"What a pretty waitress!"

Seeing Shen Qianqian's pitiful appearance, Qian Longfei's eyes were straight.

His current lover Hu Siya is not as good as this little girl.

"I'll find a chance to get the contact information later, hehe.

Qian Longfei was already thinking about the future. Generally, the waitresses in this kind of hotel are not well educated and are easy to pick up.

Perhaps because she felt Qian Longfei's ill intentions, Hu Siya became even more angry.

Women are naturally hostile to women who are prettier than themselves.

""Is it okay to just say sorry?" Hu Siya said angrily,"Fifteen thousand, can you afford it?""

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it."

"Oh, okay, okay." Qian Longfei felt pity for her, but actually he was lustful."It's nothing, let's go, he's still waiting for us."

""Be careful when you walk next time, okay?" Hu Siya glared at Shen Qianqian, then took Qian Longfei's hand and walked towards the private room on the second floor.

The door of the private room was open, and the two of them went in directly.

"Almost everyone has arrived." Squad leader Wen Chaofeng glanced at Xiao Zihang, then said to everyone,"Zhang Qijun said he will be late due to traffic jam, so we don't have to wait."

"Then I’ll serve the food!"

"Come on, Qian Longfei, you two sit down."Although he was unhappy with Qian Longfei, the squad leader still succumbed to his wealth.

This watch!

With just one glance, the squad leader saw the watch on Qian Longfei's hand.

Vacheron Constantin Malta series 30066/000R-8816 watch, priced at 1.4 million.

Rich gold, dazzling!

"Damn, comparing yourself to others makes you angry. My Mercedes SL is not as expensive as his watch!"

Sitting in the seat, Hu Siya saw Xiao Zihang at first sight.

"So handsome!!"

She never expected that Qian Longfei actually had such a classmate!

With such a top-notch appearance, she would be willing to pay a little money.

"Let me introduce my girlfriend Hu Siya. Qian Longfei immediately introduced her to everyone and deliberately glanced at the class beauties Dong Xiaoxue and Xiao Zihang.

But the two ignored him and didn't respond at all.

""Fuck, you really came here to disgust me!" Qian Longfei wanted to slap him.

Soon, the first batch of cold dishes came up.

The waiter who served the dishes was Shen Qianqian.

Because it was inconvenient to talk, Shen Qianqian just passed by Xiao Zihang with the dishes and smiled at him.

Xiao Zihang also smiled back

"Is this the charm of the school hunk?"

The boys in the class were so jealous. Xiao Zihang had just arrived at the restaurant, and she let such a pretty waitress smile at him?

Being handsome really allows you to do whatever you want.

""Damn!" But Qian Longfei felt even worse.

Hu Siya was also uncomfortable. She had already concluded that this waitress was not a good person. She started flirting with the handsome male customer. What else could she be but flirting?

After taking a bite of the cold cucumber salad, Qian Longfei asked Xiao Zihang,"Hey, Mr. Fudan, what car did you drive here today?""

Don't you have a bunch of car keys?

Let me see what you drive!"

"A car is just a means of transportation." Xiao Zihang picked up a caramel cashew nut and replied,"But your Porsche 918 is very good."

"Well, you have good vision." Although he hated Xiao Zihang, Qian Longfei felt a sense of accomplishment after hearing this sentence.

"Porsche 918 has been discontinued for a long time, and now it is out of stock. Where did you get it from?"

Xiao Zihang's question was exactly what everyone present was curious about.

A rare supercar can't be bought with just money.


Qian Longfei didn't expect Xiao Zihang to ask such a tricky question, and he was silent for a moment.

After thinking for a while, he replied:"Oh, this car, I asked a friend inside to get it, haha, it cost a lot of money. The money is not important, the main thing is that I like this car." If I do n't pretend now, when will I?

"As long as you like it." Xiao Zihang smiled without revealing his feelings. At this moment, he had found out the truth.

This blue Porsche 918 was indeed the one he didn't want to give to the club.

""It's just a slut."

After a while, the first hot dish came up - sweet and sour pork ribs.

After putting down the dish, Shen Qianqian glanced at Xiao Zihang and smiled as she left.

When she returned to the lobby on the first floor, Shen Qianqian was about to go to the kitchen when she suddenly saw three people coming in.

"Professor Yang! Senior? And Professor Ye?"

Shen Qianqian thought they were here to eat, so she immediately covered her face and ran away.

She couldn't be seen!

Arriving at Xilinmen Restaurant, Professor Yang looked at the familiar environment and introduced it to his fiancée Zhao Yelin,"Ye Lin, the food in this restaurant is very good. You haven't been here before, right?"

"Light source, let's go to the private room on the second floor."

""Okay, Qingwei, let's go upstairs." Professor Yang called his niece Gu Qingwei.

Then, the three of them went to a small private room on the second floor. Next door was Xiao Zihang and his friends.

After sitting down, Professor Yang began to order food from the waiter.

"This, this, and this braised pork, and this vinegar fish."

After ordering the dishes, Professor Yang drank tea and said with a smile:"Qingwei, are you sure Shen Qianqian works here?"

"Well, what Xiao Zihang said is not wrong"

"This Xiao Zihang is really incomprehensible."Professor Yang's fiancée Zhao Yelin smiled and shook her head. She had never seen such a mysterious student before. He was really all-powerful!

However, it was a blessing for Fudan to have such a student.

"Well, the purpose of our coming here today is very simple."Professor Yang has always been doing scientific research and his life is also well organized."First, try the signature dishes of Xilinmen, and then talk to Shen Qianqian, and it would be best if we could bring the boss here with us."

Shen Qianqian has good scores in the college entrance examination and cannot be delayed like this.

If there are difficulties, the school and they can help.

But when helping students from such families with difficulties, you must not just throw a stack of money on the table.

That is an insult to their dignity.

"Uncle, I'll go ask later."

"Well, Qingwei, I leave it to you." Zhao Yelin stared at Gu Qingwei again and again. Out of a woman's intuition, she found that when this child mentioned Xiao Zihang, her calm eyes would slightly fluctuate.

Some subtle emotions had already spread.

"Sister Ye Lin, and uncle, you don't have to come here today."

Gu Qingwei can handle Shen Qianqian's affairs alone.

"How can this be possible?"Professor Yang has always been protective of his students. He would never allow anyone to bully Fudan students."Anyway, I just happened to come here to eat and find Shen Qianqian by the way."

"Qingwei, what about your uncle?"Zhao Yelin has the rationality of a scientific researcher, and immediately teased,"Aren't you the same, you like to protect your shortcomings?"

As the vice president of the Student Union, Gu Qingwei is dedicated to the students of Fudan University. It runs in the family.

After the first dish came, the three began to pick up their chopsticks.


On the other side, Xiao Zihang and his friends were also eating and chatting.

"Awesome! Brother Fei, why is your watch gold?"

"Is this watch from Vacheron Constantin?"

As soon as Qian Longfei arrived here, he became the object of everyone's praise.

"It is indeed a Vacheron Constantin watch. Qian Longfei agreed with a smile,"The price is not bad."

Soon, a classmate checked the price of this watch and was surprised.

"Oh my god, this watch is 1.4 million yuan!"

It can buy a house in a small city with full payment.

"Brother Fei is awesome!" More compliments made Qian Longfei feel ecstatic.

After eating another piece of boiled chicken, he asked the squad leader beside him:"Squad leader, how many dishes did we order today?"

"Exactly twenty"

"Really? Then I'll go to the bathroom and you guys continue eating."

After saying that, Qian Longfei walked out of the box and came back three minutes later.

When he came back, he was holding a piece of paper in his hand, which was the bill for today's dishes and drinks.

Putting the bill on the table, Qian Longfei laughed and said,"Everyone, feel free to eat as much as you want. I also ordered 5 dishes for everyone. I'll pay for it. Don't pay for it yourself. It's my treat!"

As soon as he said this, the whole box was in an uproar.

"Brother Fei is awesome, let's toast to Brother Fei!"

Don't drink and drive, don't drive after drinking.

Some students drink tea instead of wine, or juice instead of

"Come on, come on, eat, don't be polite to me!"

At this moment, Qian Longfei enjoyed the feeling of being the center of attention.

Because it was cool, so many people liked to show off.

However, Xiao Zihang and the others did not toast. This action was caught by Qian Longfei's younger brother.

"I said, Xiao Zihang, Li Haobin, and the class beauty, Brother Fei invited everyone to dinner, and you don’t even offer a drink?"

"I'm driving, I don't drink." Xiao Zihang drank the juice in front of him.

"What do you mean by this?"This follower is also a classmate, but now he only stands by Qian Longfei,"Don't you give Brother Fei face?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"I think it's more appropriate to go Dutch for a class reunion." Xiao Zihang said,"How about this, I'll pay for my share, and show me the total amount."

"Xiao Zihang, do you not want to be a classmate anymore?"

Qian Longfei was also angry. Xiao Zihang was making trouble in public, which was too disrespectful to him.

I'm treating you guys, you guys should eat well and then lick me.

Is it that difficult?

""Ahem." Class monitor Wen Chaofeng was speechless. Isn't it good for classmates to be friendly at a reunion?

What the hell! It's not my turn to show off, but it's my turn to clean up the mess. I don't want to be the class monitor anymore!

"We are all classmates, it’s just a small matter." The monitor played the role of peacemaker again,"It’s okay for Xiao Zihang to pay for his part, if he wants to split the bill, then split it, everyone continue eating, come on!"

""Okay!" Qian Longfei threw the bill to Xiao Zihang and sneered,"Here, a total of 8,200."

Originally, it didn't need so much, but in the end Qian Longfei added five large dishes, which made the price soar.

"There are 20 of us, 410 yuan per person."

Xiao Zihang proposed the AA system only because he couldn't stand Qian Longfei's behavior.

"Siya, please accept this money."Qian Longfei certainly couldn't accept this transfer, it was too embarrassing.

"Well, OK!"

Hu Siya suddenly became very happy. She took out her mobile phone, opened WeChat with joy, and handed it to Xiao Zihang.

"Add WeChat, and then transfer the money to me."

Finally, I can get the handsome guy's WeChat in a fair and honest way!

Seeing Hu Siya approaching with a smile on her face, Xiao Zihang realized something.

You, you still want to add me on WeChat?

So, Xiao Zihang put the phone back, and then he took out a wallet from his pocket...

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