""Waiter, clear my plate."

When Hu Siya goes out to eat, she always likes to yell at the waiter. I am the one who pays, so it is only natural for me to order the waiter around.

But today is Qian Longfei's class reunion, so she is very restrained.

""Okay." Shen Qianqian was in charge of this private room and immediately came in from outside to clean up the dishes.

She dumped the food residue on Hu Siya's plate and wiped the table with a rag.

"It's so pretty!"

Qian Longfei glanced at Shen Qianqian again.

Just now, he saw Xiao Zihang and the waitress smiling at each other, and he felt upset.

He couldn't let Xiao Zihang get away with it!

Hu Siya was immediately unhappy when she noticed Qian Longfei's look.

"Men are not good. The only handsome guy here is a stingy guy. A big poor bastard!"

When a woman is uncomfortable, she will vent her anger on other women.

Especially Shen Qianqian is much more beautiful than Hu Siya.

""Be careful, be careful!" Hu Siya deliberately made trouble,"You almost ruined my clothes just now, can you be more careful this time?"

"Sorry, sorry."

Shen Qianqian is used to it. Whenever a customer makes trouble, she apologizes immediately.

This can save a lot of trouble.

Once again, Shen Qianqian wiped the table in front of Hu Siya carefully with a rag, leaving no oil stains.

She has been running between the kitchen and the private room, and her forehead has been covered with fine beads of sweat.

The hard work these days, studying and working, made Shen Qianqian look haggard. Seeing this, Xiao Zihang made up his mind that he must help her solve the problem today.

"Let's talk to her later."

It's a class reunion now, and Shen Qianqian, as a waiter, is responsible for doing these things.

Even if Hu Siya went too far, Xiao Zihang didn't say much.

"Qian Longfei and he are in love, they are really a strange couple."

However, after the class reunion, Master Xiao doesn't mind using some tricks to let Qian Longfei and the other person know the truth of life.

Seeing that the atmosphere on the scene became dull because of Hu Siya's difficulties, Qian Longfei smiled and said:"After today, everyone will go their separate ways and go to school all over the country."

"I envy you guys!"

Qian Longfei's words of envying everyone surprised several classmates, who immediately said,"Hey, Master Qian, you envy us poor students?"

"Of course I envy you!" Qian Longfei's sense of superiority was overwhelming,"We are all college students, unlike me who stopped studying after graduating from high school and could only drive cars and play with watches to live a lazy life."

I have money, so I don't need to study.

"Xiao Zihang, you are a top student at Fudan University, so you have the most say here." Qian Longfei's younger brother laughed,"Do you think studying is useful? We are all old classmates, so tell the truth." He deliberately sabotaged Qian Longfei and showed his goodwill to him.

"Reading is certainly useful."Xiao Zihang needs to teach illiterate people a lesson,"Although the college entrance examination is not perfect, it is the best way for everyone to succeed."

If there is no college entrance examination in China, the whole society will be in chaos.

"Of course, otherwise why would the country attach so much importance to the college entrance examination?"

Zhang Qijun, who came last, spoke for Xiao Zihang:"If you say that the college entrance examination is useless, please refer to our Fudan school idol, piano prince, and guitar handsome guy, Xiao Zihang!"

"Right, right, right!" A girl in the box became interested,"Xiao Zihang, you play the piano so well, have you been practicing since childhood?"

If you have been practicing piano since childhood, it means your family is well-off.

"No, I started practicing recently."

"Awesome!" Li Haobin boasted,"I have been practicing for a long time and I can reach this level. I will definitely be a piano master in the future!"

What is the status of a piano master?

Even if you have no money, there will be a group of rich people who will come to give you money.

It is commonly known as appreciating art!

""Haha." Qian Longfei sneered in his heart. They just have some talents, but they are bragging again.

After a while, another dish was served.

One of the signature dishes of Xilinmen Restaurant.

Fish and mutton in one pot!

Cooking fish and mutton together further brings out the freshness.

"What a nice smell!"

The smell spreads, making the chopsticks in your hand move.

"Everyone, be careful."Shen Qianqian put on thick gloves and carefully brought the pot of soup to the table.

During this time, a little bit of soup spilled out, right next to Qian Longfei's table.

It didn't splash on anyone, so it was harmless.

"Can you be more careful?" Hu Siya was just irritated by Xiao Zihang, and now she was even more annoyed looking at this pretty waitress,"The soup is out!"

"What if it splashes on my clothes? Can you afford 15,000 yuan?"

Hu Siya's quality made several classmates despise her.

But she was brought by Qian Longfei, so it was inconvenient for them to talk.

"Hey, you're going too far, aren't you?"

Xiao Zihang looked at Hu Siya and said coldly,"It was just a little bit of soup that spilled, and it didn't splash on your clothes."


This was the first time Hu Siya was addressed like this. Did she still have any manners?

"That's right!" Zhang Qijun and the other man also spoke up for Shen Qianqian, whom they had never met before."If you're worried about getting your clothes dirty, why don't you just not wear any clothes?""It's a class reunion today, why are you, Qian Longfei's mistress, here to join in the fun?

"Hey, hey, hey, how can you talk like that?"

Qian Longfei hasn't said anything yet, but his younger brother can't sit still anymore:"What kind of quality!"

"This is indeed the case. That, isn't Qian Longfei's girlfriend too much?" Dong Xiaoxue couldn't stand it and also came up to say something fair,"It's just a little soup, and it didn't spill on anyone."

It was obvious that she was deliberately looking for trouble.

"Siya, it's just a small matter."Qian Longfei saw that Shen Qianqian was pretty, so of course he helped her speak. The two of them were so passionate in bed, but by this point, they were already in physical harmony but not in spirit.

"Forget it!"Hu Siya sulked and stopped talking.

One person shut up, and the other spoke up.

"Xiao Zihang, you've gone too far, haven't you?" Qian Longfei pointed the finger at Xiao Zihang,"It's not a big deal, don't meddle in other people's business in the future."

Accusing his woman in public, not giving him face?

"Why can't I take care of this matter?" Xiao Zihang stretched out his hand and tapped the table gently,"She is my classmate, I can't take care of it? But your girlfriend needs to be more careful."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was silent.

Until the one with the biggest mouth broke the silence

"Shit, no wonder, no wonder, that's why!" Li Haobin had seen Xiao Zihang smiling with the waitress a long time ago, it turned out they were classmates!

""Xiao Zihang, it's okay." Shen Qianqian rubbed her hands and said with a smile,"I was not careful enough, I will pay attention."

In Shen Qianqian's eyes, Qian Longfei wore a gold watch on his hand and drove a very expensive sports car just now. He was obviously the richest person here.

Xiao Zihang met her in a taxi, how could he compare with him in financial strength?

In this society, money is too important.

Shen Qianqian didn't want Xiao Zihang to be unhappy with his classmates because of this incident.

"Classmates!" After hearing this, everyone at the scene understood,"Fudan University classmates, what a coincidence!"

Some people thought it was quite a coincidence and didn't take it seriously.

But a few people who cared about it hated it.

"No wonder, damn it, Xiao Zihang, remember this!"

Qian Longfei was furious. It turned out that the two knew each other for a long time, so they had been flirting with each other.

He had always had ideas about this beautiful waitress, but what happened!

Xiao Zihang, a top student at Fudan University, and his classmate, might have already -

Damn it! They are just against me, right!

Thinking that this beautiful waitress was no longer possible for him, Qian Longfei's eyes became ruthless and cold.

What I can't get, I can't give it to you!

""Waiter!" Qian Longfei yelled at Shen Qianqian,"I'm out of juice, pour me some more!""

"Well, OK."

The customer is God. Shen Qianqian hurriedly walked towards Qian Longfei.

But Xiao Zihang stopped her.

Qian Longfei, it was originally a class reunion and I wanted to save some face for you. Since you don't cherish it, then I have to take action.

He stretched out his arm to block Shen Qianqian's way. His sleeves shrank, revealing his Patek Philippe watch.

This scene was seen by the sharp-eyed squad leader Wen Chaofeng.

"This watch is so beautiful, I seem to have seen it on the Internet, what is it?" The squad leader fell into thought.

After stopping Shen Qianqian, Xiao Zihang sneered at Qian Longfei and said,"Master Qian, you have your own hands, why do you bother the waiter for such a thing?"

"Aren't waiters there to serve?" Qian Longfei just wanted to embarrass Xiao Zihang,"Is it too much to pour me a glass of juice? Just think highly of her!""

"Right, right, right! Brother Fei is right!" A follower immediately took out a drink and filled it up for Qian Longfei,"Brother Fei, I'll fill it up for you!"

The dog licker licks just right

"There is no such saying, right?"Zhang Qijun looked at Qian Longfei coldly,"Qian Longfei, it's almost time for a class reunion."

"It's none of your business." Qian Longfei drank the juice in one gulp,"Waiter, I'm out of juice again, can you pour it for me?"

It was so nice to let a Fudan university student pour it for me!

"It's okay, don't worry about it."Xiao Zihang knew that Qian Longfei was targeting him,"Don't go over there."

""Oh." Shen Qianqian nodded obediently and stood behind Xiao Zihang.

For the first time, she felt protected and safe.

Seeing Shen Qianqian's actions, Qian Longfei became even more angry.

"Xiao Zihang, since you, a Fudan student, have come out to work as a waiter, isn't it your responsibility to serve customers?"

"Brother Fei is right!"

"That’s right, Fudan students are amazing, can they be waiters?"

Qian Longfei was very satisfied with these followers.

Looking at Xiao Zihang and the troublemakers around him, Qian Longfei’s tone gradually became unfriendly, and he said sarcastically:"They are just top students of Fudan, aren’t they still workers?"

He was talking about Shen Qianqian, and Xiao Zihang

"Qian Longfei, are you going to break up with me?"

Xiao Zihang waved his hand lightly, revealing the Patek Philippe watch on his wrist, which was worth more than 20 million yuan.

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