City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 250: A large-scale joint venture of trillions of dollars, the real estate bubble is coming!

Chu Ge shrugged nonchalantly.

"This is of course true. I recently planned to short the overseas real estate economy, and the biggest rival company has been included in my target."

Overseas real estate companies and domestic real estate companies have the same means of operation, but these overseas companies are more daring.

Simply put, it is to bundle the recipients of non-performing assets and high-quality assets together and sell them to the outside world.

As a result of the sell-off, these credit certificates in banks have risen, and the leverage has also been pulled to a peak.

If the rising bubble is burst, the thriving real estate companies will face the danger of jumping off the building overnight.

At that time, the bank's credit certificate list will be filled with people with average credit to poor credit, and the shortage of funds caused by these people will directly bring down the entire bank economy.

What Chu Ge wants to do is indeed a real estate company, but his ultimate goal is the largest Morgan Bank.

The Morgan Bank in the lighthouse country will definitely be the most severely hit bank this time. He usually accepts more than 45% of the credit documents in the entire lighthouse country.

In the terms of Morgan Bank's interpretation, these credit certificates were all regarded as high-quality by him.

But it is a good mix of two super S grade credits with ten C grade credits.

If these C-level loans cannot be repaid in a short period of time, then the skyscrapers built by the entire Morgan Bank will collapse directly.

Based on what has been gathered these days, the problems facing JPMorgan are far more than that.

The problems caused by overseas real estate are even more shocking.

During this period, only one fuse is needed to detonate all this directly.

But now the most serious problem is who will be the fuse.

Boss Wang's hands and eyes are sky-high. He is not only the leader of domestic real estate companies, but also accepts many overseas companies.

He can be said to be the largest leader in the real estate field among so many people present.

Under his banner, the real estate involved is only overseas, and can be as high as more than 300 billion US dollars.

This is only a superficial valuation, but there is no specific calculation.

If this leader suddenly chooses to withdraw from the market, the probability of the bubble being punctured by that time will also be directly raised to a whole new level.

At that time, I am afraid that everyone is scrambling to exchange stocks.

With the first collapse of real estate companies, followed by banks.

Banks are one of the best channels to condone these real estate companies to sell houses to the outside world and package these houses into investment and cash.

It is precisely because of this commitment that many buyers choose to place an order while they wait and see.

A rising tide of cliff credit can directly bring down any economy.

Chu Ge is now exhorting Boss Wang to give up his overseas assets, just to remind these overseas real estate companies and let everyone pay attention to this problem.

"Can you tell me more about it in detail, I don't understand your professional vocabulary, what do those people with bad credit have to do with me?"

"The properties I own can be sold as commercial properties.

Wouldn't it be nice if I put the money in my pocket?"

"The grilled wings in front of us are priced at 10 yuan, and everyone can make a lot of money. If we all cut the price to 9 yuan or even 8 yuan, the grilled wings in your hand are still 10 yuan each. , who do you think everyone will buy?""

··0 Flowers·

Under the impact of the bubble, the economy will regress. I don't know how many years of such a regressive economy will end up paying the bill.

It may take 10 or even 20 years to restore the roasted wings to the price of 10 yuan.

The assets in the hands of Boss Wang were not purchased in full, and a large amount of them were leveraged through bank loans to leverage the business empire in his hands.


Capital expansion further expands him, once it is said that the economy is the first to collapse and the bank collapses, and the currency in hand is worthless.

These assets in his hands will all be classified as non-performing assets.

Even talking about the sale, even if someone is willing to take over, the price is less than 60% of the original level.

Boss Wang gasped, he could already understand what Chu Ge said.

He felt even more anxious at this moment, and the skewer in his hand suddenly felt less fragrant.

Elder Zong looked at Chu Ge very keenly.

Including President Xu of Sequoia Capital, he said directly to Chu Ge.

"You said so much today, not to remind Boss Wang how much you need to spend!

"At least 500 billion is needed! If you want everyone to make a fortune, 500 billion will be able to carry out a large-scale sniping.

I also have more than 500 billion in my hand, and if we add them together, it can reach 1 trillion. 35 scoops

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