"Boss Xiao, they are just sending me away and will be back soon."

Han Zaibin was startled when he saw Xiao Zihang, just like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Oh, really?" Xiao Zihang said calmly,"Then please make way. You are blocking my way."

"You! You!"

A crazy fan was about to explode, but was immediately grabbed by his manager Qian Duoli.

Han Zaibin was not in a position to take action, so his manager came!

There is always someone who has to play the bad guy, and Qian Duoli once again took the blame.

"Shut up and don't be rude to Boss Xiao!" Qian Duoli grabbed the fan's arm and pulled her aside.

"Binbin!" This brainless fan immediately burst into tears like raindrops,"Binbin, your agent, he, he!"

"Qian Duoli!" Han Jae Bin immediately played the role of the good guy and calmed the fans down,"Don't think that just because you are my agent, you can treat my fans like this!"

"Are you okay?"Han Zaibin's girlfriend Du Shihan also played the role of a good person, hugging the fan and comforting him.

During this time, Du Shihan saw Qin Feifei, who was wearing the same clothes as her.

Angry, it's so embarrassing today!

Seeing these guys' natural acting skills, Xiao Zihang resisted the urge to laugh wildly and walked towards his Rolls-Royce Huiying.

"It's a pity that Han Zaibin's acting skills don't go to the Oscars."

As they walked, Xiao Zihang whispered in Qin Feifei's ear.

His magnetic voice sounded in the girl's ears, making Qin Feifei's face blush again.

When he came to the Rolls-Royce Huiying, Xiao Zihang pressed the car key.

In an instant, the noble horn of the Rolls-Royce sounded.

The lights flashed, blinding Qian Duoli, Han Zaibin and others.

"This car, this car is his?"

Qian Duoli kept swallowing his saliva, envious and jealous. Why should such a good car be his?

"Rolls-Royce Huiying, the 90 million car is his?"

Rolls-Royce is a symbol of status. Perhaps, this is the cruel capital.

Looking at Xiao Zihang, Han Zaibin couldn't say anything.

"Binbin, let's not trouble him for the time being."Having been a broker for many years, Qian Duoli can see the situation clearly.

At least relying on Han Zaibin alone is definitely not enough, unless the crown prince Huang Haolong behind the scenes takes action.

"Okay, I know, after all, there are more important things."

Han Zaibin glanced at his girlfriend Du Shihan. They were going to get engaged on National Day, and by then many bigwigs and celebrities would gather.

That was a big deal!

As long as the National Day engagement banquet was well organized, what happened today would not be a big deal!

Entering the Rolls-Royce, Xiao Zihang started the engine.

"What's so cool about it? It's just a car. How can it be more expensive than our Binbin's Koenigsegg REGERA?"

These crazy fans have learned a lot about their idol's car and remember it clearly.

"Our Binbin's car is worth more than 10 million, and it was limited to 80 units at that time!"

These idiots really make Han Zaibin feel overwhelmed.

Please shut up, it's embarrassing!

That's the only one in the world, a custom-made Rolls-Royce Wraith! 90 million!

My Koenigsegg REGERA is not good enough.

Unlike supercars, the sound of a Rolls-Royce is not harsh, but rather has a noble and elegant feel.

When driving to the door, Xiao Zihang honked the horn to signal

"You are blocking the way."

Once again, the story of Tomson Yipin is repeated

"You! Let's go, girls!"

After suffering a loss, these brainless fans learned their lesson.

The brainless fans blocking the door retreated outside like a black tide.

A broad road appeared in front of Xiao Zihang.

""Beep, beep." Two more car horns honked, like the sound of a victory horn.

They drove away, leaving only Han Zaibin and his friends gritting their teeth.

Along the way, this Rolls-Royce had no problems, and no car dared to linger nearby.

"Feifei, what do you want to eat?"

""I'll listen to you." When a girl gives you the initiative, it means you have a special status in her heart.

"There is a new western restaurant in Plaza 66. I will take you there."

Being able to open in Plaza 66 where luxury goods are everywhere, the restaurant is naturally not cheap.

They are all rich people.

Half an hour later, the Rolls-Royce Huiying appeared in the parking lot.

Even in a place full of luxury cars, this car is the brightest one.

Many car owners saw the Rolls-Royce Huiying and were full of envy.

"Honey, is this a Rolls-Royce Wraith?" A middle-aged lady wearing a fancy shawl and a dress exclaimed,"It's amazing, it's custom-made.""

"It's Huiying?" An elite business man in a suit was accompanying his boss to buy a new suit."I wonder which big boss is coming."

In an instant, the eyes of the car owners in the entire parking lot were focused on this car.


Xiao Zihang took Qin Feifei down from the Rolls-Royce Huiying.

Everyone was shocked!

"So young? You tell me the owner of Huiying is a young man?"

In the stereotype of the upper class, Rolls-Royce is exclusive to middle-aged and elderly people.

As a young man in his prime, wouldn't it be nice to drive a cool sports car?

"This Huiying is a coupe, right?"

In fact, it is also half a sports car.

Then, Xiao Zihang and Qin Feifei slowly left in the envious eyes of many upper-class people.

Outstanding temperament, perfect facial features and figure.

As dazzling as a star!

""A big star is coming?" This was their first feeling.

When she came to Plaza 66 today, Qin Feifei once again felt the different looks from everyone.

""Everyone is looking at us."

Qin Feifei showed a shy expression like a little girl, embarrassed by being looked at.

But isn't this feeling of being the center of attention exactly like being a star?

Arriving at"Rolls Steak House", Xiao Zihang and the others found a seat by the window and sat down.

They could see people coming and going on the street outside.

""Mister and Miss, what would you like to order?" A waiter in a tuxedo came up with a menu in his hand.���After Zihang arrived, the waiter stood by and waited with a smile.

The steakhouse is very large and the interior decoration is luxurious.

This restaurant specializes in beef and competes with another"Roosevelt Top Steakhouse" in Shanghai.

"One vegetable salad, one oxtail soup, two smoked salmon, two grilled goose livers, and two of your signature steaks."

"Yes, sir." The waiter took the menu and asked,"How would you like your steak to be cooked?"

"Eight points." Qin Feifei had never eaten Western food in a Western restaurant and didn't know much about steak.

""Well done?"

The waiter's face was full of embarrassment. When he was about to correct her, Xiao Zihang spoke up.

"Give me a rare steak, too."

After saying that, Xiao Zihang smiled and put the Rolls-Royce car keys on the table.

"Is there a problem?"

"Um, no."The waiter knew that Xiao Zihang chose the same steak as the lady to avoid some embarrassment.

What a gentleman!

In fact, it was this Rolls-Royce key that shocked him.

"That's good." Xiao Zihang added,"A medium-rare steak is just fried for a few seconds on medium rare. It shouldn't be a difficult task for your chef, right?"

Having said that, the waiter nodded.

"Please wait a moment."

Western steaks are only cooked 3, 5, 7, and well done, and there is no such thing as 8.

But in front of Rolls-Royce and wealth, does it matter?

If you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

An hour later, Xiao Zihang and his partner enjoyed a delicious Western meal and paid the bill with satisfaction.

The total cost was 8,200 yuan.

""Good, your tip." Xiao Zihang threw out a stack of money, a total of 2,000 yuan.

Western-style restaurant tips are generally around 10%, who can be so willful if they have money?

After the waiter thanked him gratefully, Xiao Zihang left the restaurant.

"Finally, I can go shopping."

There is still a long way to go before reaching 50 million yuan in consumption.

Amount of consumption: 402,000 yuan.

It's not enough at all.

Walking in the bustling Plaza 66, Qin Feifei looked at the dazzling array of goods and asked,"Where should we go first?"

"Want to start a live broadcast?"

"No need for that." Qin Feifei shook her head. Now, she didn't want to talk to the"bad guys" in the live broadcast room.

"Then we can open it when we go to Patek Philippe to buy watches."

Xiao Zihang said as he arrived in front of the Armani flagship store.

The men's suits of this luxury brand are very stylish.

The decoration style of the entire flagship store is modern and simple, with dark brown tones.

There are closets around the walls, displaying various clothes and cosmetics. There are two counters in the middle, with expensive jewelry inside.

"Hello, sir, hello, madam."

Two men and two women, four shop assistants immediately came to the door to greet them.

The clothes on Xiao Zihang and Qin Feifei were all luxury goods.

"I'll go try on suits first, you can go shopping here."

Xiao Zihang is going to Yiche Trading Group tomorrow, Monday. As the chairman of the board, how can he not have a few low-key, luxurious and meaningful suits?

"Well, I'll wait for you then." Qin Feifei, accompanied by two elegantly dressed female shop assistants, sat on the sofa and flipped through fashion magazines.

Fruits and chocolates were always available.

"Your boyfriend is very handsome."

These words came from the heart of the two female employees. Xiao Zihang is indeed handsome and rich, and is the dream lover of countless girls.

"Really?"Qin Feifei was overjoyed by what they said.


In the fashion magazine, there are all kinds of new Armani models.

Not long after, Qin Feifei turned to the bottom of the magazine.

""I think you've made your choice?" A female clerk said to Qin Feifei with a smile,"Go and have a look."

Standing up from the sofa, Qin Feifei's high heels made a crisp sound as she approached Xiao Zihang step by step.

"Will he look more handsome in this suit?"

Full of expectation, Qin Feifei came behind Xiao Zihang.

Turning around, looking back.

Xiao Zihang in the Armani suit looked more mature and steady.

But the hidden nobility was even stronger.

"Sir, this suit is perfect for you.

Several shop assistants praised it highly. They thought such a young and wealthy customer should not be missed.

"Well, I am also satisfied." Xiao Zihang continued to ask,"How many sets did I try just now?"

"A total of 3 sets"

"Is this the only color per set?"

"Sir, each set has seven colors: brown, gray, black, blue, white, purple and red."

"There are seven days in a week, and 3 times 7 equals 21." Xiao Zihang nodded, took out his bank card and said calmly,"Pack up all these 21 suits for me."

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