"Hello, boss."

The arrogant Qian Duoli finally suppressed his anger and lowered his head.

Of course he hated Xiao Zihang, but in the current situation, he could only admit his mistakes to get out of trouble.

Can the big star Han Zaibin admit his mistakes? Will his brainless fans know their mistakes?

There is no way, after all, one person took it all.

Agents, sometimes they can only come out to take the blame.

Besides, he is not a good person, it is not wronged.

"Boss, we had some misunderstandings about this matter. Now the misunderstandings have been resolved. It was indeed my fault. There were some loopholes in management."

"All wrong, it's my fault"

"Sorry, I apologize to everyone."

"Do you think you have a say here?" Xiao Zihang continued to repeat what he had just said. He wanted an agent to take all the blame. What a joke!

"Boss, I know I am insignificant, but my apology is sincere!"At this moment, Qian Duoli was as humble as dust, which made the security captain who was yelled at just now feel hot-blooded.

If I don't work hard for such a good boss, am I still a human being?

"Okay, you do have a problem. I accept your apology, and so do everyone else, but it's a bit perfunctory. You, make a formal apology to my security brothers."

After thinking about it, Xiao Zihang decided to let this guy calm the security guards down first.


Xiao Zihang was getting more and more aggressive, but Qian Duoli had no choice but to obey.

He walked in front of dozens of security guards and bowed his head to apologize.

""I'm sorry, I apologize to everyone!"

He said it with gnashing teeth, very unwilling.

As soon as Qian Duoli said the three words"I'm sorry", all the security guards felt relieved, and the people at the scene also felt comfortable.

It was as if a tyrannical villain finally bowed his head and apologized under the pressure of the fishing reel, admitting his defeat!

"That's how it should be, cool and satisfying!"

"Look, several security guards have red eyes. They have been waiting for this sorry for who knows how long!"

"Good boss, where can you find such a good boss?"

The video of Xiao Zihang forcing Qian Duoli to apologize to the security guard has been uploaded to the Internet by many people.

If Zhonghuang Entertainment can block the news, can it also shut up all the netizens?

The agent apologized, but this is far from enough.

After a pause, Xiao Zihang looked at Han Zaibin and his crazy fans, and continued:"Your agent has apologized, and now what?"

"Boss, it's all my fault, I've already apologized!"Qian Duoli knew what Xiao Zihang wanted to do, he was so bold!

"You can only represent yourself, not the star and his fans."

Xiao Zihang's goal is clear, which is to make Han Zaibin and his crazy fans apologize.

I am the boss of my territory!

"My fellow security guards need to hear a more sincere apology."

Xiao Zihang's statement made the scene boil again.

"What is this boss doing? He actually wants the big star to apologize to the security guard in public? Impossible!"

"Are you crazy? Who can compare to Han Zaibin's current traffic? This boss is almost done. If he continues

, they will be incompatible!"The big star Han Zaibin apologized in public. This kind of thing will never happen!

Seeing this, Dong Xiaoxue's palms were sweating.

She was nervous. She was worried about Xiao Zihang.

"Will Xiao Zihang be okay? Dad, what should we do?"

"What can we ordinary people do? Don't worry, your classmate can say such things, he must have capital behind him."

Without strength, who dares to go head-to-head with a big star?

As expected, Xiao Zihang's words made Han Zaibin's face change again and again.

"My agent has already apologized." Han Jae-bin tried his best not to explode."This matter is over."

"Can't you see what your fans are doing?"

"As an idol, you should be responsible for the behavior of your fans!"

This sentence once again aroused applause from many viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Well said, well done boss!"

"Of course idols have to pay for fans' behavior, this is what stars should do."

However, this sentence once again aroused Han Jae-bin's fans to resist

"Don’t be so arrogant, we Binbin will teach you a lesson sooner or later!"

"Just wait and see, our Binbin will help us get revenge!"

These brainless fans are still trying to discredit their idols at this time.

"Mr. Han, you saw it too, right?"In Xiao Zihang's opinion, these fans are enough to ruin Han Zaibin's reputation.

""You don't want to discipline fans like this?"

They are like a group of spoiled girls, but the crazy fans have no parents in their eyes, only idols.

After saying that, Xiao Zihang made a move that caused a sensation again.

He took off his sunglasses.

When Xiao Zihang took off his glasses and his face, which looked like it was carved by a knife, appeared in public, everyone seemed to suffocate.

Handsome, really handsome!

And that kind of handsomeness is not just the handsomeness of a star.

Temperament, an incomparable nobleness

"So handsome, wow, this boss’s looks make even a man like me jealous!"

"This face reminded me of the big star from a few years ago, Asian Grass! Mr. Zun!"

That big star has a face that can beat most male stars nowadays, and he is also very noble. With a decent outfit and a tall figure.

Xiao Zihang's 360-degree face without dead ends, and the temperament he exudes, are enough to rival that Asian Grass back then!

"This boss is the big star, right?"

"What a rubbish young hunk! Look at that heavily made-up sissy. The morals of men are corrupted by this group of people!"

Just now it was a comparison between Qin Feifei and Du Shihan, and now it is a comparison between Xiao Zihang and Han Zaibin.

Another complete victory.

When they go out, Xiao Zihang and Qin Feifei are the stars, and Han Zaibin is far behind in temperament and appearance.

It's even more embarrassing.

Angry, extremely angry!

Han Zaibin has been humiliated by Xiao Zihang again and again in various invisible ways.

The key is that he has no way to deal with it, and even doesn't know the other party's name.

"Mr. Han, am I wrong?"

Xiao Zihang exerted invisible pressure, forcing the other party to retreat step by step.

At this moment, because Xiao Zihang showed his face, more people noticed his extraordinary identity.

Before, there were already various fragmentary news about him on the Internet.

Combined with today's hot searches, he was recognized by many people.

"Isn’t he the Fudan school idol that is on the hot search?"

"It's true. I watched that video. The piano master, no no no, the piano prince, played so beautifully!"

Only through the online video, netizens can experience the tossing and turning of love and the natural fragrance of the prairie from Xiao Zihang's piano sound.

Then, more revelations came out.

"Do you remember a freshman from Fudan who drove a rare supercar to school? Yes, it was the school idol of Fudan, the boss!"

"What kind of family is this? Isn’t this boss only 18 years old?"

"Awesome! I don't give in to anyone. I've become a fan of this Fudan school idol today!"

If Xiao Zihang embarks on the path of becoming a celebrity in variety shows, what will Han Zaibin have to do with him?

A total kill.

""Binbin, what's going on?"

At this point, the agent Qian Duoli was anxious.

Originally, he thought Xiao Zihang was just the owner of Bandai Plaza and Tomson Yipin, and drove a black supercar.

But now, he has more than one luxury car and is a student at Fudan University.

Overall, his status is definitely not ordinary!

"But if I apologize, you know the consequences!"Han Jae-bin knew the consequences, which would have a huge impact on his popularity. All the previous hype about the engagement would go down the drain.

The stalemate was still in a state of anxiety.

Han Jae-bin gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and refused to admit defeat.

"It's so strong. Look at Han Jae-bin. He feels worse than eating shit. Oh, oh, oh"

"I can only say that this Fudan school hunk is too manly. No, what did I find out again?"

Soon, netizens discovered another video on the Internet, also about Fudan school hunk.

"In the chorus of"My Motherland and I", the one who played the guitar and led the singing was still him!"

"Wow, after the military training at Fudan University, all the teachers and students spontaneously sang"My Motherland and I". This is what a prestigious university should look like!"

Not only Xiao Zihang, but even Fudan University has been attracted by the song

"You're famous already?" Qin Feifei looked at Xiao Zihang, her eyes full of joy.

You can't hide the look of liking someone.

"Yes, he is the school hunk of our Fudan University."Several freshmen girls from Fudan University present felt extremely proud.

Xiao Zihang from the School of Economics is awesome! He really brings honor to the school.

Unfortunately, Han Zaibin still didn't apologize.

The live broadcast room was once again filled with various comments.

"You have no sense of responsibility and are not willing to take responsibility for the mistakes of your fans?"

"Humph, getting him to apologize is harder than climbing to the sky. I'm going to make a statement, if Han Jae-bin apologizes, I'll stand on my head and have diarrhea!"

"Please remember the ID of the brother above and remind him when the time comes."

Back at the scene, Xiao Zihang's patience was almost reaching its limit.

Just as he was about to take further action, a voice came from the right.

Then, a fat middle-aged���Pretending to be a man, he came smiling

""Hello, Boss Xiao!" The middle-aged man in a suit introduced himself,"My last name is Li, and I'm the boss of Xinghaihui Buffet Restaurant. Hehe, thank you for your care, Boss Xiao!"

Businessmen are all shrewd people. Seeing the current situation, they immediately came out to show their favor and presence.

If Xiao Zihang can leave an impression, they will make money!

"It's Boss Li. Hello. Xiao Zihang nodded calmly.

With one boss taking the lead, more heads and bosses of companies settled in Bandai Plaza came one after another.

"Hello, Boss Xiao, you are really promising at a young age!"

""Boss Xiao, I'm the person in charge of the Steakhouse of He Zhiwu. Hello, hello. I hope you can take care of me this year!"

One by one, they came to get close to him, and everyone was stunned.

"How can this be possible? As expected of the boss of the entire Bandai Plaza, these small bosses all come to curry favor with him."

"The face of the card, this is the face of the card, it seems that businessmen have a good eye. Look, does anyone look at Han Zaibin?"

He is just a star, and cannot be compared with real capital! If you offend Han Zaibin, you will only lose a few customers, but if you offend Xiao Zihang, do you still want to work here?

Standing next to Xiao Zihang, Manager Luo is extremely honored.

He believes that as long as Boss Xiao is there, Bandai Plaza will be more brilliant.

"We have a good boss!"Manager Luo felt the same way as all the security guards.

Unfortunately, the apology never came.

"It’s okay. Han Jaebin is of certain status. Isn’t it enough that the boss can stand up for us like this?"

"We are very satisfied. Let's leave it at that. In the future, everyone should work hard and not let the boss down."

All the security guards did not expect Han Zaibin to apologize to them. It was a fantasy!

The boss's kindness was enough.

After talking to the responsible persons and small bosses who came to show their presence, Xiao Zihang looked at Han Zaibin again.

This time, it was the limit of his patience.


"Mr. Han." Xiao Zihang's tone was cold, completely different from his previous warm tone,"It's almost time, please give me an answer immediately."

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