City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 87 Benefits Of Injecting Life Potion [Three Updates]

Zhang Heng didn't know that China Shipbuilding Group had been arguing for several days because of his 15-ship order!

If he knew, he would probably just laugh it off or shake his head helplessly.

Laughing it off is because it is impossible for a super-large enterprise to maintain consistency. There will always be internal struggles. This is inevitable. It is said that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Whether it is a private enterprise or a state-owned enterprise, or a company of any nature, it is the same.

Private enterprises are better. There are struggles in the workplace, which are also very fierce, but far less complicated than state-owned enterprises. There is also a layer here. Many state-owned enterprises have continued from the old era, and many current managements have also come up step by step from that era.

Management is moving the old way and retaining some old habits and old ideas. It is no longer surprising.

Handing his head helplessly, it is a bit painful.

He has a special feeling for China Shipbuilding Group. This feeling is not because of his good relationship with Lin Chengwang, nor is it the shipping channel for carbon steel.

It is because China Shipbuilding Group is the object of his first pot of gold. In addition, his former teacher, now called mentor, is Professor Tang, who is the technical consultant of China Shipbuilding Group.

In addition, China Shipbuilding Group made him earn his first pot of gold. Under various factors, he has a lot of feelings for China Shipbuilding Group.

If there is no big accident, the cooperation with China Shipbuilding Group will continue, and deeper cooperation is not ruled out. If there is anything good, the first thing to consider is China Shipbuilding Group.

"It just so happens that I will not go out recently, and the refining equipment has arrived one after another. Although it is to cover up, it is also useful."

Zhang Heng muttered to himself, and he also had a lot of things to do: "Some things cannot be done by outsiders, so I can only do it myself."

Finished oil refining!

The external explanation is that they process and refine by themselves, and also purchased four sets of equipment, some of which are ready-made and some are customized, but some of the key parts are from mining ships.

Later, he ordered two more sets, increasing the simple equipment to six sets.

These six large equipment are not useless, nor are they used as decorations. They can indeed refine and process fuel, but they are not refined into two new types of mixed fuel, but ordinary aviation fuel and military wax oil.

No surprises!

The design and improvement of the equipment are also the credit of him and Smart No. 1.

"The biggest problem is laying the pipeline. It is not easy to conceal the truth and lay the pipeline as complicated as possible to make it look real.

Zhang Heng sighed. He had a perfect plan in his mind, but it was this perfect plan that had many difficulties: "Welding oil tankers is a technical job, which I lack. "

Crude oil pipelines, natural gas pipelines!

It is not just a matter of connecting large iron pipes together and then being done. Connecting two pipelines and welding them is a test of the welder's skills, and at least the level of a fourth-level technician welder is required.

When he was in college, his hobby was mechanical design, so he naturally tinkered with machinery and was familiar with various welding techniques, but his level was about the level of an intermediate welder. There is a senior welder above, and then a fourth-level technician welder.


Learning makes people happy.

For three consecutive days, he went back and forth between two points. He either surfed the Internet at home, watched various welder videos, and then looked up some related information and skills.

Or he went to the large warehouse on the construction site, fiddled with the welding machine, and put what he learned from the Internet into practice, relying on this method to strengthen his welding skills.

"Very good, perfect!"

Zhang Heng took off his welding cap, sweating profusely, but ignored it. He used a high-power magnifying glass and knocked it from time to time. The weld mark in the middle of a piece of metal could be clearly seen, without bubbles or cracks: "This level is enough. I have to admit that he is still talented in this area. If he works harder and passes the exam to become a level 5 senior technician welder, even if Hengyuan Mining Group goes bankrupt, he will not starve to death."

Level 5 senior technician welder is the highest level of coal miners.

It is true that there are many such talents in China, but they are also scarce talents, especially those as young as him. I don’t know how many companies are scrambling for them. The salary is estimated to be higher than the other, and it will definitely not be lower than 50,000 yuan per month.

Unfortunately, even if Hengyuan Mining Group goes bankrupt, he still has a mining ship. It seems that with a mining ship, Hengyuan Mining Group will never go bankrupt.

It was evening.

After a full meal and a wash, he forced himself to sleep even though he was not sleepy. He set the alarm clock to two in the morning.

At two o'clock, the alarm clock rang.

Zhang Heng lifted the quilt, got up quickly, washed his face with cold water, woke up, and headed for the warehouse.

Starry night construction!

Since we have to hide our tracks, then the only option is to start construction after midnight.

"During this period, just buying these strange things has cost a lot of money, right?"

Zhang Heng smiled bitterly, without calculating, but he could roughly estimate that, apart from other things, just a small excavator cost him more than 100,000 yuan:. Let's start the work, it's good that Cangnan is not far from Younan District. ”

Dig a deep trench from Warehouse No. 4 to the oil depot area, bury the oil pipeline, and connect it with two of the oil depots.

In this way, the fuel processed and refined in Warehouse No. 4 can be directly sent to the two oil depots for storage, and the major oil depots are connected together, and the docking port extends to the sea surface.

He needs to do some tricks to quietly block the connection between these two oil depots and other oil depots without being discovered. In this way, in the future, when selling ordinary aviation fuel and military wax oil, oil can be sold from these two oil depots.

"The distance is 500 meters. Fortunately, the oil pipeline ordered is 30 meters long. If it is 10 meters, I don’t know how many times it will take to weld it. Man. ”

Zhang Heng praised his cleverness, without any unnecessary nonsense. There were only a few hours left until dawn, and it would be best if he could connect an oil pipe in ten nights.

Thanks to the transformation of the life potion (good job, Wang), after dancing the Five Animals Exercises several times each time, his body has surpassed the strong range. Even if the 30-meter-long oil pipe is frighteningly heavy, he does not need mechanical help. It is round and can be pushed and rolled into the deep ditch.

Fixing, welding, and then pouring cement slurry from the cement mixer down to completely cover the oil pipe. The cement slurry is still a thick layer to prevent someone from digging it out to check. The top layer is covered with soil again.

He almost pulled the speed to the maximum, racing against time. When he was alone, his efficiency was so fast that it was a bit scary.

There were no professional construction workers on the scene. If there were, seeing his efficiency, they would definitely drop their eyes to the ground in shock. It was too fast and unscientific.

This is another great benefit brought by the life potion.

Not only the strength has been greatly improved, but also the nerve reaction and the body's sensitivity have been greatly improved. Otherwise, it would not be possible to be so inhuman.

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