City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 10 Strong Euro! (Ask For Collection And Evaluation Of Flowers!)

What Ge Ming didn't expect was that he thought that Chu Ge's five fingers represented 50,000 Tianchao coins, but in fact Chu Ge meant 50,000 gold.

However, it is not wrong for him to have more than five times the principal, from the principal of 58,000 to 380,000, which is exactly about 6.55 times.

The only difference from Ge Ming's idea is that the return on investment of more than 600% is not the half year he thought, but a mere four hours.

But these Chu Ge didn't intend to tell them that he was afraid to scare them. After all, if it is said to be five times a year, it can be explained as a talent, but if it is four hours, it will become a horror story!

"Fifty thousand? It's true or false, you must treat me. If Liu Mengmeng hadn't asked me today, how long would you be hiding? You must treat me!" Zhang Qiang looked at Chu Ge with wide eyes.

It is not an easy thing for an ordinary student to earn tens of thousands of dollars on his own, even for the top students of Jinling University.

"Please, please! Climb away from me now, and I won't invite you a second later!" Chu Ge ripped off Huangshan's salty pig's hand, this guy likes to touch people's buttocks, that is, he has no object, otherwise sooner or later Run away by him!

"Weekend, Xiao Jiangnan, you can bring your family!" Chu Ge said to Zhang Qiang and Ge Ming deliberately.

Obviously, these two are people who have a target. Except for Huangshan who looks a little wretched in their 126 dormitory, the other three people are considered to be above average.

Although Ge Ming usually speaks softly and softly, he has a fine skin and tender flesh and is good at learning. Boys with little milk dogs like him are very popular among girls.

Apart from Chu Ge's 126 dormitory, Ge Ming's second most popular person, then Zhang Qiang, and then gone.

Huangshan: ? ? ?

After killing the three idle guys who were sore, Chu Ge directly solved the cold sheep soup, and after a comfortable burp, he rejected Huangshan's "try of the strong" to himself. Refinement"---Invitation to the eighth silver promotion tournament, and boarded his bed in two steps.

Turning on the computer, he first logged into the A-share account that accompanied him countless days and nights. After glancing at the red and green A-shares, he was surprised to find that he is now completely obsessed with the A-shares that he used to be infatuated with. interest.

After experiencing the foreign exchange market with a return rate of more than 600% in one day, he is completely uninterested in the "mosquito meat" of the A-share market, which is more than a dozen points.

Moreover, the volume of A-shares is completely incomparable to the foreign exchange market. The feeling of galloping in the sea makes him not want to return to the river of A-shares.

After proficiently logging into his foreign exchange account, Chu Ge glanced at his watch. The time displayed on this Casio G-SHOCK was just 7:50, and the American session was about to open in ten minutes.

Chu Ge, who had just slept for seven hours, drank a large bowl of nourishing sheep soup. He is now full of energy and does not feel a little tired.

Coinciding with the opening of the American market, he will definitely take a good look tonight.

At 8:00 p.m. China time, the American session opened on time, and Chu Ge checked the exchange rate of EUR/USD immediately.

EUR/USD was checked by Chu Ge after Chu Ge made the prediction in the system, and he was looking forward to the next trend of EUR/USD.

In particular, when he looked at the EUR/USD movement over the next week, he suddenly became intrigued by the two foreign exchange giants and the countries they represented.


Chu Ge saw for the first time that EUR/USD is now at 1.2560, and from the momentum of the opening, the euro is quite strong, and it has a strong momentum of impact to 1.2600.


Sure enough, after the euro showed a strong momentum, the euro/dollar quickly approached from 1.2560 to 1.2600.

Chu Ge looked at the frantically beating numbers in front of him, and while it wasn't as ferocious as when CAD/USD last broke out in the morning, it looked pretty good.


Five minutes later, with a wave of red, EUR/USD jumped a full eight points from the opening 1.2560, rushing towards the first small support before 1.2600 at 1.2570.






After a brief stalemate, the euro, which had been exceptionally strong from the opening bell, began its first wave of charges against the dollar.


A bright red number suddenly jumped out, and the euro directly broke through the small integer position of 1.2570.

Potential like a broken bamboo!

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