City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 303, Turtle Island from the Deep Sea

Maritime emergency?

own army at sea.

It was the fleet of Zheng He and Zheng Chenggong.

The orders given to them only said to approach the coastal area and conduct offshore voyages.

At present, the main task is to open up a route for offshore navigation.

At the same time, explore whether there are giant islands in the sea opposite the Champion City, and whether there are other city masters building cities and the like.

There shouldn't be any danger in this.

After all, it's just exploration, and it doesn't say that it wants to attack the monsters on the sea.

Could it be said that in this sea area, or the coastline, I encountered an enemy

Got attacked by monsters?

Is your fleet now in inexplicable danger?

Xu Fei suddenly became a little nervous.

Because compared to land, at sea, his strength is really not that strong.

In terms of sea, the home court will always be World of Warcraft.

The power of the human city lord can only be maintained in this area of ​​​​the coastline.

The deep sea is always a forbidden area for human navigation.

Entering the deep sea, carrying out ocean voyages, and being able to return is basically a matter of fate.

Not to mention the attack of the monsters, just a huge wave is enough to cause heavy losses to the ship.

But he is in the sea.

If you didn't go to the ocean, the strength of the magical beasts in the near sea is limited.

With Zheng He, Zheng Chenggong led the fleet.

Enough to sweep most of the lair of the offshore monsters.

Xu Fei looked puzzled.

Could it be that?

The monsters they encountered were not offshore monsters.

It is a powerful monster from the deep sea.

Deep-sea monsters are generally more terrifying than offshore monsters.

Not to mention that the attack is powerful, it often brings all kinds of incredible skills.

Monsters have invaded from the bottom of the sea?

These thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

Immediately pressed down again.

Let’s take a look at the specifics of the letter first.

Xu Fei hurried forward.

He took the letter from Zhuge Liang.

Unfolding the letter, seeing the signature, it was Zheng He who wrote the letter and sent it back.

The fleet of treasure ships he led.

It has now entered the edge of the deep sea area.

Although he did not enter the deep sea, he was very likely to encounter monsters from the deep sea.

With an uneasy mood, Xu Fei quickly scanned the letter.

His face condensed slightly.

Instead, he was handed over to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang quickly read it.

His face also showed surprise.

Said to Xu Fei: "I didn't expect that in our outer waters,

"There is actually a huge and ancient turtle island.

"It's almost the end of the year, this is really not good news."

"Fortunately he didn't stay in the open sea all the time. 99

"It's moving slowly south.

Zhuge Liang's Turtle Island.

It refers to a super-large magical beast on the seabed, a magic seven-color turtle.

This turtle grows to a particularly large size.

After adulthood, the sand will gradually accumulate on the back to form a huge island.

As the island expands, his movement speed will also become slower and slower.

until completely still.

But that doesn't mean he's dead.

On the contrary, it means that his strength is getting stronger and stronger.

until he was completely still.

It means that the strength of this turtle has reached the strength of the tenth-level monster's lair.

As time goes on, the dorsal island gets bigger and bigger.

Until he grows to the limit.

The seven-colored turtle will move again.

until the island reaches its maximum.

At this time, the enchanted seven-colored turtle will dive into the deep sea with the island.

Form a deep sea nest.

Usually at this time, these seven-colored turtles will not leave the deep sea again.

In the deep sea, until complete death.

Therefore, compared to other magical beasts, the enchanted seven-colored turtle is actually a very docile existence.

His demon beast lair is the island on his back.

Even a tenth-level demon beast lair will only have one enchanted seven-colored turtle.

The number of such beasts is rare and it is difficult to reproduce.

At sea, humans often regard them as god-like beings.

Rarely take the initiative to provoke.

It is even said that the islands on their tortoise shells will have various treasures instead.

If the human city lord discovered this kind of turtle island.

People are often sent to land, to find treasures, and even to build sentry towers and send troops to occupy them.

These magic seven-color turtles will not care.

As long as the island is not destroyed, they are still very docile and can live in harmony with humans.

But there is one exception.

That is when a demonized seven-colored turtle reappeared from the deep sea.

He will become the most terrifying tenth-level monster lair in the world.

Because of his presence.

On his island, there will definitely be a large number of tenth-level monster dens.

Judging from the information in Zheng He's letter.

This demonized seven-color turtle floated up from the bottom of the deep sea.

On his back, there were more than four lair of tenth-level monsters.

There is even a powerful and terrifying tenth-level tiger shark den.

This is the absolute dominance of the seabed.

The overlord-level monster that dominates the sea.

He accompanied the demonized seven-color tortoise and appeared around his sea area.

Could it be that this is the Warcraft that is preparing to attack the Chaos Xinghai this year.

And he chose his own place.

This made Xu Fei's heart have to escalate a huge sense of crisis.

I'm afraid that this time, the sea near my own will not be peaceful.

In the direction of the Champion City, we must strengthen the defense!

He quickly gave orders to Zhuge Liang beside him.

"`|| Tiao Huo Qubing returned to Champion City to preside over the defense.

"Transfer Han Xin back to Bailu City."

"Return to the main city when you turn white.""

"Tiao Maogui went to the Champion City.

"Tune in to Yang Zongbao, and Mu Guiying goes to Champion City.""

"Send a letter to Zheng Chenggong and return to the water village."

"Strengthen your defenses and stop going to sea before the end of the year. 35

"Reply to Zheng He and order the fleet to return and be stationed offshore."5

"Transfer 200,000 troops to the coastal plain to stand by.

"Transfer 5,000 Zhuge Numen to the Champion City."

"Tell Gan Ning to strengthen the defense at the bottom of the river and build more chains. 35

"At the mouth of the sea, build a strong equipment position.

"Follow! 35 After Zhuge Dian nodded his head.

Quickly leave, Xu Fei's order is very complete.

He just has to be responsible for the execution.

Just when Xu Fei discovered that a magical seven-colored turtle appeared on the sea.

on the West Coast Plain.

in Seventy-two Islands.

in the Southeast Islands.

(King Zhao's) in the sea near the Plain of Warcraft.

All the magic seven-colored turtles from the deep sea appeared.

This discovery, in the entire Chaos Xinghai.

caused an uproar.

It shook all the city lords on the offshore coast.

On the bounty forum at this time.

Once again, I was swiped by the demonized seven-color turtle in Chaos Xinghai.

Most of them are naturally.

"This year!"

"The Chaos Xinghai is the key attack direction of Warcraft."5

"It's all ten-level monster dens from the bottom of the sea. 35

Soon, the rumors of the city-state world were at the end of the alliance.

Just posted a fee.

[The latest and most complete tenth-level sea beast nest post in Chaos Xinghai. 】

below this post.

After searching and sorting.

At present, there are a total of 8 deep-sea magic seven-colored turtles in Chaos Xinghai.

On the backs of these eight demonized seven-colored turtles.

There are a total of 32 tenth-level monster nests.

Among them, the luckiest seven-colored tortoise appeared in the Seventy-two Islands.

The lair on the back is only level 9.

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