City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 11 The First Confrontation In The Americas! (Ask For Collection And Evaluation Of Flowers!)


The euro, which has been showing a strong momentum since the opening, rushed to 1.2573 after a short stalemate at the moment, breaking through 1.2570, where the market has been stagnant for several minutes.

After the euro officially broke through this small support point, it directly continued the strong momentum since the opening.


In less than a second, all the long orders on the market were eaten up, and the EUR/USD jumped 5 pips all of a sudden.

The strong performance of the euro, after breaking through the pressure level of 1.2570, has a tendency to be out of hand.

For a time, under the strong performance of the euro, the entire American plate fell into an extremely active atmosphere.

Are you ready?

of course not!

For Chu Ge, who has God's perspective, the good drama has just begun.

At the same time, the Citibank headquarters at 399 Park Avenue in New York City, a lighthouse on the other side of the ocean, filled the entire building with a depressing atmosphere, and the faces of the staff who entered and exited from here were not very good-looking.

Cross's expression is not good-looking at all. He has just been scolded by his "boss", Leonard, the person in charge of this project.

The reason is that they just lost a lot of money on their EUR/USD short list!

The hell knows, those Europeans have been beaten by chicken blood, the American market has just opened, they are like a group of beasts smelling sweet flesh, they are madly rushing over, sweeping all the long listings on the market. And empty.

Cross frantically greeted all the ancestors of Europeans in his heart, and he did not remember that his own grandfather was a genuine Dane.

However, even if he remembered it himself, he wouldn't care.

How can someone in finance still remember their ancestors?

"Boss, what did the boss say?" Just after Cross came out of Leonard's office, a smart-looking young man approached and asked.

"How can I say that? Suppress me. Squeeze me back to 1.2560 for EUR/USD!" Cross said bitterly, with a fierce breath in his eyes.

"Okay boss, there are not many bulls on the market now, but these Europeans don't know what kind of chicken blood they have beaten, so they can eat it!" The young man responded and quickly returned to his position.

"Can you eat? I'll see how much you can eat today!" Cross sat on the seat and closed his eyes. He had a hunch that it wouldn't be so easy today, and he needed to recharge his batteries.

At the same time, the heads of several top banks in Europe, the third largest economy in the world, the neighbor of the beacon country, saw that the momentum of the euro/dollar was stabilized by a series of operations by Citibank, and even when the bears began to counterattack , not at all in a hurry.

They have trump cards!

At Deutsche Bank headquarters, Charlie looked at the computer in front of him unhurriedly.

He was drinking a cup of rich coffee made by his beautiful secretary himself, while watching the market's retreat due to Citibank's strong counterattack, stimulated by the sudden short list.

He watched helplessly as all his efforts just now were eaten up a little bit, and even the bears were on the verge of counterattacking on a large scale. Countless retail investors were almost unable to hold back the idea of ​​waiting and watching, and wanted to share a piece of the pie.

Very bad!

The wind direction of the entire market was reversed under the strong intervention of Citibank.

bang bang bang!

"Emory, what time is it?" Charlie asked his secretary, knocking on the table.

"Boss, there's only one minute left before Her Majesty the Queen will make a speech," the sexy and beautiful Emory said while twisting her sexy waist, while taking the empty coffee cup from Charlie's hand.

"Pay attention to your wording, Emory, we are not the German Third Reich back then, only the Prime Minister is not the Queen. For the unity of the whole of Europe, such words can't be said nonsense." Charlie pretended to be annoyed and looked at Emory. Rui's perfect buttocks, inexplicable flames rose in his eyes.

"However, if it's in private, we can discuss it carefully, it's just the two of us," Charlie said in a provocative tone, but in exchange for a coquettish glance, it was obvious that they had some kind of ambiguous story.

Who would have thought that what the Yuan capital did not do back then would be done by a woman today.

deyizhi Fourth Empire! ?

Who can tell?

(To explain, I will use pinyin instead of some zhengzhi sensitive words. I hope you will forgive me. There are also novels that are just novels. Just look at Le Yile, don’t take it seriously. Finally, the author sincerely hopes that you will greatly appreciate it. A collection evaluates flowers! Balls!)

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