City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 109 World Laboratory Ranking, Nebula Technology Center ranks in the top ten!

Early January.

Nebula University.

Principal's office.

Li Yi is looking at the property list.

【Host: Li Yi】

【School: Nebula University】

【Number of undergraduates: 110,000】

【Number of graduate students: 10,655】

【Number of teachers: 4580】

【Non-staff workers: 2875】

【Directly affiliated departments: 42】

【Undergraduate majors: 136】

[School funding: 7.5 billion yuan]

[School reputation: 7.17 billion points]

[School honors: world-class universities, world-class disciplines]

[University Alliance: C11 Alliance]

【School Foundation: Nebula University Education Foundation】

[Affiliated institutions: Xingyun Primary School, Xingyun Junior High School, Xingyun Middle School]

[Directly affiliated hospital: Nebula Medical Center]

[Directly affiliated scientific research: Nebula Science and Technology Center]

[Research Centers: Marine Research Center, Biological Research Center, Engineering Research Center, Chemical Research Center, Agricultural Research Center, Medical Research Center, Energy Research Center, Information Research Center]

property list.

As the Nebula students became famous all over the world, the reputation of the school soared.

After careful consideration, Li Yi felt that the prestige value was put to good use.

He spends 7 billion reputation.

In the system mall, the automobile research center, media research center, film and television research center, art research center, financial research center, language research center, and aerospace research center are exchanged.

So far, the total number of "system-produced" research centers has reached 15!

Counting the school's original software engineering research center, biochip engineering and other 8 technology research centers.

The number of national key engineering research centers of the school has reached 23!

These research centers are actually different from national key laboratories.

The National Engineering Technology Research Center is mainly to form a national scientific research opening, technological innovation and industrialization base.

The state-level key laboratory is mainly to cultivate outstanding scientists, and it focuses more on high-level academic exchanges.

At present, the country has a total of 396 national engineering technology research centers, involving agriculture, energy, manufacturing, information and communication, biotechnology, materials and many other fields.

University side.

Nebula University, 23 national engineering technology centers, the first in the country.

Zhejiang University, 11 national engineering technology centers, second in the country.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 9 national engineering technology centers, the third in the country.

Fucheng University, 8 national engineering technology centers, the fourth in the country.

Huaqing University, 8 national engineering technology centers, tied for fourth place.

Li Yi believes.

After the school has 23 national engineering technology centers.

Nebula students will definitely grow faster and continue to shine in their areas of expertise!

At this moment, Li Yi was a little fortunate.

Fortunately, Nebula University is large enough to accommodate these laboratories and engineering technology centers.

Otherwise, he would be really difficult.


The world's authoritative organization has released a list of world-class laboratories.

As soon as the list was released, it attracted the attention of countless people.

No. 1 in the world, Los Alamos National Laboratory (multidisciplinary).

No. 2 in the world, CERN (High Energy Physics).

3rd in the world, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (multidisciplinary)


4th in the world, MIT Lincoln Laboratory (Interdisciplinary).

5th in the world, Cavendish Laboratory (Physics), University of Cambridge.

No. 6 in the world, Xia Guo Academy of Sciences (multidisciplinary).

7th in the world, Bell Labs (multidisciplinary).

8th in the world, French Atomic and Alternative Energy Commission (Nuclear).

9th in the world, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 9th in the world (aerospace).

No. 10 in the world, Science and Technology Center of Nebula University (multidisciplinary).

The list is out.

Countless people took a deep breath!

what's the situation?

The Science and Technology Center of Nebula University seems to have been established not long ago.

Ranked in the top ten of the world's top laboratories.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, in the fields of nuclear fusion, nanotechnology, space exploration, is the world's top. The annual budget of the laboratory is as high as 2.2 billion US dollars.

CERN is the world's largest particle physics laboratory, where the world's first website, the first web server, the first browser, and the origin of the World Wide Web were born.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is the holy place of nuclear physics in the world. It has 18 research institutes and research centers, covering many high-end disciplines, and has cultivated a Nobel Prize winner and is famous all over the world.

The Lincoln Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, involving various high-end fields, is also known as the base camp of the US military electronic system.

The Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University, the holy land of physics in the world, has trained dozens of Nobel Prize winners.

Xia Guo Academy of Sciences is the highest academic institution in the field of Xia Guo science and the largest scientific research institution in the world. Many scientists conduct scientific research here, making the Xia Kingdom rise and become a world power in science and technology.

Bell Labs, the world's most influential private research institution, has made significant contributions to human beings in various fields such as the development of communication satellites, electronic digital computers, and unix operating systems.

The French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Laboratory excels in the fields of nuclear energy and renewable energy, extra-large experimental installations, national defense and global security, and is recognized as a top institution in the scientific research community.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the United States is an ultra-large-scale research base and ranks among the top in the world in the field of unmanned interstellar exploration.

These top laboratories have a high reputation in the world.

Generations of scientific researchers want to work in these laboratories.

And the laboratories ranked after the top ten are also thunderous.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Ligo Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory.

Germanic Fraunhofer Society.

Broad Institute of Biogenetics.

Argonne National Laboratory.

Palo Alto Research Center.

Stanford International Institute

Boeing Phantom Works.

Skunk Works.

In the list, the authoritative organization made a detailed explanation for the tenth ranking of the Science and Technology Center of Nebula University.

Nebula Science and Technology Center has 1,076 state key laboratories, involving every high-end field in the world, and the laboratory facilities are world-class.

Although the establishment of this scientific research institution is not long.

But today, the Nebula Science and Technology Center has 110,000 scientific researchers and numerous well-known scientists.

In terms of scientific research funds, the annual investment is more than 3.77 billion yuan, which supports the research of thousands of scientific research projects.

When people saw the explanation of the authority (Zhao Ma's) agency, they nodded suddenly.

Before the rise of Nebula Technology Center.

The world's largest research institution is the Xiaguo Academy of Sciences, which has 114 research institutes and more than 60,000 researchers across the country!

but now.

The Nebula Science and Technology Center has become the world's largest research institution, with an annual research budget of 3.77 billion yuan and 1,076 state-level key laboratories, the scientific research level has officially ranked among the top in the world.

What's more, the Science and Technology Center of Nebula University just gave birth to 3 Nobel Prize winners not long ago!

They are ranked in the top ten in the world and are well deserved!

Xia Country.

Netizens are very happy.

With the rise of Nebula Technology Center.

Among the top ten laboratories in the world, Xia Guo occupies 2 places!

Although the top ten laboratories, the United States still occupies 5 places.

But this is definitely a good start!

The gap between the two sides has narrowed further.

In time, Xia Guo will definitely be able to catch up in the field of scientific research and become the real world's No. 1 scientific and technological power! Research.

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