City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 353: Tesla's routine!

Judging from the current operations.

If Tesla wants to be defeated, it will take some time to consider.

After all, Tesla cars do not have a superior position for the overall market trend.

So in the face of this kind of situation, more or less still have to have some restraint.

It can be inferred that Mark created the Tesla brand by himself, and there is no doubt about the dominance of Tesla cars in the field of new energy and electronic control.

This is also why new energy vehicles have been in a blank stage in the domestic market, and Tesla sedan took advantage of the situation and successfully stole more than half of the market share.

"Mark played a good hand, we always have to go up, and as far as the current situation is concerned, this kind of operation of Mark is not uncommon for us, facing these audiences, more or less is still a little bit. novel!

"If we can make a fuss about this matter, I am afraid that Mark's brand influence will drop by more than one percentage point.

During this process, the short-selling report of the Prophet Investment Bank has not been announced to the public.

Because the funds of the Prophet Investment Bank are not yet in place, if the start of the start is achieved, it will be a dimensionality-reducing blow to Mark's Tesla.

It is still too early to maintain, and the more important point is that Mark will definitely respond accordingly. If the funds are not in place, it will be released in advance now, smoke bombs.

It will never be a favorable operation for Prophet Investment Bank.

It is precisely because of such considerations that the investment report presented by the Prophet Investment Bank on this matter.

It was once defined as the most common sales report.

It was also not exposed within the Prophet's peers.

After all, the prophets have to consider all companies, they are just conducting routine market research.

This news is not public. It really made everyone feel a little confused, and even there have been rumors on the Internet that there is a short-selling agency that wants to take action on the Mark Tessla sedan. After all, Mark has been doing well these days.

In the context of the financial crisis, Mark's Tesla has always been in an excellent leading position.

Many factories were built and put into operation on a large scale. It seems that the subprime mortgage storm caused by the financial crisis did not affect Mark's company.

Even Mark's investigation of the whole thing is in a good position.

Mark's new energy Tesla stock has been rising, and it has become the best choice for many institutions. After all, for such a creative new energy company, Mark's various layouts can be calculated, and their company is in a market position.

What's more, for Mark's company, the most important point is that Mark's role in this is also extremely important.

In everyone's eyes, Mark's operation is nothing more than a misjudgmental operation of the overall market.

And as far as Mark's company has shown, they are going to start in outer space next, and even launched a travel plan, and the technology company has now established a research center for outer space spacecraft.

Tesla's business can be said to be smooth sailing, especially when he started with Bitcoin, he even promoted the Bitcoin he held and the market value caused by Bitcoin on a large scale.

The accumulation of these things makes it difficult for Mark not to be targeted at this moment. After all, it is not unheard of for a tree to attract the wind.

"As far as the current market research report is concerned, it's hard not to be noticed by our operation on such a large scale. This is the news we released.

If our funds can't be turned back under the circumstances that everyone knows, then we will fall into the symptoms of being attacked by the enemy~".

"'Don't worry, I will solve the problem of funding.

Chu Ge tapped the table with his fingers, showing a very calm look.

After all, this matter is currently, the market trend is still in an unstable stage.

They have every reason to do so, and push this matter to the bottom of the grave.

Now it is only necessary to finalize the price of oil to recover, and with the passage of time, after a few days of fermentation, the price of oil will further recover. (Li Wanghao) At that time, they will earn a profit from it The pen will directly return the funds, which will not cause any problems for the subsequent investment.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is still necessary to let go of the oil futures as soon as possible. After all, if you hold it for a long time, it is likely to be stuck in the end and cannot be withdrawn.

On this issue, Boss Wang is still very experienced. He handed over everything to Chu Ge and let Chu Ge decide the direction of the market.

He acted as a hands-off shopkeeper, among other things, because he knew that he was in a kind of dazed stage in this regard.

There is no way to decide what position you will be in in the next direction.

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