City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 302, Mutation, General Order of the Demon Ape!

Zhai Huang was the first to arrive.

In fact, he had already left the city, but he didn't go very far, and was directly stopped by Jin Yiwei and recalled to the city-state.

In the government hall.

Xu Fei directly let him use the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and General Order skills.

Both of these are the best orange skills.

His talent skills mutate.

It is not good for the orange best skills.

It is easy to mutate several times and fail.

Before the Yellow Turban Warriors failed twice.

It was only the third time that it successfully mutated into a Golden Armor.

The talent of skill mutation has a number of uses.

Certainly not unlimited use.

Therefore, Xu Fei had to select carefully and find those skills worthy of mutation to use.

Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and General Order have two skills.

Xu Fei made a comparison in his heart.

The general's order almost gave him an extra orange barracks.

And there is no limit to the number of soldiers recruited in this barracks.

As long as Zhai Huang has enough commanding power.

If there are enough basic farmers, he can keep recruiting.

As for the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, in fact, it was a bit of a waste for Zhai Huang to use it.

He is not a general who is suitable for commanding such a powerful combat force.

Even if the tiger and leopard ride is mutated.

It was also impossible for Zhai Huang to personally lead them to attack the enemy formation.

On the contrary, it is more used to patrol the Xiliang land and maintain the stability near Baishui City.

Clear up some monsters that came in from the mountains.

Using the mutant tiger and leopard to be a patrolman is a waste.

And generally this kind of strong cavalry charge.

Most generals will assist with other skills to increase the strength of the charge and enhance the combat effectiveness of the soldiers under 09.

For example, Yue Fei's heavy-armored cavalry with backs and backs has strong skills such as Zhuanghuai.

to unleash his power.

If he was alone and charged with cavalry, he would most likely be defeated by a cavalry like Li Siye.

Not a single one was killed.

And Zhai Huang is just a strategist.

Not only is it not suitable for rushing.

There is no such skill suitable for rushing.

So let him use the unmutated tiger and leopard cavalry as a patrol unit on the northern border of Xiliang.

To deal with ordinary monsters, it is completely enough.

It is better to say that the general orders this skill and try to mutate it.

Maybe it can be upgraded to the best orange.

This is if the mutation is successful.

An excellent orange standing troop converted from a basic farmer.

Just this White Water City alone can support the consumption of soldiers in the Western Region City.

After Xu Fei made a decision.

Open the Sigil of the City Lord.

Select a talent skill variant.

Select the object to use, Zhai Huang's skills, and general's order.

"Ding, you used a skill mutation on the orange super skill general order."5

"Mutation failed~"

Xu Fei secretly said, sure enough, the mutation probability of the orange super skill is low.

But it's not a big problem, just keep going.

"Mutation failed.

Take a deep breath.


"Mutation failed."

"Warney Horse!" 5

I still don't believe it, go ahead.

"Use mutation.

"Ding, Zhai Huang's orange super-skill general made the mutation successful.

"You have acquired a new skill, Commander of the Demon Ape.

"What the hell?" heard this new skill.

Xu Fei was confused.

Demon Ape General's Order.

He quickly opened the function of this skill.

[Magic Ape General Order]: After unlocking the barracks of the magic ape bloodline technology, after the city is built, you can build a special kind of magic ape soldier.

Look at the new barracks building.

Xu Fei was a little confused.

At this time, the beep sounded.

"Ding, do you want to replace the General Order of the Demon Ape with the General Order skill?"

Xu Fei tapped his fingers on the table.

This is a new skill that I have never been exposed to before.

Although I don't know how it will work.

However, the previous general's order was to recruit low-grade orange soldiers.

It's almost nowhere to go.

Even if this skill is abolished.

For Xu Fei, there is not much to lose.

It's just an orange low-level unit.

He has more in his hands.

So Xu Fei directly chose yes.

"Ding, Zhai Huang has obtained a new skill, General Order of the Demon Ape."

Hearing the prompt sound, he quickly opened the building panel.

He can build this new barracks.

Xu Fei wanted to see what kind of soldiers could be recruited in this Demon Ape Barracks.

Choose a building.

Select Build.

"Ding, do you consume 100 million resources to build the Demon Ape Barracks?"

So expensive~

But Xu Fei did not refuse.

Select Build.

It takes 6 years.

But now he can check it out.

What are the magic ape soldiers that can be recruited in this magic ape army camp?

After opening the barracks.

There are two options.

One Demon Ape Soldier, the other Demon Ape Blood Technology.

He first clicked to view the troops.

【Name】: Magic Ape Soldier.

[Quality]: Orange low-grade (increase with the increase of the blood of the demon, the highest is gold.)

【Combat Strength】:500

[Skill]: Bloodline of Demon Ape: It is currently the first-order bloodline, which increases with the improvement of technology. The higher the bloodline, the stronger the combat power.

Magic Ape Throwing: Throws a boulder at the target, lower than its combat power, causing triple critical damage.

Over the mountains and mountains: Fighting in the mountains and forests, gain agility and strength bonuses, and at the same time increase concealment by 100%.

Xu Fei finished reading this unit.

At first glance, it seems unremarkable.

And it's still orange.

If only from this point of view.

Before the change from the general order, there was basically no change.

It can even be said that it has become worse, because the price is expensive, and only basic farmers need to be recruited before.

Now it needs to be converted once in the military camp before it can be used.

The price of a magic ape soldier is also as high as 10,000 resources.

Not worth it by any means.

But when you see the quality there.

It's all worth it.

He can grow to be golden!!!

This is quite scary.

If this is going to grow up, it does not mean that Xu Fei has a golden army barracks directly.

As for combat power and skills, that's not a problem.

As long as the magic ape barracks keep rising.

These will continue to increase!

Xu Fei then opened the magic ape blood technology.

Click on the first one.

"Ding, have you consumed 100 million points of resources to increase the concentration of Demon Ape's blood by 1%?

Gollum, Xu Fei quickly closed the panel.

excuse me.

poor as oneself.

Not worth it at all.

Next 100 million, an increase of 1%.

One hundred times is ten billion.

At this moment, Xu Fei felt the fear of being only worthy of poverty.

He sighed.

He waved his hand and let Zhai Huang leave.

At the same time, he instructed him to take good care of Baishui City.

After Zhai Huang left, Xu Fei couldn't help but open the Magic Ape Blood technology panel.

This time it's not about researching technology.

Rather, it is a comparison, compared with the Demon Blood Technology in the Fire Bull Beast Bar.

Xu Fei researched these two technologies for a while.

He began to infer.

This demon blood should be the second stage of demon blood technology.

In other words, the demon blood technology in the Fire Bull Beast continued to be researched.

The magic cow blood technology will appear below.

At this time, in the Fire Bull Beast Stall, there might also be a skill such as the Demon Bull Soldier.

The mutation of the skill directly made the general order pass the first stage.

At the same time, Xu Fei had a preliminary understanding of the magic blood technology.

The growth of this technology is really terrifying.

As long as there are resources to keep researching, the golden arms are just around the corner.

It's a pity, Xu Fei just has no money.

According to his inference about the 760 skills of the Demon Blood Division, 1% of the research would require 100 million resources.

Research 2%, absolutely 200 million resources.

After all this, even Xu Fei's current daily output of resources can't handle this massive amount of resources.

It seems that the production of resources needs to be increased a lot.

Otherwise, technology will not be enough in the future.

It is best if you can send troops to capture the plains of monsters.

There are many high-level Warcraft there, and there are also many high-level resources.

When you are rich, all arms will add a magic blood technology.

All units are golden!

I use one, throw one away!

At this time, the Jinyiwei outside reported.

"Lord City Lord, General Xiao He and General Zhang Ren have an audience."

Xu Fei hurriedly said, "Please come quickly. 35

The two generals have not seen each other for a long time.

Zhang Ren has basically never seen him since he defended the secret realm in Jiangyin.

The two said in unison, "Meet the Lord of the City."

Xu Fei hold on, no gifts, no gifts.

I came to you this time because I have two skills for you to learn.

Saying that, he will give Xiao He all the last thoughts.

Bai Bu Chuan Yang gave it to Zhang Ren.

Both of them were overjoyed when they received the skills.

Learned on the spot.

Because Xiao He's skills are internal affairs.

The effect of interior skills is generally fixed.

Even if it changes, it doesn't change much.

As for Zhang Ren's hundred steps through Yang.

Purple skills, what is there to mutate.

This talent already has a number of times, or keep it in the future, when there is a better orange skill.

Use it again.

After signaling the two to leave.

Xu Fei finally got some free time.

He was about to sort out the defenses in his city-state.

And after his own main city was promoted to the palace.

Haven't checked what function he has.

Just now there is time.

But right now.

Zhuge Liang walked in hastily.

"Lord City Lord!"

"Sea urgent letter!

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