City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 53: The Longest Voyage


After frequent cleaning, it was already extremely clean. It was transported to the captain's cockpit and floated in front of Zhang Heng.

"It is definitely a scepter!"

Zhang Heng was sure just by looking at the style: "It can also be confirmed that it is an ancient king's scepter from a country in the Middle East, but I don't know which country it is from."

"Combined with some known information, it seems to be from the Great Camel Country, but further confirmation is needed."

"By the way, is there anything else in the seabed with the sunken ship?"

Zhang Heng adheres to the principle that a thief never leaves empty-handed. The core is that this scepter is correct, but it does not mean that he does not want other valuable things.

"Yes, there is a certain amount of gold, but the amount is very small, about 500 kilograms, all jewelry!"

Intelligent No. 1 fully understood the situation on the seabed and immediately gave an answer: "There are more gems of various types."

"Bring them all up!"

Zhang Heng looked down on gems. In his eyes, gems with terrifying value were not as good as gold, but it did not prevent him from packing them up and taking them away: "They are also royal items with the king's scepter, and their value cannot be measured by market price."

"This time... it's not for making money. With these royal items, together with the scepter, it can be more evidence and more convincing." Zhang Heng's calm face finally melted, and a look of joy floated on his face.


"Okay, let's return!"

Zhang Heng did not hesitate any more and wasted a lot of time. Fortunately, he achieved his goal: "Deal with all the jewelry. Remember, don't over-process them. A sunken ship is a sunken ship. All items are eroded by seawater. Over-processing will be suspected of counterfeiting."


Intelligent No. 1 has turned its bow and started to return. The processing cabin has also started. It's just cleaning the silt, which is not a big deal.

I have to take a look!

Anyway, it takes a certain amount of time to return, and this period of time is just right for appreciating them one by one. After all, they are things of a long time, absolute antiques. I will not exchange them for money, but I will use them as a favor, but it does not prevent him from appreciating them.

"Alas... After all, the culture is different, I really can't appreciate it."

Zhang Heng quickly shook his head and smiled bitterly. He looked at the gold jewelry and those gems for a long time but couldn't see the flower, so he decisively gave up: "Put it away, sail at full speed... Go back early."

Take a 7-shaped route.

The total voyage is more than 9,500 kilometers, which is more than 5,100 nautical miles. Even at a speed of 412 knots, it will take more than 12 hours.

In fact!

Zhang Heng was well prepared and knew that it would be a longer voyage. When he boarded the mining ship, he brought a lot of dry food and snacks, just to cope with this longest voyage since he got the mining ship.

That is, the mining ship can reach a speed of 412 knots. If it is replaced by an ordinary ship, the speed will be unbearable. It will not be possible to return to the shore in less than ten days.

If it were a normal tanker, it would probably not be able to reach the destination without drifting on the sea for a month.

In comparison, nearly 12 hours is already very fast.

Who lets the mining ship reach its maximum speed from time to time, just like a fighter plane, slowing down from time to time, pulling the speed to 430 knots, and then returning to the normal 412 knots, letting the whole ship rest for a while, and then speeding up again.

Even so.

It still took 11 hours and 30 minutes to return to the shore of Zhangjia Village!

"Speed... is really important!"

Zhang Heng felt uncomfortable all over. This voyage took more than 40 hours, which means he stayed on the mining ship for about a day and a half: "If you want to reach a speed of 1,000 knots, five hours will be enough."

"But it's true, it's too difficult to reach a speed of 1,000 knots." Zhang Heng shook his head and smiled bitterly, knowing that it was not easy.

Unless the mining ship is repaired to its heyday, otherwise, don't even think about the speed of 1,000 knots.

Or, if the ship is almost completely repaired and the secondary engine is repaired, it will no longer be sailing on the sea, but flying. Maybe it will be faster?

All kinds of messy ideas popped up one after another, and he was discouraged in the end, because the current situation was not realistic. No matter how much he thought, he was just thinking too much.

Packed and sent to the No. 1 warehouse.

Zhang Heng carried a small box of unknown material and a metal gun in one hand back to the shore.

It was the gene drug injection gun, and the life drug was naturally brought along. For him, that test tube was priceless.

It goes without saying that he could live a few more years. Good health is something that money can't buy.

As for the mining ship being able to get those boxes of messy materials, it is not a big deal. So much metal is processed and refined, including a lot of crude oil, and there are many impurities, which can be used for repair.

There is no impact if some are picked out and made into boxes.

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