City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 71: When Roommates Gather Together, There Is Always A Villain [Seventh Update]

The lively school celebration is over!

The atmosphere of the school is still strong, Zhang Heng and his classmates, as well as seniors who have graduated for a long time, and outstanding alumni, etc.

Whether it is a familiar chat or an outstanding alumni who have made achievements in entrepreneurship, it is the best opportunity to take this opportunity to keep in touch.

Especially those outstanding alumni who have started their own businesses, if they can take the opportunity to dig up a few juniors, they will make a fortune.

Zhang Heng and Li Ke did not join in the fun. The two teams left immediately after the ceremony.

"Damn, it really made a fortune. You rich dog, you have to pay for this meal tonight."

Li Ke started to complain as soon as he got in the car, but he was also like a grandma entering a manor, full of curiosity and novelty about the interior of the supercar: "Supercar, it's only been a few months, and you got a supercar. You don't have a mine at home, so you must have earned it yourself."

"Brother, I call you brother, I don't want to work hard." Li Ke's funny attributes did not change.

"Go to the side to cool off." Zhang Heng rolled his eyes.

"Hey... why are there no windows?"

"Professor Tang removed them."

"Professor Tang?"

Li Ke didn't know what was going on. He didn't pay attention to the brand of the car when he got in. He only knew it was a supercar, but didn't notice that it didn't belong to any brand: "Speaking of Professor Tang, he treats you like a son, and everyone in the school knows it."

"By the way, buddy, I heard that Professor Tang has a quota for a master's and doctoral degree program. Many people are eyeing it and have many ideas. To be honest, even I am tempted. You see... considering that we have lived together for five years, can you speak to me for help?" Li Ke looked expectant.

"Don't even think about it!"

Zhang Heng refused without hesitation. In order to make this fat guy give up completely, he also revealed the answer: "Because the quota has been given to me, and the school has signed it."

"I know that Professor Tang will think of you when he has something good."

Li Ke was not disappointed. Asking for mercy was a joke, but seriously, he still did not give up: "Next year, next year, there will be no problem, right?"

"This... you really have to work hard on your own. You know what Professor Tang is like. Character is the most important, and grades are second. Don't even think about using connections."

Zhang Heng knew too well that Professor Tang, who was like a father to him, was a person who could not tolerate any sand in his eyes: "Fatty, I advise you not to do crooked things. If you really have an idea, work hard in the next year and strive to make some achievements."

"Then next year, register normally for the exam. Whether you can get Professor Tang's attention in the end, let God decide. There is no problem with your character. If the test scores are at the top, and there is a past teacher-student relationship, this is a big advantage in itself." Zhang Heng reminded.

"Well, I'll try!" Li Ke rarely put away his playful smile and became more serious.

"Okay, contact the third and the eldest brother quickly, we are almost there."

Zhang Heng has not been idle all the time. The car has been driving towards the destination, but he just didn't step on the accelerator hard.

"They said there are still ten minutes!"

"That's about right, you can report at the hotel gate."

"It doesn't matter if you arrive first or late."

"That's right!"

The relationship is there.

It doesn't matter who waits a little longer.

Ten minutes later.

They really met at the hotel gate.

There was a round of small talk, and it was sighing. Maybe the three of them entered the confidential unit to engage in scientific research, and they didn't filter through the big dye vat of the outside world, so there was not much change.

Hugging each other, teasing each other, it was still the same as in college.

"Why do you want a private room? The hall is so good, lively, and saves money." The eldest brother Yang Yong had an opinion when he heard that a private room was booked.

"It's okay, our youngest has a mine!"

Li Ke smiled slyly, sharpening his knife: "Let's kill the dog owner today."

"I like it. If we don't kill the dog owner, when will we?" The third brother Qian Zhi was also nonchalant.

"Did the youngest get rich?"

"Not only got rich, but also arranged a supercar."

Li Ke did not blink an eye when he exposed the old secrets, and sold it out in one go: "Even Professor Tang's master's and doctoral degree quota was obtained. Tell me, should I treat him?"

"Yes, it's right."

Yang Yong heard this and no longer showed mercy: "Remember this lobster is good, one for each person?"

"Order two per person, eat one, and take the remaining one away!"

"Well, let me say something, actually there are single-head abalone here, should each person get two?" The third brother raised his hand, like a primary school student who was about to speak.

"Count it, count it, single-headed abalone."

"All, all!"

"..." Zhang Heng rolled his eyes, feeling like he had met a group of starving ghosts who had just been reincarnated. He also knew that it was mostly a joke, so he followed suit: "All, all, okay?"



Talking and laughing, they had already entered the hotel and came to the private room area.

"Hey, aren't these the four idiots in 603?"

An annoying voice sounded, with sarcastic words. Perhaps realizing that it was a public idiot, he immediately changed his tone: "Just kidding, just kidding, our classmates are used to calling each other, so it's easy to say. Sorry."

It sounded like an apology, but there was no sincerity at all.

Accept an insincere apology?

But he was not so generous, at least Zhang Heng thought he was not so generous, especially when there were outsiders present.


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