Chu Ge said with a warning, after all, he has not seen this kind of operation before.

And in the following operation process, the turmoil caused by the oil stock market is only a temporary lighthouse country and Saudi Arabia reached a short-term alliance.

The Lighthouse State restores oil supply relations with Saudi Arabia and parts of the Middle East.

Their fleet is no longer blocking the oil market, and the price of oil is steadily increasing.

The Lighthouse Nation has already got what they want, and at this moment, they are not willing to be called the World Police. They were originally one of the five rogue countries.

And as the largest rogue group among them, the state of the "580" lighthouse country can be described as vividly and vividly.

It made many people look at itchy teeth and even more so when faced with the layers of exploitation and interrogation by the Lighthouse Nation, they showed a neither humble nor arrogant look.

"The lighthouse country has not withdrawn its troops yet, if they want to continue to expand the conflict, do you think the oil price will be able to recover to the peak?

"They will continue to break in diving, and our target is not oil, oil is just a stock in which we need to do some operations!

Chu Ge was bold enough to put all his eggs in one basket.

Now it is necessary to repeat the operation, which is somewhat rash to Chu Ge, so he chose to give up this operation at this stage.

"Boss, we will keep a part of the stock, what do you think, the funds we have invested are too large, if we withdraw all the funds, we will also lose a lot.

As far as the next environment is concerned, we can only get a good position in the next investment status by continuously adding value to our assets.

If we choose to back down and give up at this time, it will be tantamount to giving the entire market a painful blow, and there is absolutely no need for us to do so!"

"Am I the boss or you are the boss, why do I feel that you are so excited today, and why are you doing it? Maybe you have a small treasury to join me with you. 66

Chu Ge paused and then said, "It's not the way to go all out. If there is a problem, the price of oil will recover, but it will take a few years. We don't have the time to wait. We might as well be more at this time. Think about what's going on right now, short Tesla!"

Chu Ge didn't say anything about the rest of the short Bitcoin.

In fact, Chu Ge does not have a spectrum in his heart. If he really shorts Bitcoin as he planned, I am afraid that the entire market will be turbulent.

After all, the market trend of Bitcoin in the broader market has not been obvious until now, and in the current environment, Bitcoin will definitely not be a very favorable investment object.

The influence of Bitcoin is even more predictable.

The most critical point is that, for now, the Bitcoin market is still in a stage of collapse, and their stocks have been melted.

Bitcoin has suffered heavy losses this time, and the reason for the incident is also caused by this video published by Chu Ge.

It can be said that everyone is now watching the development of Bitcoin this time, thinking that it is impossible for Bitcoin to regain a new life in this process, and Bitcoin has been marked with a label of death..0

"Boss, it's useless for us to short Tesla's stock. If we short a new energy institution, its current market value is only $650. Even if we go short, we won't have much money in our hands.

The trader asked himself Chu Ge with some confusion.

After all, according to Chu Ge's words, shorting Tesla's stock may be a good way for them.

But Tesla's stock has been very strong for now, and such a dazed shorting will not be a good thing for them.

The new energy sector Tesla is definitely the leader among them.

This challenge to the leader of the dragon made everyone feel a little different, after all, the firmness shown by Tesla was in front of her eyes.

The trouble with looking for Tesra at the moment is nitpicking.

Although they really want to do this, they also know very well what will happen behind it, and of course they are very clear.

"At the beginning of the year, we increased our holdings in the new energy sector by 4.7%, and invested in both the Biyadi and Shenche brands. It can be said that we are the second largest shareholder group besides their company. For retail investors, the stocks we hold and ourselves are the most important.

Chu Ge paused, then continued.

"If Tesla has some unknown changes at this time, his car has problems, and it can be inferred during the whole process, all his brands have been affected by us at this moment. What will happen to Tesla."

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