Xiao Zihang is used to swiping cards and rarely uses cash.

His wallet is flat, and when he opens it, he can see that there is only 1,000 yuan in it at most.

He took out four 100 yuan bills and one 50 yuan bill and handed them to Hu Siya.

""Oh." Hu Siya bit her lip and took the money awkwardly. Her opinion of Xiao Zihang immediately dropped by half.

He is handsome, but unfortunately he is a poor bastard!

Putting the 450 yuan into her pocket, Hu Siya was about to sit down when she saw Xiao Zihang waving at her.

"Wait a minute, I haven't received the 40 yuan yet."


It was even more embarrassing.

Hu Siya stood up again, took out two 20-yuan bills from her wallet, and handed them to Xiao Zihang.

"Here you go!"

She was a little angry. This handsome guy was not only poor, but also fussy. 40 yuan was nothing!

The students present could basically judge from this incident that Xiao Zihang didn't have much money.

His wallet was very empty, and he was fussy about a little money.

He was also very stubborn. He insisted on going AA even though someone else paid.

He was not a good person!

He did this in front of his classmates. He was narrow-minded.

Even if he was a top student at Fudan University, he would suffer in the future when he entered the society.

"Being handsome can make a living? He is just a poor bastard!"

All of a sudden, these classmates distanced themselves from Xiao Zihang.

However, this scene almost made Dong Xiaoxue burst out laughing.

"Hahaha!" Dong Xiaoxue immediately covered her mouth to prevent the food from flying out.

Xiao Zihang was really messing with her mentality.

You are the boss Xiao, for such a small amount of money, forget it.

"Hahaha, I'll go AA too. Here, this is my 410 yuan!"

Li Haobin and Xiao Zihang have always had a good relationship and are on the same front.

"Mine should be paid too." Class beauty Dong Xiaoxue also took out 410 yuan and gave it to Hu Siya.

Why would she please a big boss like Xiao Zihang if she doesn't want to please him?

The three-person AA system made the atmosphere a little awkward, but it was soon eased by the class monitor.

"Okay, everyone continue eating.

But Qian Longfei's appetite was not so good.

"Xiao Zihang, you really don't need to earn this face." Qian Longfei seemed to be kind enough to persuade,"I've already treated you, but you still go Dutch. This little money is nothing to me, but you are different."

"I don't need this little money." Xiao Zihang continued to eat, not affected at all.

"Okay, you really don’t need this little money if you have a bunch of car keys." Qian Longfei chuckled and ignored him.

After a while, Shen Qianqian came in again with dishes.

Everyone was eating when suddenly someone came out and asked,"Xiao Zihang, I heard that someone in your school drove a 100 million supercar to report to school this year. Is that true?"

"Really." Xiao Zihang replied,"What's wrong?"

"I didn't expect that you have a freshman from the second generation of the rich in Fudan?"

In everyone's impression, students in a high-level university like Fudan are generally not related to the second generation of the rich.

The rich second generation either have poor grades or study abroad.

"What happened to the rich second-generation freshman?" Li Haobin came out to answer,"Xiao Zihang University also has this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination!"

"Right, right, right!" The expressions of the students present gradually calmed down and they became interested."That top scorer is from the same department as Xiao Zihang, right?"

"Yes, she is also from the Department of Finance of the School of Economics."

"Is she pretty? Someone at the scene started gossiping.

"Now she is one of the two most beautiful girls in Fudan University."

One is Gu Qingwei and the other is Su Muning.

"So beautiful?"

Gu Qingwei is a famous beauty novelist, and everyone has seen her beauty on the Internet.

To be able to become the school beauty of Fudan like Gu Qingwei, it can be seen how beautiful this top scholar is!

Envy, jealousy and hatred!

Xiao Zihang is indeed very lucky in love!

"I am not happy. This Xiao Zihang is really annoying!"

Seeing his classmates start talking about Xiao Zihang again, Qian Longfei felt that he, the protagonist, was insulted.

It was obviously my treat, who are you talking to?

"Xiao Zihang, you have the best grades in our class." Qian Longfei's face was stiff, and he smiled,"Since you have been admitted to Fudan University, you should focus on studying."

"In this society, it is actually quite difficult for college students to find jobs"

"That's right!" Several students present have already entered the society and followed Qian Longfei."There are so many college students who don't have jobs."

"That's the truth." Qian Longfei shook the 1.4 million gold watch on his hand and said,"The cost of living in Shanghai is so high, you really can't live without money."

"Qian Longfei, I feel uncomfortable when I hear this." Li Haobin spoke up for Xiao Zihang,"So the top students of Fudan are nothing in your eyes?"

"I didn't say that." Qian Longfei drank juice,"I just sighed about today's society."

He sighed slightly, full of style

""Hahahaha." Seeing Qian Longfei's pretense, class monitor Wen Chaofeng had no choice but to smile bitterly.

Qian Longfei's pretense was really unreasonable.

Then, the class monitor turned his head and looked at Xiao Zihang. Somehow, he felt that this classmate was not simple.

In fact, from the beginning, he noticed the other party's dress.

It was really handsome, and the combination was really good.

"Xiao Zihang, your clothes seem to be from Burberry?"Squad leader Wen Chaofeng is considered a second-generation rich man.

"Squad leader, do you understand this?"

"Well, I understand a little. Is your clothes really this?" The monitor was a little surprised. At first, he was a little unhappy because Xiao Zihang ignored him.

But when he saw Qian Longfei, he immediately felt that Xiao Zihang was a good classmate.

"What Burberry?" Qian Longfei frowned and immediately interrupted the monitor,"Squad leader, do you think Xiao Zihang would wear that kind of clothes?"

"Could it be a high-end imitation?"

Qian Longfei’s followers began to whisper, how could a person who haggled over 40 yuan afford to wear real luxury goods?

""Okay, okay, why are we discussing clothes?" Squad leader Wen Chaofeng was embarrassed. He just asked casually, but some people thought it was a fake.

It seemed like he was cheating Xiao Zihang.

But the squad leader also knew Xiao Zihang's shoes, which cost more than 10,000 yuan.

"Does Xiao Zihang have money?"

This school hunk has an outstanding appearance. He looks like a nobleman from a wealthy family.

A killer girl!

"These days, it's not shameful to wear high-end imitations." Several students present had already followed Qian Longfei's lead,"There's really no need to waste money on clothes and shoes."

"Yes, didn’t our handsome Xiao post a bunch of photos of luxury car keys on WeChat? I think he might be familiar with the professional counterfeiters."

It means your clothes and shoes are fake, and your car keys are fake.

Of course, you don’t have a car."

"You guys!" Li Haobin pointed at those students and said angrily,"Watch your words!"

"Okay, Li Haobin, why are you angry?" Dong Xiaoxue, the only one who knew the inside story, persuaded,"Our boss Xiao doesn't take it seriously, why are you taking it so seriously?"

When you reach Xiao Zihang's position, will you still care about the thoughts of a few ants?

"He is indeed a poor bastard!"

Hu Siya became more and more angry as she thought about it. Xiao Zihang looked like a decent person, but it turned out to be all fake!

Wearing fake clothes to the class reunion also shows that he has bad behavior.

Seeing the anger among the classmates suddenly burst out, the class monitor came over to put out the fire with water.

"By the way, have you heard about the Bandai Plaza incident?"

Wen Chaofeng is more informed than most people and knows a little bit of the news.

"It seems like Han Jae Bin went there to shop and then had a run-in with the security guard, right?"

"It is said that the boss there is in conflict with the famous star Han Jae-bin, but I don’t know if it is true or not.

Then, people started searching online.

"Huh? What is this hot search? Fudan school hunk? ?"

Now the topic of Fudan school hunk is hot all over the Internet. Finally, these students remembered to search online.

"Fudan school hunk?"

Instantly, everyone looked at Xiao Zihang.

At this time, the last student finally arrived.

"Hey, I'm late because of the traffic jam!" Zhang Qijun pushed the door open, ran to Xiao Zihang and greeted him with a smile,"Hey, Piano Prince, you're awesome!"

Then, he sat down in the last empty seat.

"Piano Prince? ?"

"Yes!" Zhang Qijun is also Xiao Zihang's good friend in high school,"No way, no way, you don't know about the popular piano prince on the Internet recently?"

"Who is the Piano Prince?"

"The Piano Prince is the school idol of Fudan University, Xiao Zihang!"

"What!?"The classmates were shocked, and then found the piano performance of Fudan's school idol, the piano prince, at the welcome party on their phones.

Who else could it be but Xiao Zihang?

"Oh my god, you can play the piano, you are so talented!"

Several girls present immediately looked at Xiao Zihang with new eyes.

The distance between them was suddenly shortened.

"He is also good at guitar."Zhang Qijun also showed everyone the part where Xiao Zihang sang after the military training.

With guitar accompaniment, his singing was sincere and touching.

"Wow, a great talent is a great talent!"

""Xiao Zihang, you are too low-key. You didn't tell us about such a big thing?"

The situation changed in an instant, and Xiao Zihang once again became the focus of everyone's attention.

He is handsome and has good grades. He is good at playing the piano, singing guitar, and not having money is not a big problem.

""Handsome guy, please give me an autograph when you become famous."

Several girls have been conquered by Xiao Zihang's piano.

Women are auditory animals, and they have no resistance to boys with nice voices and good piano playing.

"There are actually these?" Dong Xiaoxue also looked at Xiao Zihang with surprise.

This Mr. Xiao is really rich, versatile, and talented!

"I didn’t expect that Xiao Zihang is also an Internet celebrity."The class monitor nodded and said,"You are so low-key that none of us old classmates know about it."

If Zhang Qijun hadn’t discovered it, we would have missed it.

It is normal that your real friends don’t know about what you do online.

There is always a sense of separation between reality and the Internet.

"How can this be called an internet celebrity?" Xiao Zihang said modestly,"I just played a piano piece at the welcome party."

"Internet celebrities are really boring. Qian Longfei came out to pour cold water,"Internet celebrities are creatures that become popular quickly and become obscurant quickly."

He hinted that Xiao Zihang would not be popular for long, but would be easily obscured.

Anyway, Qian Longfei has said it today. If Xiao Zihang is happy, he will be unhappy, and if Xiao Zihang is unhappy, he will be happy!

I, Qian Longfei, am the protagonist today!

(PS: Thank you Xiaobai 100VIP for the reward, dhhh for urging me to update, and thank you Hui Taihen, 182...

58, Zhizhizhizhi丷天, and Long^0^Emperor for the monthly tickets.

Remember to make up for the chapters I owe later.

This plot is too important to write quickly.

Quality comes first.

Everyone pays to subscribe.

After the author puts it on the shelves, try to write as little as possible about things that are not related to the main text.

I will explain at the end of this chapter.

The climax of the class reunion is very long-lasting and the plot is very coherent.

Readers, please don't skip subscribing.

The story of Mr.

Xiao has just begun.


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