City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 88 Premeditated Oil Theft [Fourth Update]

Possessing a non-human body!

It took two nights to connect the two oil pipelines, but the work is far from over.

It still needs to set up a maze.

So, Zhang Heng used another night star to get it done and restored it as much as possible. Fortunately, this side has been completed and basically no one will come over, otherwise some traces on the ground can still be seen.

"Done, the next step is to install six sets of equipment!"

Zhang Heng breathed a sigh of relief. The installation of equipment was carried out in the warehouse, without so many concerns. There were signal jammers and signal shielding inside, and it could be carried out in broad daylight, and there was no time limit: "We still have to install two sets as soon as possible. There are only six days left before the first batch of military tankers arrive."

"It's a bit unreasonable to take out 100 tons of new fuel at once without starting the equipment and pretending to do it." Zhang Heng murmured, feeling that his mental state was not bad. Although he had been working day and night for these years, he had enough time to rest and there was no problem at all.

Another morning, a set of equipment was installed and started to operate without any failures and ran smoothly.

After lunch, I slept for two hours, and then continued to sleep, resisting the sleepiness, and also wanted to use this to change my sleep schedule.

One set of aviation fuel, one set of military wax oil!

Officially running.

I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Look, when I woke up the next day, I was leisurely and not in a hurry at all.


"Hello, Mr. Zhang, are you home? I have a few documents for you to sign."

The caller was none other than Major Qin, who said without hesitation: "I will be in Wo in about ten minutes."

"Okay, I'm at home."

Zhang Heng heard the echo of the phone being hung up, and smiled bitterly. First asked if he was at home, and then said he would be there in ten minutes. Isn't it contradictory? But this is Major Qin's style, and the implication is that if he is not at home, it is best to rush back within ten minutes.

Ten minutes means ten minutes, and even dozens of seconds earlier.

"So many?" Zhang Heng was also shocked when Major Qin took out documents from his briefcase one by one.

"It includes all the procedures, all kinds of them." Major Qin calmly narrated that he had classified them before coming and had also calculated rigorously: "I have calculated that there are 186 places where your signature is needed." "......" Zhang Heng was silent. What else could he do? For this airport, he could only pick up the pen and sign. Next, he turned into an emotionless signature machine, mechanically signing. Anyway, Major Qin turned to that page and said two words "here" and he signed decisively. So many copies of documents, so many places need his signature in person, his head exploded, what documents are they, what are the contents of the documents? Forget it! Anyway, they will not cheat him, he still has 100% trust in the military, just sign directly. "Okay!" Major Qin collected the documents one by one, put them in his briefcase, and patted the bag with satisfaction: "Now I have been transferred here, starting from the preparation of the airport, to the construction, and the future management work, I am responsible for it. "Speaking of which, I have to thank you. Without you, I think it will take a long time for me to get promoted to the next level. "Major Qin didn't always have a stern face, and occasionally he would show different emotions.

"Congratulations, you will be called Lieutenant Colonel Qin from now on!" Zhang Heng was also happy for this. It is not easy to be promoted to the colonel level.

"No official order has been issued yet, but it will be soon." Major Qin rarely smiled.

"I'd better stop laughing. To be honest, you probably haven't laughed for many years. It's really ugly when you laugh now.

Zhang Heng was also familiar with him and could make harmless jokes: "It's still the same as before. It's good to keep a straight face, but no matter what, I should thank you. Without you, Hengyuan Mining Group would not be so smooth."

"Mr. Zhang, I still want to remind you that we are very strict and rigorous, but don't let anything go wrong!"

Major Qin's words were not so straightforward, but it also sounded a small alarm, emphasizing the quality of the two new types of fuel in the future, and stopped at the point: "Now we are temporarily stationed in your county, only six or seven kilometers away. If there is anything, you can call me directly. "

"This time we are stationed with a platoon of soldiers!" Major Qin also revealed a little bit. The deployment of troops is an absolute secret. If he does not get authorization from the upper level, he will not say it.

"Okay, I will not be polite if you need me!"

Zhang Heng replied with a smile. He knew the twists and turns in his heart. It was precisely because he knew it that he was excited and very happy.

This represents Hengyuan Mining Group. His industrial plant has been upgraded in a sense. If there is any problem here, it can be rescued. Major Qin will intervene at the first time.

It can be said that although Major Qin is stationed in the county, on the surface, he is to ensure the construction of the airport. At the same time, he has another mission, which is to ensure the entire Hengyuan Mining Group. A platoon of soldiers, if they are elite soldiers, and then full-scale armed forces, their combat experience is very scary.

Major Qin did not stay for long. He had said what he should say, and all the documents had been signed. He left without a cloud.

Maybe he was in a good mood, Zhang Heng gave himself a half-day off and stayed at home doing nothing.

He cooked lunch at 11 o'clock in the morning. After lunch, it was noon. Seeing that there was nothing to do, he rushed to the warehouse. He had to continue working.


The four tires of the SUV rubbed against the ground violently, raising a lot of dust, especially when braking suddenly. There was no concrete road yet, so even if it was not braking suddenly, dust would still fly.


Zhang Heng cursed, his face quickly sank, his face gloomy, showing that he was very angry. He turned the steering wheel to a full turn, stepped hard on the oil field, and the good performance made the SUV feel like it was flat on the ground: "I knew that there would be a lot of such shitty things!"

At noon, there was a figure in the oil depot area.

The sun was strong and reflected, otherwise he really couldn't find it. Just now, he subconsciously glanced at the rearview mirror and caught it.

"Boom boom boom!"

The engine roared and approached quickly.

Such a big noise naturally disturbed the people in the oil depot area.

It's just that two legs can't outrun four tires.

"The equipment is really complete!"

Zhang Heng was almost laughed out of anger. When he really entered the oil depot area, he found a tanker parked in a place, and the location was very good. It was a blind spot and could not be found from the outside. It was blocked from sight: "The time and the location of the tanker, it is impossible to say that there was no trace beforehand.

He has confirmed that they came to steal oil, and it was a premeditated theft of oil.


I didn't even bother to turn off the engine, I parked the car and put it in neutral, got out of the car, closed the door, and chased after him.


Soon, the screams echoed throughout the oil military zone.

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