The powerful aura made Han Zaibin's bones seem to be crushed.

He stood there unable to move, surrounded by the burning eyes of the onlookers.

This feeling of shame and anger was the first time he experienced it.

"Let's wait and see!"

Han Zaibin could only complain in his heart. In the current situation, he had only one choice.

"Sorry, Boss Xiao, let me apologize to you first. I do have to take a lot of responsibility for this matter."

Han Zaibin compromised and admitted his mistake!

"Then please show due sincerity, Mr. Han." Xiao Zihang pointed at the security guards behind him.

They were all forced!

One step! Two steps! Three steps!

This is the longest road Han Zaibin has ever walked.

Standing in front of the many security guards, Han Zaibin took a deep breath. No matter how much resentment there is, it all turned into three words at this moment.

He bowed slightly, trying his best to create a sincere and humble attitude.

""I'm sorry."

These three words made all the security guards behind Xiao Zihang feel respected.

They, the security guards, made the popular star Han Zaibin apologize!

Instantly, the whole audience was silent.

Not many people were optimistic about Han Zaibin's apology. A well-known young star apologizing to a group of security guards?

But that was the fact. Xiao Zihang used his absolute power to turn everything around!

The idol's apology made Han Zaibin's crazy fans burst into tears on the spot.

"Binbin, no, Binbin, you can’t apologize to them!"

"How could this be possible? Is there no law that forces Binbin to apologize to those people?"

"See? This is our Binbin. He is willing to apologize even though he did nothing wrong to calm things down!"

There are still many brainless fans who can't see the situation clearly, but some fans want to stand by their idol after crying.

"Sisters, Binbin has been wronged, we must stand with him and protect him forever!"

"Okay, isn't it just an apology? Can't we apologize to those people?"

It seemed as if they were also being coerced and were very helpless.

"I'm sorry."

Many brainless fans bowed their heads and apologized to the security guards of Bandai Plaza after Han Jae-bin.

At this moment, the whole audience was silent, followed by thunderous cheers.

"Boss Xiao is awesome!"

"Strong, strong, strong! Han Jae-bin apologized!"

It is so difficult to get an idol star to apologize in public.

But Xiao Zihang did it. He protected the security of Bandai Plaza and his employees.

This scene was also seen by the property and security of Tomson Yipin, who also watched it all through the live broadcast.

"Mr. Xiao is indeed protecting his employees!"

"It is our blessing to have an owner like Mr. Xiao."

"These brainless fans have finally gotten what they deserved. We finally vented our anger!"

Xiao Zihang asked the big star Han Zaibin to apologize to the security guard in public. It was too shocking.

A heavy bomb exploded quickly in the square.

The news spread at a rapid speed and spread wantonly on the Internet.

However, Zhonghuang Entertainment stretched out a huge black hand and suppressed most of the news on the Internet!

The hand has eyes all over the sky!

"This is the only way." Manager Qian Duoli should be thankful that Han Zaibin didn't get angry and tear his face off here, otherwise there would be no way to turn the situation around.

The current situation can still be saved!

"Let the company package and hype it up, Binbin is apologizing to the fans."

The loss won't be too big.

Xiao Zihang is not afraid of Han Zaibin at all.

"Come to think of it, you are also the spokesperson for another company of mine?"

YiChe Trading Group, the current spokesperson is exactly him!

"I will go to Yiche Trading Group tomorrow and ask about the spokesperson."

I am the largest shareholder and chairman of that company. Isn't the spokesperson a simple matter?

But if you really want to make trouble, you have to make it big.

"Let’s talk about it tomorrow, we still have to go shopping today!"

I’m sorry" came out from the mouth of the brainless fan, and the whole Bandai Plaza heard it.

"What is a good boss? A good boss is one who protects his employees!

Even if he is facing a big star, he still fights for the dignity of his employees.

Isn't such a boss worthy of applause?

I don't know who was the first to applaud.

""Pa pa pa!"

Then, more and more people stretched out their hands and gave Xiao Zihang warm applause.

The sound was like thunder!

At this moment, the whole audience applauded!

"If I could have a boss like this, I would be willing to work overtime every day!"

"Is Bandai Plaza still short of security guards? I don't have much education or ability, but I am very strong."

This time, he stepped forward and made Bandai Plaza famous in Shanghai.

It is much more reliable than relying on the traffic brought by Han Zaibin.

Everyone was applauding Xiao Zihang.

These voices reached Han Zaibin's ears, making him feel ashamed and wishing he could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Honey, shall we go?"Du Shihan still had no opinion, a complete vase, she didn't want to stay in this place for a moment.

Qin Feifei and she wore the same clothes, which made her very embarrassed.

Who made the other person look better?

"Let's go!"

Han Jae-bin didn't want to stay, every second was torture.

Then, the big star Han Jae-bin turned around, walked through the crowd with his girlfriend, and left quickly.

He didn't even look back, not even a glance at his fans.

"Binbin, Binbin, wait for us!"

"Binbin, we will always stand by your side!"

Even though they were abandoned by their idol in public, these crazy fans were still like flies chasing feces, and they would not leave for a moment.

When Han Zaibin and his crazy fans left, the entire Bandai Plaza was much emptier.

The farce was over, and the onlookers also dispersed.

""Boss Xiao! Are you available for an interview?"

Many reporters came forward with microphones in hand and smiles on their faces. They originally wanted to interview Han Zaibin, but he was the background board today.

In order to highlight Xiao Zihang's

"Sorry to trouble you all." Xiao Zihang smiled politely at first, then refused,"I have something else to do. If you have any questions, you can contact Manager Luo."

"Manager Luo, the next thing is up to you!"

"Yes, boss!"

When Manager Luo was being interviewed, many security guards, led by security captain Zhang Haoqiang, bowed to Xiao Zihang.

Today was their first time meeting the boss, and this meeting meant eternal loyalty.

"Boss, I will work hard in the future and will never let you down!"

"Thank you, sir. I wouldn't know it without you.……"

"Captain Zhang."Xiao Zihang smiled at everyone, showing his boss's demeanor,"Brothers have been wronged today and have worked hard. I announce that the salary of all security guards will be increased by 20%! As long as you perform well, you will get a raise in the future!"

If an employee wants to resign, it is nothing more than being wronged or being underpaid.

Then Xiao Zihang will give both!

After solving the employee's problem, Xiao Zihang walked to Qin Feifei.

Just as he was about to speak, his cell phone rang.

The call was from his high school classmate Dong Xiaoxue

"Xiao Zihang, old classmate, it's you!"

Originally, Dong Xiaoxue wanted to talk to Xiao Zihang before leaving, but seeing that he was being treated like a star, it was inconvenient for her to come over.

""What's wrong?" Xiao Zihang asked the high school beauty,"Are you scared?"

"Forget it. Will our boss Xiao come to the class reunion on Tuesday?"

"Come on, but I hope you can keep today's events a secret for now." Those high school classmates, if you can, then keep it a secret.

Xiao Zihang has always been low-key.

""Okay, okay, Boss Xiao has ordered me to do this, how dare I disobey him?"

After saying a few more words, Dong Xiaoxue hung up the phone and left.

""That class beauty?" Qin Feifei blinked and looked into Xiao Zihang's eyes and asked softly

"Yes, asking me if I would still attend the class reunion"

"Phew!" Qin Feifei's smile grew."Having a classmate like you must be very stressful. You have to be understanding."

It was already noon, and the customers of Bandai Plaza were all moving towards the food area.

Looking at the flow of people, Xiao Zihang asked,"Fei Fei, what should we do next?"

"How about going to Xinghaihui Buffet?"

That place has a special meaning to Qin Feifei. It was the first time that Xiao Zihang stood up for her and stopped her from being harassed by her classmates.

"Xinghaihui buffet?"

"That's right." Qin Feifei stuck out her tongue and said mischievously,"Just now the boss came to you to show his good will. If we go there now, maybe we can get it for free."

"Forget about the buffet. Are you influenced by your best friend and only know how to eat all day?"Xiao Zihang scratched Qin Feifei's nose. He didn't expect that after just a few days, this woman has become more and more naughty.

"Next, should we do something serious?"

Xiao Zihang stared at Qin Feifei with his deep eyes until her face turned red.

"What business?"

Qin Feifei always felt that Xiao Zihang's words were strange and not serious.

"Of course

I'm going to spend 50 million today!

No one can stop me from spending money.

""Oh." Qin Feifei responded,"Then where should we go next?"

"Go to Plaza 66."

Bandai Plaza is for ordinary consumers, and there are almost no luxury stores.

If you want to spend tens of millions here, just dream on it.

The largest concentration of luxury goods in Shanghai is Plaza 66.

"Look at you, you're wearing the same clothes yesterday and today." Xiao Zihang joked,"You're wearing the same clothes as Han Zaibin's girlfriend Du Shihan, aren't you embarrassed?"

"I'm not embarrassed." As long as she stood next to Xiao Zihang, she had nothing to be embarrassed about.

The other party was a big star, and she was just an art school student, so she just had to be generous.

"Let's go, we'll have lunch over at Plaza 66."

There's a new Western restaurant that's well-received, and Xiao Zihang wants to try it.

With Qin Feifei, Xiao Zihang once again walked towards the underground parking lot under the envious eyes of passers-by.

At this time, the big star Han Zaibin was there with his girlfriend and agent, saying goodbye to his crazy fans.

This group of fans did not repent and once again blocked the underground parking lot.

"Binbin, we will always support you!"

"Don't worry, Binbin, we will make that boss regret it sooner or later!"

When these brainless fans swore solemnly, Xiao Zihang's voice came from outside. He just arrived

"Who do you want to make regret?"

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Zihang and Qin Feifei were in front of Han Zaibin.

The two looked at each other and a fierce confrontation broke out again.

The atmosphere in the entire underground parking lot suddenly dropped to freezing point.

""Boss Xiao!? You!"

Han Zaibin felt like something was stuck in his throat. Why did he meet him again?

Why was my luck so bad today?

"Mr. Han, it seems that your fans are still the same." Xiao Zihang's eyes were emotionless, and his tone was extremely solemn,"This time, what are you going to do?"

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