

Until the slap, security guard Xiao Li dragged the other person to the ground in order to protect himself.

"Mr. Han, isn't that clear enough?"

Playing video evidence on the big screen is to show Han Jae-bin's dark history to the public.

"Hahaha, this boss is so unique, he embarrassed Han Jae-bin in public"

"Awesome! The boss is so stubborn that he is determined to fight this kind of inferior artist to the end!"

Xiao Zihang gradually gained the favor of passers-by.

"My fan may be a little emotional and hit your security guard."Han Jae-bin was extremely depressed. It turned out that they were a bunch of brainless fans. They made him worry."But your security guard also hit someone. Both sides are at fault."

"I said, my security guard did nothing wrong"

"Is there a problem with self-defense? You can't fight back when someone hits you? Is there any law?"

This is self-defense, not hitting someone.

The question came to Han Jae-bin again.

"Don’t be afraid, Binbin, we will always have your back!"

"That's right, this kind of people are just looking for trouble, sisters, hold on!"

I really want to shut up this group of idiots, but Han Jae-bin can't do it.

His character doesn't allow it.

"Mr. Han, the cause and effect are very clear. My Bandai Plaza will continue to operate normally. There is no need to waste everyone's time."

"If you still want to go shopping, you are welcome. If you don't want to go shopping in my Bandai Plaza, you can leave immediately with your fans."


Of course, the premise is to apologize.

"Honey, what should I do?"Du Shihan tugged at her boyfriend Han Zaibin's clothes. If this incident were to get out, the negative impact would be too great.

"It's okay, my agent has already contacted the company."

Han Jae-bin is backed by Zhonghuang Entertainment, a top domestic agency and entertainment company.

Did you ask Zhonghuang Entertainment if you want to spread these news online today?

Xiao Zihang's tough attitude made many people present give him a thumbs up.

"This boss is really powerful, his background is definitely not simple!"

Without status, how dare you go against a big star like this?

"There will be a headline on the front page tomorrow. This news is too explosive!"Many reporters secretly rejoiced, but they all ignored Zhonghuang Entertainment behind Han Zaibin.

Seeing Xiao Zihang stand up for his employees, Dong Xiaoxue thought of that high school classmate.

Xiao Zihang used to be like this, standing up for his classmates.

"He is still the same, nothing has changed."

Everything was developing in Xiao Zihang's favor.

But at this moment, another voice appeared in the crowd.

"Is this boss the one who lives in Tomson One and drives a black sports car?"

"Yes, it’s him, the one on the trending search, he looks exactly like him with sunglasses on!"

Onlookers noticed it, and Han Jae Bin’s crazy fans also noticed it!

"It's him, it's him, sisters, look, the one who hit us with his car!"

"It turned out to be him. No wonder he had always been against Binbin. He was just jealous that our Binbin was so handsome!"

"Look everyone, this is the man, the owner of Tomson Yipin, the black-hearted boss who drives a sports car to drive people away!!"

Many people have seen this trending search that has been operated.

Rich people are unkind and have low quality.

Under the guidance of people with ulterior motives, netizens sneered at the owner of Tomson Yipin.

"It’s true. I used to have a good impression of him, but it turns out he’s a black-hearted boss!"

"I have seen that video. He drove a black supercar and arrogantly drove away Han Zaibin's fans at the entrance of Tomson Yipin."

"It turns out there was a grudge between them before, haha, no wonder he stood up and embarrassed others today, his motives were not pure!"

"Although these fans are at fault, the boss is at fault first. This time it might be a trap!"

I'm wrong. He's not a good boss. All crows are evil.

The sudden change made Han Jae-bin turn from defense to offense.

"No wonder you looked familiar, it's you!"

This matter can be made into a big fuss. As long as what Xiao Zihang did in Tomson Yipin is confirmed, Han Zaibin's image will not be affected but will be well received.

The conflict between his fans and security guards today can be attributed to Xiao Zihang's malicious revenge.

It's not like he has never reversed right and wrong.

Immediately, Han Zaibin became confident and questioned Xiao Zihang,"Boss, you drove a sports car in Tomson Yipin to drive away my fans before, and today you are making a big fuss about the security guards."

"Are you targeting my fans or me?"

Once the idol spoke, these brainless fans couldn't sit still.

"Last time you drove us away in a sports car and threatened to hit someone. Today you are deliberately going against us again. You are just jealous of us, Binbin!"

"Don't quibble, there are photos and videos of what you did at Tomson Yipin online"

"You can go and see, this boss has a bad temper, he would drive his car and hit someone if he didn't agree with something!!"

There have been many cases of rich second-generations being rude and unreasonable in China, driving supercars and doing whatever they want.

This incident has touched the nerves of ordinary people.

"It's true. I've seen that trending search. Driving a supercar is amazing."

"Rich people are all the same. Today, I think it's a PR move to stand up for the security guards!"

The previous incident made Xiao Zihang increasingly disadvantaged.

You made a mistake first, so your behavior today has many explanations.

It's no longer pure.

"Mr. Han, I haven't asked you for an explanation about the Tomson Yipin incident yet."

Xiao Zihang doesn't need to explain, the truth has already been revealed.

"Your fans blocked the gate of Tomson Yipin early in the morning, which seriously affected the travel of our owners."

"The property manager and security guard tried to mediate, but your fans turned a deaf ear to them and made things worse."

"Shouldn't you give everyone an explanation for this matter?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was in uproar again.

"Is this true or not? Who is lying?"

"I don't think this boss is lying. It's just a video and a few photos. We were not there!"

Han Jae-bin was very upset by the discussions around him.

"The news clearly said that my fans just came to take a look and did not cause any impact on Tomson Yipin"

"The video was very clear, but you, the boss, drove away my fans and almost hit someone"

"I didn't know it before, but now I realize it's really you!"

Both sides insisted on their own opinions and neither was willing to take a step back.

"Binbin, you must help me vent my anger! This person is too arrogant!"

"That's right, Binbin, you are the best. Don't be afraid, we all support you!"

These fans encouraged Han Zaibin so much that it was difficult for him to escape. He could only move forward with no way out.

Seeing the situation change again, Qin Feifei's eyes were full of worry. She held her handbag tightly with both hands, trembling slightly.

"Is it okay? Didn't you say it has been clarified?"

Xiao Zihang said before that the matter had been settled, so why is it being used by the other party now?

Han Zaibin's visit to Bandai Plaza this time had a huge impact. During the weekend, many students came to join in the fun.

Among them, there were several freshmen girls from Fudan University.

"Isn't that our school hunk? Xiao Zihang, is he the boss here?"

"That’s right, he always drives a supercar to school, so it’s no surprise that he’s the boss of Bandai Plaza!"

"Wow, Xiao Zihang looks handsome even with sunglasses. Opposite him is Han Zaibin, I think our school hunk is still the most handsome!"

But the arrival of these students can't change anything.

Xiao Zihang is not worried about Han Zaibin's use of Tomson Yipin.

"Mr. Han, since you keep making a fuss about Tomson Yipin, I have something to show you, too."

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