City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 36 "Small" Harvest Before The Closing!

450w US dollars, more than 30 million Chinese coins!

If someone told Chu Ge that he could earn 30 million Tianchao coins three days ago, Chu Ge would definitely nod his head and say it was not a big problem, but if someone told him that he could do it within three days, then He must have thought the man was crazy.

Although it was unbelievable, Chu Ge was still a little excited when he saw the funds in his foreign exchange account.

Buy yourself some reward?

Chu Ge glanced at his newly bought clothes, and he didn't need it for the time being. The 50,000-dollar Casio watch didn't need to be replaced for the time being. It was too expensive and looked ostentatious. After all, Chu Ge was just a student.

Change computers?

This can be done. Chu Ge has been operating for fifty or sixty hours in the past few days. He obviously feels that the Lenovo computer that his parents bought him for more than 4,000 yuan when the school started is a bit too much.

This has to be put on the agenda, and it is time to change my own merits. At that time, the domestic machine I bought when I was in school started to get stuck. Now that the tablet has been replaced, the mobile phone should also be replaced.

Although Chu Ge feels that his Mi 6 can fight for a few more years, he is rich after all.

However, these are all purchases required for work, and they are not a reward for yourself. What should you buy?

While Chu Ge was thinking about it, he transferred the funds in his account back to the USD/JPY plate, when he suddenly found that USD/JPY actually moved again before the close.

It's time to send money!

Then see how much profit this wave of operations can make, and use this money to reward yourself.


Now Chu Ge sees USD/JPY at 103.50, no different from what he saw a few hours ago.

However, the bulls seem to be making a little move!

On the chart in his mind, Chu Ge actually saw that the bulls wanted to take advantage of the end of the week to catch the bears by surprise, so as to gain a small advantage in next Monday's war.

The money giver is here, how could Chu Ge not eat it?


4500 hand long list!

All the 450w USD was opened on the long side by Chu Ge in five times, and because of his capital entry, yes, his overall opening price was not at 103.50, but at 103.51.

However, no problem!

One hour, two hours, three hours, even Chu Ge has been waiting from 5 to 11, the whole long plate is still very calm, it seems that this week's battle has really been given up.

If Chu Ge hadn't clearly seen a small bump in USD/JPY from his own god's perspective, he might have been duped by the bulls too.

Until Chu Ge's three roommates fell asleep, and even he couldn't stand it, but the bulls still didn't act.

At half past eleven, one in the morning, two in the morning, the whole USD/JPY is extremely calm.

Until, at 2:30 in the morning, only half an hour before the closing of the global foreign exchange market, just when Chu Ge was really about to fall asleep, the plate finally moved!


Thirty thousand hands!

At this time of closing, most retail investors have given up their plans to trade, and the trading volume in this minute is generally only a few thousand lots.

The bulls smashed 30,000 hands directly, which is not ferocious. It seems that after losing so many times with the bears, they learned the operation of the bears.

A full seven-point increase made a long big Yang line appear in the time-sharing chart!


20,000 hands!

Another 20,000 lots were thrown out. Because the shorts set up some protective orders and were washed away by the 30,000 lots just by the shorts, the effect of the latter 20,000 lots was better than the previous 30,000 lots.

A full ten-point increase!


Fifty thousand hands!

The bulls were not satisfied because of the 18-point increase, but chose to chase after the victory. The third long list was a full 50,000 hands, which was the sum of the previous two.

However, these 50,000 hands did not achieve the expected skyrocketing increase, but were firmly locked after only an increase of five points.

The bears responded extremely quickly, and they organized an extremely effective defense in just three minutes. A large number of short orders appeared, and the long order of 50,000 hands was abruptly limited to an increase of only five points.

Seeing this situation, Chu Ge also did not hesitate to sell 4,500 long orders across the entire warehouse, and decisively chose to settle for safety.

Because he knows that once the bears are defended, the bulls have no chance.

And Chu Ge not only sold all of his long positions, but also used his usual trick again and again and again!

The 23-point net profit is an exaggerated income of 1.035 million US dollars, plus the principal of 4.5 million US dollars, a full 5,535 short orders were thrown into the market by Chu Ge while the chaos.


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