City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 72: Counterattack, One Slap To Death [Eight Updates]

"Come on, let me introduce you!"

Zhang Yang is as flamboyant as his name suggests, and he is also extremely arrogant. He seems to really take what he just said as a joke, and he can get over it with a smile. He probably feels the same way in his heart, and he enthusiastically said to himself: "This is the president of Green Island Shipbuilding Group, Mr. Zhang."

"My last name is Zhang, Zhang Heng, your last name is also Zhang, we were one family five hundred years ago."

"Mr. Zhang... these four are my classmates, all of them are Professor Tang's disciples!"

When Zhang Yang faced Mr. Zhang, his face completely changed, and he looked like a villain.

"Deputy, deputy!"

Vice President Zhang has seen all kinds of storms. In his opinion, a few young people are making fuss. It's just a farce. He just does his own thing. He politely extends his hand and shakes it one by one: "Professor Tang's disciple has a bright future."

"Boss Zhang, this is wrong!"

Zhang Yang interrupted Zhang Heng and his group before they could speak: "Even if they go to the research institute, they don't know how many years it will take to produce results."

One stick can overturn more than one boat, which shows that this person not only has emotional intelligence problems, but also has questionable IQ.

He didn't care, or he was self-centered from childhood to adulthood, and even ignored the need to pay attention to Vice President Zhang's feelings.

If Vice President Zhang agrees with his words, wouldn't it mean that Vice President Zhang looks down on scientific researchers, and then he would offend a lot of people.

It should be known that Ludao Shipbuilding Group is one of the top ten shipbuilding companies in China. It is of the same nature as China Shipbuilding Group. It is a semi-state-owned enterprise and semi-military enterprise. In the group, the status of scientific researchers is sometimes higher than that of their administrative management.

Vice President Zhang was extremely unhappy, but he didn't show it. He did it for Zhang Yang's father's sake. Otherwise, he would have walked away in a huff.

"Classmates, classmates, I can tell you that I started a business after graduation and have achieved results now!"

Zhang Yang still felt good about himself, like a child who was showing off. He said proudly: "After my efforts, I improved the smelting process and extracted high-quality carbon steel. Unfortunately, high-quality carbon steel can be used in shipbuilding."

The implication was obvious.

I made high-quality carbon steel, which can be used in shipbuilding. The person I invited was the vice president of Ludao Shipbuilding Group. Everything was self-evident.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Zhang, Uncle Zhang is in charge of purchasing." Zhang Yang seemed to be afraid that Zhang Heng and the others would not understand, so he explained it specifically.


Big fool.


A complete idiot.

Vice President Zhang cursed in his heart. His expression, which had not been shown before, suddenly changed drastically and quickly became gloomy. He really wanted to walk away in a huff.

But after all, he was the vice president who had been in a high position for a long time, and because of his relationship with his father, he did not do so.

In addition, it was also because Zhang Heng and his friends were too young. This kind of young people were still at his mercy. Even if there was something, he believed that there was no problem.

And Zhang Heng and his friends also thought so. Zhang Yang was a complete idiot.

Such things, no matter how formal, could not be brought up. Once it was mentioned, it became irregular and a private transaction. For the vice president of a semi-state-owned enterprise and semi-military enterprise, it was definitely a fatal threat.

A letter of complaint was enough to bring someone down.

Maybe Zhang Yang also knew this, but subconsciously felt that the four idiots in Room 603 in front of him would definitely not think of this, and would not make any big waves.

Of course, it could also be that he was just showing off and didn't think so much.

"Vice President Zhang, this is my business card!"

Zhang Heng had been holding back, his anger accumulated little by little, but he kept it to himself. When he first introduced himself, he knew that the other party was from the Green Island Shipbuilding Group, and he had already made up his mind. He wanted to strike back and slap this self-satisfied idiot to death with a slap, and solemnly stated: "Speaking of which, I am also in the materials industry."


Vice President Zhang is not stupid, otherwise he would not be the vice president, and he is in charge of purchasing. He originally felt that this person has an extraordinary demeanor. After observation, he is not the kind of person who pretends. He took the nameplate with a suspicious, curious and serious attitude and took a serious look: "Hengyuan? Hengyuan Mining Group? Chairman?"

"I am not talented, it's me!"

Zhang Heng still maintained a humble attitude, but suddenly changed, and turned into a venomous snake: "If I remember correctly, some time ago, your Ludao Shipbuilding Group just bought a batch of carbon steel with a quality of more than 9.1% from China Shipbuilding Group, right?"

"What a coincidence, the carbon steel of China Shipbuilding Group came from my Hengyuan Mining Group. I heard that you still want to continue to buy it?"

"If you cooperate with such a big idiot, a big fool, then I will tell Lin Chengwang, Vice President of China Shipbuilding Group, that I won't even give you a piece of carbon steel, not even a strand of steel hair."

"Don't doubt my words. Now in the whole country, even in the world, only Hengyuan Mining Group can produce carbon steel with a quality of more than 9.1%."

Zhang Heng was serious throughout the whole process, and his eyes were sharp. Staring at the vice president Zhang.


Naked threat, not tactful, and even undisguised,

To be honest, the identities of the two are not equal.

He is the boss of a private enterprise, and what about the other party?

He is a vice president at the administrative level, and his administrative level is not low. In this case, he should not be threatened, otherwise he will offend others. He is still a person of considerable weight.


This is a seller's market, especially when it is the only one.

Another, and most important point, is that a vice president in charge of procurement of Ludao Shipbuilding Group privately accepted an invitation from a private company boss in public, and the main topic of the discussion was the purchase and introduction of carbon steel.

Such a person cannot help but arouse people's reverie.

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