City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 35 The Net Worth Exceeds 30 Million!

201.7w USD!

In just three days of playing foreign exchange, Chu Ge turned his $8,000 into 201.7w, a gain of more than 252 times, which is unimaginable in the eyes of ordinary people!

You know, Chu Ge did all this in just three days!

The system is so terrifying!

However, with emotion, Chu Ge's movements are not slow at all.

2017 hand! Short GBP/USD across all positions!

At the last minute, Chu Ge threw two million dollars into the short side of GBP/USD on two occasions, and then he saw the whole market start to explode!

After Chu Ge entered the market, GBP/USD shot up slightly from 1.2918 to 1.2920, and then began to plummet.

GBP/USD suddenly turned around from the 1.2920 position, and fell by a full 20 points before it stopped!

After braking, the bears did not choose to beat the bulls in one go, like the yen bears, but began to oscillate wildly at the 1.2900 position.

In this time-sharing chart, GBP/USD once again has a long negative line!

Time ended in this shock, GBP/USD oscillated at 1.2900 for only 20 minutes, and started its violent decline again.


After another 20-point slump, the GBP/USD bears stopped with a little satisfaction.

Then, GBP/USD jumped 8 pips, from 1.2880 back to 1.2888.

After rising to this auspicious number, the bulls began to struggle again.

Five minutes later, a flood of selling started pouring into the market, directly pulling GBP/USD off the auspicious figure of 1.2888 again.

After plunging 8 points in half a minute, GBP/USD is back at 1.2880 again.

However, after reaching the 1.2880 position again, the main bears did not soften their hearts this time and let the bulls go, but chose to continue the decline of GBP/USD.

Twenty points in one minute!

The two bulls' defenses at ten positions were like paper, and they were quickly broken through by the bears. GBP/USD came to today's new low of 1.2860 for the first time.

However, this is clearly not the lowest point for the entire GBP/USD today!

However, a stalemate has begun to emerge, and depending on the situation, the bulls may not easily give up their chassis in a short period of time.

So, Chu Ge decided to go out for a meal and come back.

It took about half an hour for Chu Ge to return to the dormitory after eating from the cafeteria. This time he didn't meet anyone, so he didn't waste time.

Turn on your computer again and log into your account.

Chu Ge found that within half an hour of his meal, GBP/USD actually ushered in a sharp drop.

A full 40 points!

GBP/USD swooped down again after a brief stalemate at 1.2860 shortly after Chu Ge turned off his computer to go to dinner.

A full 40 points were smashed one by one in front of the strength of the bears!


With 20 pips to go, the bottom of the GBP/USD chart in Chu Ge's mind was approaching.


Although Chu Ge's prediction ability will have an error of less than ten points, the current position of GBP/USD 1.2820 is still twenty points away from the lowest point in my mind at 1.2800.

very safe!

Although Chu Ge prefers to earn profits steadily, he is not a cautious person, and there is still a full ten points of profit margins. He cannot simply give up.

After all, for Chu Ge, who has a net worth of $2 million, ten points means $200,000 and 140w Tianchao coins.

Quite a lot!

However, the wait is not short!

Chu Ge directly from 5:00 pm, until 7:30 in the evening, until all three of his roommates came back, and even after he even watched a movie, he saw the GBP/USD fluctuate again.

And this time, and the last time, in the chart in Chu Ge's mind, after this wave of collapse, there will be a small rebound in GBP/USD, and then until the global foreign exchange market closes.

For Chu Ge, no matter how much he falls in this wave, he must choose to clear his position!

Fortunately, however, the bears, who had been accumulating strength for more than two hours, broke out and fell sharply.

A full 25 points!

GBP/USD actually plunged 25 points in five minutes under this wave of short selling, and it was even beyond the lowest point predicted by the system.


Without hesitation, Chu Ge chose to clear all the short positions in 2017, and it was safe to do so!

123 points!

From the position of GBP/USD 1.2918 when Chu Ge opened a position to 1.2795 when he closed his position now, there is an ultra-high range of 123 points, and his account equity has once again hit a new high!

Counting some scattered US dollars, Chu Ge actually already has more than 450w in his account!

The celestial coin exceeds 30 million!

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