Most of the top second-generation rich in Shanghai all follow the lead of Master Xiao.

Isn't this a god?

"Boss, we just passed by your Gemini parking lot, what happened there?

"Yes, many cars advertising Yiche Trade drove out from there."

In response, Xiao Zihang smiled and said nothing, because the convoy should be coming soon.

Just now, he received a private message from his secretary Yao Yuqing, asking him how the class reunion went.

It was obvious that she was coming to say hello.

This private secretary really understood.

Qian Longfei saw everything in front of him.

Despair, only endless despair and regret

"He actually asked Young Master Jiang to call him brother?"Zhang Qijun deeply understood the horror of Young Master Jiang, the top second-generation rich man in Shanghai.

But now, Xiao Zihang is Young Master Jiang's eldest brother.

"That's right, this is his circle."Dong Xiaoxue smiled, a little bitter.

The former Xiao Zihang will never come back, he has become Mr. Xiao.

That is his world.

"Is this Xiao Zihang?"Shen Qianqian accompanied her brother and stood beside Gu Qingwei.

"Well, this is him." Gu Qingwei nodded and said,"You didn't know this all along?"

What could she say to her junior schoolmate?

"So high, so far away."Shen Qianqian watched Xiao Zihang and Young Master Jiang talking and laughing, and only hoped that she could occasionally talk to him or look at him a few times in the future.

The appearance of Young Master Jiang and his men suffocated everyone.

"Xiao Zihang, Mr. Xiao, just had a reunion with our classmates"

"Yes, it's all our fault. We are so stupid."

As everyone sighed, the roar of cars was heard in the distance.

Then, two black Bentley cars arrived, and then a black Rolls-Royce slowly drove over.

After stopping at the entrance of Xilinmen Restaurant, an old man in a suit got out of the Rolls-Royce driver's seat.

The old man walked to the back door, stood respectfully, and slowly opened the door.

"Who is coming this time?"

This posture is definitely not simple!

Suddenly, the spectators in the Xilinmen Hotel stretched their necks, wanting to see everything.

"This Rolls-Royce seems to belong to the chairman of Jiangtian Group!"

"Damn, isn't that Master Jiang's father, who has come to look for his son?"

Soon, a middle-aged man got out of the car.

He was wearing an exquisite black suit, a gray tie, and leather shoes made of top-grade crocodile leather. He was very formal from head to toe.

He had short shiny hair, a calm face, a high nose bridge, and bright eyes.


Jiang Yuxuan immediately went to meet him. His father finally came. In terms of speed, the sports car is faster.

""Hello, Mr. Jiang, hello, Uncle Jiang."

The rest of the second-generation rich also greeted Jiang Yuan, the chairman of Jiangtian Group.

As expected of Chairman Jiang, when these second-generation rich people saw him, they were just like children.

After all, the second-generation rich were only the second-generation rich, and there was an insurmountable gap between them and the first-generation rich and those extraordinary entrepreneurs.

"I thought Mr. Xiao was very powerful, but I realized what capital is only after seeing Chairman Jiang!"

Everyone could tell the difference clearly. Just now, these second-generation rich people were talking and laughing around Xiao Zihang.

Obviously, they regarded Mr. Xiao as the boss and the eldest brother.

That is, they were of the same generation and level.

It's just that Mr. Xiao is the highest and the most powerful in this level.

The leader of the second-generation rich in Shanghai!

But when they saw Chairman Jiang, they were respectful.

When they arrived at the door of Xilinmen Restaurant, Chairman Jiang patted his son on the shoulder, took him to Xiao Zihang, and said with a smile:"Haha, Mr. Xiao, you are really a handsome man!"

This appearance and temperament impressed Chairman Jiang.

He is a dragon and phoenix among men, and he will surely soar to the sky in the future!

"Hello, Uncle Jiang. Xiao Zihang greeted politely.

"I haven't caused any trouble these days, have I?" Chairman Jiang glared at his son and said,"I'll be thankful if you don't cause trouble to your brother in the future."

"Dad, don't worry."

Since meeting Xiao Zihang, Master Jiang has restrained himself a lot.

"Uncle Jiang." Zhou Haokai came up to assure his buddy,"Don't worry, I'm a big shot, how could I get into trouble?"

The other second-generation rich also came over to flatter Xiao Zihang.

"Chairman Jiang is relieved. What is the identity of Young Master Jiang and what is the identity of the boss?"

"Chairman Jiang, Mr. Xiao has bought a new car. Look, it's a Lamborghini Egoista!"When

Chairman Jiang saw this cool concept car from the photo on his phone, his heart was moved.

My God, why is this car here?

Stay calm, I'm the chairman of Jiangtian Group!

I'll see this car next time, definitely next time.

But at Chairman Jiang's level, he knew that this car represented something special.

Xiao Zihang even got a unique concept supercar that has never been released.

How terrifying must the power behind it be?

"Never offend those hidden noble families in the country!"

This is what Chairman Jiang warned his son, and also reminded himself.

Xiao Zihang is different from these rich second-generations. He is definitely a young master of a hidden noble family. The wealth and power he can use are overwhelming!!

I came here today to make friends with Mr. Xiao.

Immediately, Chairman Jiang extended an invitation.

He hoped that Xiao Zihang could take time out these few days to have a meal at the Shangri-La Hotel in the Magic City.

"Shangri-La Hotel!

This is a five-star hotel in Shanghai, which has been contracted to host wedding banquets and celebration banquets for various celebrities.

In Shanghai, it has a pivotal position!

"What's going on?"

Just now, when Chairman Jiang invited Xiao Zihang to the hotel for dinner, it didn't look like an elder inviting a younger person.

Instead, it looked like he was begging Mr. Xiao to go?

"No way? Could it be that Mr. Xiao is not just a rich second-generation?"

"Chairman Jiang is so polite to a junior, it must be extraordinary!"

Once again, the three words"Mr. Xiao" refreshed everyone's cognition.

Li Haobin was stunned, Zhang Qijun was stunned, Dong Xiaoxue couldn't laugh, and Professor Yang's face changed.

The owner of Xilinmen Restaurant could only sigh.

Gu Qingwei's calm face also showed subtle ups and downs.

As for Qian Longfei, he had turned from despair into a walking corpse.

"Isn't Mr. Xiao a rich second-generation young man in Shanghai? Why does Chairman Jiang also look like he is trying to please him? Chairman Jiang

's power in Shanghai is very huge, and Qian Longfei dare not look directly at him.

For people of his level, Chairman Jiang is the sky! He is also a god in the sky!

But Xiao Zihang, Mr. Xiao, seems to make Chairman Jiang put aside his generation and try every means to get close to him?

He is not the top rich second-generation in Shanghai, it is definitely not that simple!

There are too many things involved behind the scenes!

Maybe Mr. Xiao is not a god-like figure at all, but even gods need to look up to him!

These classmates no longer think that Mr. Xiao is just a rich second-generation, but a person who is on equal terms with capital tycoons like Mr. Jiang!

So terrifying!

At this moment, hearing the name of Shangri-La Hotel, Xiao Zihang smiled.

Chairman Jiang is very good at choosing addresses!

"The Shangri-La Hotel in Shanghai will soon be mine."

After the mission rewards were distributed, Xiao Zihang was invited to have dinner at his own hotel. It was interesting to think about it.

"OK, then I'll trouble Uncle Jiang. When you are free, I'll talk to Yuxuan."

""Good, good, good!"

Everyone could see the joy on Chairman Jiang's face at being able to invite Xiao Zihang to dinner.

It was as if a person's inner wish had finally been fulfilled.

How much he wanted to get in touch with Mr. Xiao!

Everyone was stunned.

"What is his identity?"Looking at Xiao Zihang, Gu Qingwei's curiosity also sprouted like a seedling.

Like Su Mu Ning, Gu Qingwei is now more and more interested in Xiao Zihang.

After talking to Xiao Zihang, Chairman Jiang walked up to Professor Yang and extended his hand to greet him.

"Hello, Professor Yang!"

He said this with full of energy, which shows respect for a scientist!

""Hello, Chairman Jiang."

Professor Yang also extended his hand and shook hands with him.

"Is this Professor Yang?"Qian Longfei felt that he was finished, and his family's business was finished too.

It was not enough to offend Mr. Xiao, there was also Professor Yang!

"Professor Yang, you are getting married on National Day. I, Jiang Yuan, would like to say Happy Wedding in advance!"

"Haha, thank you Mr. Jiang!"

"Professor Yang is being modest. Chairman Jiang said with a smile,"Mr. Xiao is also a student of Fudan University. It is indeed a century-old prestigious university, an institution of higher learning!""

"Professor Yang's lithography technology also excites the Chinese people!"

"Our lithography technology is far behind that of foreign countries. Chairman Jiang's flattery did not make Professor Yang happy. Instead, he sighed and said,"I will go abroad for inspection tomorrow. I hope that this time, I can narrow the gap a little bit.""

"Going abroad?" Xiao Zihang was surprised by the news. He walked to Professor Yang and asked,"Professor Yang, are you going abroad tomorrow?" You are going to get married on National Day, and you are going abroad?

"It's okay, I'll be back in a few days this time."It's not that Professor Yang doesn't want to get married, he just puts work first,"The photolithography machine is urgent."

It's related to chip technology and the future of the country.

Chairman Jiang's arrival allowed Dong Xiaoxue and others to really get to know their classmate Xiao Zihang.

It's not just Mr. Xiao.

This identity has completely distanced them from each other.

"Alas."Several of Xiao Zihang's former high school friends looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

There was disappointment, but there was also happiness.

What was sad was that there would be no classmate Xiao Zihang anymore, but what was happy was that they were classmates of Mr. Xiao.

At this time, people from all walks of life gathered in front of the Xilinmen Restaurant.

It was a great spectacle to see dozens of rich second-generations driving supercars and Chairman Jiang arriving today.

"It's comfortable. I will never forget this scene."

"Yes, could it be more shocking than it is now?"

"Young Master Xiao, this is really Young Master Xiao!"

Just when everyone thought this moment was shocking enough, suddenly, a shocking voice came from afar.

"ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM! Boom boom boom!"

That was the sound wave, the raging sound wave sweeping across the entire city.

The sound wave made by countless supercars! The

"wave" that was enough to subvert everything was rushing towards the Xilinmen Restaurant!

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