City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 110 A bumper harvest of honors, another year of college entrance examination season!


The "Wolf Prize", one of the three major awards in the international mathematics community, was announced.

9 candidates from multiple countries have won awards.

Among them, the winner of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics is Lin Yikai, a student of Nebula!

Lin Kai, who just turned 20 years old, has once again become a figure in mathematics!

Early February.

The world-class science award "Crawford" award has been announced.

Xu Shengfan, a student of Nebula, won the Crafford Prize in Astronomy for pinpointing frb radio bursts!

Early March.

The Pritzker Architecture Prize, the highest honor in architecture, has been announced.

This award, known as the Nobel Prize for Architecture, is full of gold.

Zhang Yankang, a student of Nebula, won the Pritzker Prize for his previous design of the Magic Capital Convention Center.

late March.

The Turing Award, the highest international award in the computer field, was announced.

The selection procedure of Turing Award is very strict, generally only one computer science award is awarded each year, which is known as the Nobel Prize in the computer field.

Zhou Zisheng from the School of Artificial Intelligence of Nebula University has made a major breakthrough in the field of intelligent AI.

Through the small sample research method, the AI ​​technology he created can make it closer to the way the human brain works, thus spending less time and money.

After the successful promotion of this technology, it will bring about major changes in many industrial fields in the society.

With this achievement, 743 Zhou Zisheng won the Turing Award this year without any suspense!

end of March.

Another award in mathematics, the "Abel Prize", has been announced.

Fan Zhuoran, a student of Nebula, was elected this year's Abel Prize for his outstanding contributions to theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics!

Early April.

The latest issue of Nebula Journal is published.

The headline is a paper that has caused a sensation in the mathematics community.

The title is: "Generalized Hodge Conjecture is established!"

The author of the paper is Lin Yikai, who won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics in January!

Mathematicians know it.

The generalized Hodge conjecture is much more difficult than the narrow Hodge conjecture, and it is the complete body of the Hodge conjecture.

The difficulty between the two is completely different!

Originally, before the narrow Hodge conjecture was proved, some mathematicians dared to try the narrow Hodge conjecture.

But the generalized Hodge conjecture sounds so disgusting to mathematicians that they don't even have the slightest idea of ​​trying!

Lin Yikai has certainly proved the Hodge conjecture in the narrow sense, and is the person who understands the Hodge conjecture most profoundly in the world.

But let's be honest.

Mathematicians still don't think Lin-Kay can challenge the generalized Hodge conjecture.

Because this is not an area that ordinary people can get involved in.


Just over a year has passed.

Lin Yikai conquered the generalized Hodge conjecture and caused a sensation in the world!

After the paper is published.

Mathematicians from all over the world set up a mathematical group for the first time to conduct a comprehensive demonstration of this paper.

They wanted to find logical errors in the paper.

However, after their comprehensive verification, they were surprised to find out.

The generalized Hodge conjecture was really proved by Lin Yikai!

a time.

Lin Yikai, a student of Nebula, is famous all over the world!

Early May.

The list of Pulitzer Prize winners has been officially announced.

This award is known as the Nobel Prize in journalism!

Hao Zexuan, a student of Nebula University's School of Communication, won the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting.

Yang Yaqing, a student at Nebula University's School of Communication, won the Pulitzer Prize for General Journalism.


Numerous netizens have a lot of discussion about Nebula University.

"This year, Nebula students have won the Wolf Prize, Turing Award, Pritzker Prize, and now a Pulitzer Prize, which is amazing!

"You also missed an award, Lin Yikai will definitely win the Fields Medal this August!

"I have a faint feeling that the current Nebula University has surpassed Huaqing Yan University and become the number one university in China!"

"Isn't that impossible? Huaqing Yan University has a hundred years of history, so it's not that easy to surpass.

"Anyway, that's how I feel, I don't know if it's an illusion?

Time flies into June.

It's the college entrance examination season again.

The test center of the Magic City Nebula Middle School.

A "special" parent is waiting for the end of the test outside the test center.

He is Li Yi, the hottest president of Nebula University in the education world today!

The surrounding parents surrounded Li Yi in unison and asked various questions.

"Principal Li, you should be waiting for your sister Li Qingyun's college entrance examination to end, right?"

"President Li, this year's Nebula University (acdh) minimum entry score, can you reveal it?

"President Li, does Xingyun University set the lowest ranking this year?"


Li Yi heard everyone's topic and said with a smile: "The score line of Xingyun University is similar to that of Huaqing Yan University this year, but we do not set the lowest ranking!

Hearing this, the parents breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, another parent asked: "Principal Li, can you give everyone some advice on the professional report?"

Li Yi nodded and began to explain the various majors of the school to everyone.

For a long time.

The test center bell rang.

For the senior three candidates, Wuyang Wuyang came out with a confident smile on his face.

Most of them are students of Nebula Middle School, so there is no need to worry about their academic performance!

in the crowd.

Li Qingyun jumped and came to Li Yi's side.

She said excitedly: "Brother, I will be a student of Xingyun University from now on! 35

"Oh? Are you sure?" Li Yi raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you going to ask how much is the star's score this year?

Li Qingyun said confidently: "My academic performance has always been the top three in Xingyun Middle School, and I will definitely be admitted to Xingyun University, there is nothing to ask about the score line!

Li Yi nodded and asked, "Now that the college entrance examination is over, where do you want to travel this summer?"

"Forget about traveling!

Li Qingyun frowned and said, "You don't have time to accompany me."

Now, her father is the principal of Nebula Middle School and her brother is the principal of Nebula University.

Graduation season is the busiest time for father and brother every year.

She will not be indifferent.

Li Yi sighed and suggested, "Well, I'll take you to the city to buy some clothes now, and I'll take it as compensation for you!"

Hearing this, Li Qingyun's eyes lit up: "Okay, this time I must kill you once!"

Li Yi smiled: "Slay it, after this village there is no such shop. 35

June 23.

National college entrance examination results released.

Major colleges and universities across the country have also announced school admission scores.

Nebula University admission scores.

The score line for science in Jiangsu Province, the minimum score is 425 points, and the selection level is double A.

The score line of liberal arts in Jiangsu Province, the minimum score is 423 points, and the selection level is double A.

Modu comprehensive score line, the minimum score is 624 points, and the selection level is double A+

Yanjing comprehensive score line, the lowest score is 697 points.

Zhejiang Province parallels a section of the score line, with a minimum score of 700 points.

The minimum score for science subjects in Hebei Province is 704 points.

The minimum score for liberal arts in Hebei Province is 680 points.

The minimum score of Hunan Province's science score is 687.

Hunan Province liberal arts score line, the minimum score is 650 points.

The score line for science in eastern Guangdong Province, the minimum score is 694 points.

The score line of liberal arts in eastern Guangdong Province, the minimum score is 654 points.

Students and parents are not surprised to see the admission scores of Nebula University.

With the rise of Nebula University, they all expected that the score line might be on par with Huaqing Yan University this year.

Students have this mental preparation.

Fortunately, this year's Nebula University does not set the lowest ranking, as long as the scores meet the standard, you can enter!

For a time, top students from all over the country reported Xingyun University as their first choice.

Obviously, in this college entrance examination season, Nebula University has once again become the biggest winner!

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