City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 354: The project is frustrated!

Chu Ge did this because he did multiple considerations for the next market, because he knew the next market trend and layout.

Once oil is fired, it is extremely difficult for them to withdraw in a short time.

And large-scale divestment will have an impact on the broader market. At that time, I am afraid everyone will scold them.

Now, when holding funds and waiting for funds to recover further, when it rises to 100 or even less than 100, it will withdraw funds. For the outside world, the news is that they do not believe that the price of oil can be further recovered.

It creates a timid appearance to people, and the large amount of selling of the capital stocks in his hands is just cutting the flesh to recover the losses.

The news of the damage released by such an operation to the outside world will make many people feel that the Prophet Investment Bank has made a misjudgment in this matter, and will not discuss too much about the impact of the Prophet Investment Bank in this.

Considering all kinds of things, the role played by Prophet Investment Bank will definitely be the most important.

And to make inferences from the current situation.

In the operation of Prophet Investment Bank, there will be no mistakes at all in the following process.

When everyone was still laughing and being generous, they never thought that they had already jumped the gun and aimed at Matt's Tesla company.

Shangguanqing looked at Chu Ge and said to Chu Ge a little tired.

"You guys are good, go out and have a good time by yourself, and throw this mess on my head!"

"Now there is a little bit of a problem with the company's operations, and our suppliers seem to want to raise prices."

"Our number of bicycles has fallen into a state of stagnation. If it is not resolved during this process, I am afraid that it will not be long before this startup can choose to fail."

Shangguan (caeh) Qing said complainingly.

After all, this matter was negotiated by Young Master Wang, and Young Master Wang is now going to watch the fun alone, saying that she participated in the competition and went to the Great Cold Nether Kingdom, so she can only deal with the company by herself.

She appeared to be stretched out at this time, and it could be seen in the process that she was not in a good situation now.

Chu Ge rubbed Shangguanqing's shoulders and said to Shangguanqing.

"Tell me, what's the problem now? He still has the mind to go to the Great Cold Netherland. I've been busy doing transactions in the international market these days, and I haven't reviewed the domestic market too much, so I do have a hint of this aspect. Slacken, now talk about what problem I have encountered and how I need to solve it."

"Our supplier has now chosen to run away, and he is not willing to cooperate with us at all, and the price of a bicycle he requested has been increased from 150 yuan to 300 yuan.

And the price will get higher and higher in the future. He even told me that there is a problem with the raw materials and needs to be re-ordered. This kind of nonsense can be said. I really don't know what he thinks.

Shangguan Qing said helplessly.

After all, only 1,000 of their bicycles have been ordered, and subsequent bicycles still need to be invested continuously.

In the future, this gap will get bigger and bigger, and the price of this supplier does not satisfy his appetite, showing a very strong appearance.

And Wang Gongzi's pit cargo signed an exclusive order agreement, which means that all their bicycles can only be ordered through him. If they order from outside, there will be problems.

This has also led to this orderer now increasing his chips and claiming that there is a problem with their bicycles. The surge in raw materials has caused the overall price to not come down, and the price will get higher and higher.

However, Shangguanqing and the others also conducted market research, and now bicycles are still profitable, and the prices of raw materials have not risen, but have also fallen.

Not only this, they have been promoting the trend of rising materials and price changes.

The source of everything came from the unreliable contract signed by the prince. If it weren't for that contract, this kind of thing would not have happened.

Shangguanqing now expresses his anger, especially now that he can't find Wang Gongzi.

These kinds of things are piled up on her alone, and from the current point of view, if this matter is not resolved, the impact will be higher and higher.

Chu Ge rubbed his head, and he didn't expect that the situation would turn out like this.

And from the current point of view, it is no wonder that Shangguan Qing is hysterical.

This incident did come out, and it was somewhat inexplicable, and it also caused them to suffer more or less losses.

What's more important is that Prince Wang can't see anyone at all now, and there is no one who can be responsible for how to deal with the follow-up matters.

It is precisely because of this that Shangguanqing is hysterical.

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