"It looks like a convoy is coming!"

"What are those? They are all supercars. What happened?"

Everyone looked around and saw smoke and dust billowing on the main road. On the sidewalk in the distance, many passers-by stopped to watch.

The mobile phone cameras in their hands kept taking pictures.

"Damn, they’re really coming, the supercar team!"

"It's spectacular. I didn't expect that I could take photos on the spot!"

Many citizens of Shanghai know that a giant supercar team appeared in the city this morning, like a 100-meter dragon, parading in every corner.

Wherever it goes, everyone looks at it!

Douyin, Shark, Tiger and other live broadcast platforms have long been blown up by these supercar teams.

It's worth it to see this scene in my lifetime!

"Isn’t this the team I saw on Douyin?"

Xiao Zihang's classmates were watching a video on their phones just now. The scene at that time shocked everyone.

""Here they come! Here they come!"

The convoy of luxury cars was getting closer and closer, and the terrifying sound made people plug their ears.

"These cars! They are all supercars, very expensive ones!"

The Xilinmen boss was stunned. Every car was comparable to his favorite one.

"Wow, Lamborghini Huracan, Porsche, Ferrari 812, Bentley, Maserati!"

A long line of these cars drove towards here.

The speed was not fast, but the visual effect was perfect.

"Is it our supercar club that organized the parade?"Zhou Haokai was stunned. How could he not know?

Besides the supercar club, which other organization could gather hundreds of supercars at once?

But soon, these rich second-generations noticed the advertisements on the cars.

"YiChe Trading, is that company actually advertising offline?"

"Isn't this the one from this morning?"

Several rich second-generations thought of the Twin Parking Lot. They saw these cars coming out of there when they passed by.

The Twin Parking Lot is Mr. Xiao's private parking lot.

"Could it be? ?"

An amazing thought came to their minds.

The super sports car team quickly arrived at the entrance of Xilinmen Restaurant. All the cars slowed down again.

Then, the windows were lowered.

"" Hello, Chairman!" an employee driving a car shouted loudly.

The supercar continued to move forward, and the next car passed the door.

The window was lowered again, and a head popped out and shouted loudly:"Hello, Chairman!"

All the supercars followed this pattern and shouted"Hello, Chairman!""

"Dad? What's going on? Why didn't you tell me?"

When Master Jiang heard the word chairman, he thought that this team was organized by his father.

""I, I don't know them!" Chairman Jiang was confused, but he soon discovered that these people were looking in another direction.

Young Master Xiao!

The person they were looking at was Xiao Zihang!

"Is it Young Master Xiao? Are they calling Chairman Xiao?"

Following their gazes, everyone present looked at Xiao Zihang.

Not only Young Master Xiao, but also Chairman Xiao!

Nodding to everyone present, Xiao Zihang took a step forward and said loudly to the driving staff of the supercar team:"Okay, no need to shout, be careful on the road, go!"

It's just a formality, just a gesture.

"Yes, Chairman!"

The luxury car convoy continued to move forward slowly. This grand parade in the Magic City had a shocking effect.

The long line continued, but everyone's hearts could no longer calm down.

"Chairman of Yiche Trading Group?"Chairman Jiang looked at Xiao Zihang in disbelief. Sure enough, he was even more extraordinary than he had imagined!

"Yiche Trading Group?" Young Master Jiang quickly approached Xiao Zihang and asked,"Brother, are you the chairman?""

"Yes, I am the chairman."

Xiao Zihang admitted it himself, and a tornado blew up again.

"Oh my god, you are awesome, Boss! How many secrets do you have that we don't know?"

"Oh my god, I am actually the chairman of Yiche Trading Group!"

These second-generation rich were once again shocked by Xiao Zihang's other identity.

The classmates present had already had their worldviews shattered!

"Xiao Zihang, he is the chairman of the group? ?"

"No wonder Chairman Lian Jiang wants to win him over. His identity is definitely more than just the chairman!"

YiChe Trading Group is a new automobile trading company with unlimited future prospects.


Qian Longfei could imagine what his fate would be.

A walking corpse? Turned to ashes!

From then on, there would be no place for him in the Magic City, and even his family business would be destroyed!

Wealth does not last for more than three generations, as the saying goes.

It is not like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, nor an ant trying to stop an elephant.

Xiao Zihang was a star in the sky, and Qian Longfei was just dust on the ground.

From the beginning, Xiao Zihang did not take him seriously.

So, he has always been so indifferent.

"It's ridiculous, I'm a stupid clown."

I always dance in front of others, but I don't know that others can crush me with just a flick of their fingers.

"Chairman of Yiche Trading Group?"This time, Professor Yang was also shocked.

I bought my SUV online last time. If I need it next time, will it be cheaper?

Who asked their group chairman to go to school in Fudan?

What a strange news! Professor Yang suddenly laughed.

"I never expected that I bought my car on his group's website, and my wedding car was also from him."

This Mr. Xiao is really well connected!

"Chairman?" Shen Qianqian looked at Xiao Zihang with increasing admiration.

"Yiche.com……"Gu Qingwei bit her lower lip and said nothing. She once doubted whether this website was reliable in front of her uncle. As a result, it was Xiao Zihang's.

It's okay, absolutely no problem.

The identity of a chairman once again made the boss of Xilinmen Restaurant speechless.

I was careless, Mr. Xiao, he is not someone a small boss like me can look up to.

Today, the small Xilinmen Restaurant actually came to this big Buddha. I can't afford it!

"Brother, where are all these supercars?���"Here?" Zhou Haokai came up and asked.

He didn't think all the cars belonged to Xiao Zihang, although he had many out-of-print supercars.


When Xiao Zihang was about to explain, a red Maserati President car stopped at the door of the restaurant.

Then a professional woman walked out.

She was very beautiful, no one could compare to her except Gu Qingwei.

"What is this?" Under everyone's curious gaze, the professional beauty slowly walked up to Xiao Zihang, bowed and greeted him.

"Hello, Chairman!"

Xiao Zihang's personal secretary Yao Yuqing came.

"Well, this supercar is really stunning." Xiao Zihang gave him a commendatory look,"You, you organized and planned it very well!"

"Thank you for the compliment, Chairman!"

Yao Yuqing was excited. The recognition of the Chairman was the greatest compliment.

"Secretary Yao, met with Chairman Jiang"

"Hello, Chairman Jiang!"Yao Yuqing nodded and smiled at Chairman Jiang.

"Hello, Secretary Yao, your Chairman Xiao is truly a peerless gentleman!"This compliment came from the heart of Chairman Jiang.

The surging waves are like a peerless gentleman!

"I didn't expect that your Yiche Trading Group could gather so many supercars. I admire you!"

Mr. Jiang has seen all kinds of big scenes, but this kind of supercar parade is unprecedented.

Even the supercar club can't gather so many supercars at once.

"That's all thanks to the chairman." Yao Yuqing didn't dare to take credit,"He provided the company with so many supercars for offline advertising."

As soon as this was said, Chairman Jiang's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed:"These supercars are all Chairman Xiao's? ?"

"Yes, this is just the first batch of cars, a total of 600 supercars."

It turned out to be only one-third of the size!

At this time, this long line of luxury cars was still moving forward at the door, but it was far more than that!

"Rich and inhumane!"

"Are all these supercars from Young Master Xiao?"

Squad leader Wen Chaofeng no longer dared to look at Xiao Zihang, he was too dazzling.

He not only had dozens of out-of-print supercars, but also hundreds of million-level supercars.

The quality and quantity were both overwhelming!

Don't mention cars in front of Young Master Xiao, you don't deserve it!

A long line of luxury cars had already scared Qian Longfei, who was sitting on the ground, to death.

"These cars are all his?"

Qian Longfei had lost the ability to think and turned into dust.

"Qianqian, is this your classmate from Fudan University?"

Today was incredible to Shen Yunjie. He experienced all the ups and downs of life.

Xiao Zihang's inhumanity had long left this ordinary working-class man speechless.

"Well, he is Xiao Zihang."Shen Qianqian kept looking at the peerless gentleman in front of her.

Perhaps the prince in the fairy tale is like this.

Seeing how long she stayed here, Chairman Jiang said goodbye to Xiao Zihang.

"Yuxuan, follow your brother, Master Xiao, in the future, okay?"Before leaving, the chairman whispered to his son that Xiao Zihang was someone he wanted to cling to!

"Don't worry, Dad!"

After Chairman Jiang left, Young Master Jiang and other rich second-generations admired Xiao Zihang even more.

"Brother, I didn’t expect all these supercars are yours!"

"No wonder I saw these cars in the parking lot this morning. It turns out that he is the boss!"

Xiao Zihang was once again surrounded by wealth.

"Let's go." Many classmates at the class reunion left with a sigh.

It's too late to say anything now because they didn't cling to Xiao Zihang's thighs at the beginning.

"Hey, originally one... I won't say it anymore."

Squad leader Wen Chaofeng shook his head bitterly, pinching the Rolex Green Submariner on his wrist, and left unwillingly.

Xiao Zihang was not someone that these high school classmates could look up to.

Everyone had parted ways and no longer had any intersection.

"This class reunion should be the last time we meet."Dong Xiaoxue lowered her head, her face full of loneliness.

But what can she do?

This is life, Xiao Zihang is not their world.

"Old classmates."

Li Haobin and Zhang Qijun walked up to Xiao Zihang and smiled indescribably.

Bitterness mixed with relief

"Then, let's go." The two slowly turned around and walked away with Dong Xiaoxue.

This place did not belong to them.

This separation was a sea change.

Suddenly, Xiao Zihang's voice came from behind the three of them.

"Wait a moment!"

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