City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 249: Conversations among the bigwigs in the investment circle!

It is true that this circle of capital bosses looks like a money maker in the eyes of outsiders.

On weekdays, everyone is more stern, chatting and laughing is what determines the flow of tens of billions of funds, and a few phone calls will determine the direction of the market this year.

Every decision they make is extremely important to all walks of life.

If they got the inside story, with the information they got in their hands, they would be able to get along smoothly in the past.

Such a group of top figures are sitting together, this feeling is indeed a bit strange.

It is not surprising that Chu Ge has this idea.

"What is this? We were even crazier back then, do you know why it was called the Tarzan Club?

"Mount Tai is the foundation of the country. In ancient times, when it came to Feng Chan, is it saying that the existence of all of you can determine the direction of the domestic economy and regard it as the cornerstone of the country? 35

Chu Ge asked curiously.

In fact, he was not very satisfied with this answer, but after saying it, it made everyone happy a lot.

One by one, they communicated the past events of the year, and even more recalled some things, except for a sip of red wine and a word that made the two newcomers dare not believe it.

"When we were not the leaders in this industry, we gathered together and climbed Taishan Station once.

The decision to establish an offensive and defensive alliance on the top of Mount Tai is not to fight against national capital, but to be able to achieve an offensive and defensive alliance in the face of foreign capital invasion. This organization is called the Taishan Association.

This made both of them feel a little curious.

Elder Zong even took a nap, raised his eyelids and asked Chu Ge.

"Why would you kill Samsung and Panasonic?

According to the information we have collected, you are not someone who is willing to kill you. How did the two chaebols provoke you this time? If you don't tell them about killing them, you are even more ruthless. To break their foundations?""

"They planned to frame me and almost put me in jail at the time. If it wasn't for the unselfishness and meticulousness of our police officers, I'm afraid I would have fallen into a trap.

If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be hurt.

These two organizations are really too deceiving, if they don't give them a little education, they won't know what the real capital power is. "

For these two chaebols, they did not expect that a random decision by their subordinates would lead to such a direction, and speaking in this direction would make them feel a little inexplicable.

Things that could have been negotiated well have been left unsaid.

It has an unending posture, which makes many people surprised. At this time, he is pondering how to provoke the Prophet Investment Bank.

When Chu Ge released the news, everyone was stunned (caeh) and then burst into laughter. It was indeed like this. Guys from these two countries have always thought themselves superior, and there are very few people in the world with them. match.

He even used a preaching attitude to carry out so-called judgments on his companions, and even the young people in these circles.

Their casual shot will determine the fate of the entire industry.

Now that someone can finally educate them, this also makes people in the circle especially admire.

It is indeed like this, and fortunately, someone can handle it. If they were replaced by the two chaebols before, I am afraid they don't know how many people they will offend.

"The education is good, if you need financial help, even if you mention it to me, I still have plenty of funds and can support you with tens of billions of dollars.

Boss Wang waved his hand at the speaker who Chu Ge explained.

The funds in his hands are highly sought-after, and he has the stance that he is going to hit the top of the domestic wealth list, and the overseas assets in his hands are even more numerous.

Domestic real estate companies are even more numerous, and their conversations are full of arrogance. It seems that if you say hello casually, you can casually summon tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of capital as a hedge.

Chu Ge looked at Boss Wang and said to Boss Wang hesitantly.

"If the recent foreign stock market index is judged by analysis, it is likely to trigger the second financial turmoil, and this time the real industry economy such as real estate will bear the brunt.

Real estate in particular is likely to undermine everyone's perception of real estate.

In particular, there are too many overseas assets and capital that cannot be thrown away from domestic assets, and there may be problems at that time. 99

Boss Wang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chu Ge in disbelief.

After all, Chu Ge was referring to the guy they had just recruited, and he didn't know too much about Chu Ge's situation. Chu Ge rashly revealed such important information.

They also had to think about how certain Chu Ge's words were.

"Is what you say true?"

Boss Wang frowned, holding a cigar in his hand, and the time was no longer fragrant, and he asked Chu Ge in a somewhat impatient manner.

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