City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 372: Layout manipulation!

The trader sitting in the corner raised his arm and responded to Chu Ge.

"The decline of Tesla's stock will cause the public to reduce their holdings of the stocks in Tesla's hands, and our short-selling is to extract a lot of money, and Tesla will be at a loss..."

Chu Ge snapped his fingers and sat on the table, and continued speaking to all the operators present.

"If Tesla was brought down by us, we had to re-examine all the effects and changes caused by the market.

For the domestic market, Tesla does not change the medicine, but the price will fall further, it will be directly knocked down from the B-class luxury car to the C-class car, or even lower.

"This is for the domestic market environment, and we are doing a good thing by doing this.

Then go on, if according to our plan, the price of Tesla is steadily declining. Bureau Bureau

"During this process, we can even see Tesla, and there is a problem with the sales of 20% in the process of decline, so the two brands of Biadi and Shenche can suddenly emerge and eat up the domestic market share in an instant. .66

"Is it for you that you have not considered that we will not control the domestic stock market? If Biadi and Shenche can eat most of the stocks in the new energy sector, I am afraid that it will affect the position of Tesla in the future. , I don't need to complain too much, and judging from the situation shown by Tesla, this thing will happen 100%."

Chu Ge's words made everyone present brighten their eyes. They never thought that Chu Ge actually had such a plan, and from the perspective of the heavy arrangement in front of him, Chu Ge arranged all these things properly, Just wait quietly for the flowers to bear fruit.

And in this process, everyone can clearly and more intuitively see the overall view that Chu Ge showed in the next market.

"Boss, can I understand that you use to attack the brand of Tesla, and then take advantage of the trend to sell the stocks we have increased!

It will be a good thing for us once the value of these two brands rise steadily at that time!"

After the first person said this sentence, the rest of the people also understood.

This is indeed a good thing, and from the perspective of the current market environment, Chu Ge and the others have done this without any problems at all, and they can infer what is happening right now.

Everyone also understands why Chu Ge chose to take action against Tes at this time, and he also sold a large amount of stocks in the oil market. These things were all planned by Chu Ge.

Chu Ge will not fight unprepared battles. When he decides one thing, he will arrange the rest of the things according to the trend. The things that are happening right now are just arranged by him.

"The cohesion and creativity we have shown in this process, as well as the trust in the brand, are not enough, Biyadi has launched a new type of new energy car.

And their sales ability is still in a weak position relative to the whole, and the sales volume of Bia Di's new cars has not been high. "

Biyadi's new energy sedan takes the low-end route.

It is claimed to be a low-end model, but the price is only 100,000 yuan for a low-end car.

100,000 yuan can drive a car back, which is a bit incredible in everyone's eyes, and even the price of some new energy models will be lower.

Under this background, these things they do can be steadily improved.

By then these things will be further raised.

Once there is a problem with Tesla cars, and the sales in the domestic market fall into a stagnant situation, Biadi can emerge suddenly and successfully sit on the throne of the middle and low-end models.

And give the Chinese people a larger choice of consumption direction. By that time, Biadi Automobile can definitely become the leader among them.

"It's not bad to say that, and as far as 580 is concerned, we have no problem doing this at all, and Bia Di will thank us, after all, we pulled Bia Di.

"This is an unprecedented thing for Biadi. We have increased the shares of Biadi and we have to help them to improve the market. Boss, you have done this for the money in your hands!

Chu Ge nodded, he made no secret of everyone's attitude towards these things he did.

Because Chu Ge knows that if what he has done is magnified, it is adding chips to his stock.

What he did was just to push the boat with the current. The most important thing was that he could not accept the market definition of Tesla. He felt that the market definition of Tesla was too high.

He has no way to understand that under this background, any brand can rashly increase its marketing price.

It is unacceptable for Chu Ge to rashly increase their prices when the service and quality have not improved.

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