City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 125 Unsatisfactory employment prospects? Nebula Agricultural Center is here to help you!

Early May.

Nebula University.

Agricultural College.

Department of Agriculture, Class 1 of 2023 Seed Science and Engineering.

Counselor Lu Yuan was a little worried.

The senior year is over soon, and many students in the class have not even found a job. What should I do?

Compared with other majors in the school, agriculture is an unpopular industry.

To be honest, students usually go to agricultural science institutes, agricultural enterprises, state-owned farms, scientific research institutes, breeding companies, organic farming companies, etc., with limited choices.

At this time, a student sighed: "Students majoring in animal science, grassland science, and animal and plant protection have all found good jobs and can stay in the magic capital!

And our agricultural students, if they go back to their hometown to work in the agricultural institute, they will completely leave the magic capital in the future, and they will never have the opportunity to stay in the big city again..."

The voice just fell.

All the students in the class were pessimistic.

Under the Nebula University, there are Nebula Zoo and Nebula Botanical Garden.

Animal science majors, grass science majors, and animal and plant protection majors in the College of Agriculture can all work there after graduation.

They may not make a fortune in the future, but they can stay in the city of Modu smoothly.

Although Xia Guo is a big agricultural country, agriculture is still unpopular, and it is not so easy to find a job.

Of course, they are Nebula students.

753 State farms and scientific research institutes all over the country are rushing to get it.

But they stayed in the magic capital for 4 years, and they didn't want to just leave!

At this time, a student smiled bitterly: "My dad called me yesterday and asked me if I wanted to go to work in the newly opened pig farm in my hometown.

The job of the pig farm was very easy. The supervisor earned a monthly salary of 12,000 and worked 8 hours a day.

Including the miscellaneous overtime pay, closing fees, subsidies, etc., the monthly salary can be 20,000. 95

Hearing this, some students joked: "Then you can go to raise pigs, the major is reluctant to match, and you can earn more than 200,000 a year! Now pig farms are modernized, and they are disinfected every day, but they are not dirty. "

The two chatted for a while.

The class fell silent.

They are all proud of Xingyun University. They have published many sci papers during their school days, and the prize money alone is more than this number.

The annual salary of more than 200,000 is really not in their eyes.

To be exact.

It's not that they can't find a good job, but they can't find a good job that can stay in Modu.

After 4 years of school career, they have long had deep feelings for the city of Modu.

As for working in other fields, they have not thought about it for the time being.

After 4 years of studying seed science (acdh) and engineering, and starting over in a new field, it is better to go to research institutes or state farms across the country.

At least there, they can apply what they have learned and shine in the field of agriculture.

Suddenly, a cell phone rang, breaking the calm of the classroom.

Counselor Lu Yuan received a call from the school.

After babbling for a while, he hung up the phone.

There was a look of joy on his face.

Lu Yuan said to the students: "The school just notified me of a piece of good news that can solve your work problems...

Not finished.

The students chattered.

"Instructor, what kind of work does the school arrange?"

"Instructor, we don't consider work outside the magic capital! 35

"Brother Lu, did the school give you some places to enter the Agricultural Engineering Research Center? 35

"The Agricultural Engineering Research Center of Xingyun University is one of the school's 29 national-level key engineering technology research centers. Isn't the quota already set?""

Lu Yuan smiled and waved his hand: "Everyone, be quiet first!

The quota for the school's agricultural engineering research center has long been set, so let's not talk about this for the time being.

Just now, Assistant Cui informed me.

The school established a Nebula Agricultural Center.

This agricultural center is a modern agricultural science and technology innovation center integrating agricultural scientific research, international exchanges, industrial incubation and comprehensive construction.

Thanks to the newly established relationship, the Agricultural Center is hiring on a massive scale.

Your majors are very suitable, and it is very suitable to work there!

Hearing this, the students' eyes lit up.

A student asked: "Instructor, where is the address of the agricultural center? What is the salary standard?"

Lu Yuan explained patiently: "The Agricultural Center is located in the southwest corner of Xingyun University, covering an area of ​​56 square kilometers.

In the Agricultural Science and Technology Center, there are various high-level scientific research supporting facilities.

Internet + agriculture, plant factories, biological breeding projects, microbial factories, low-carbon circular agriculture, etc., everything is available.

Our class is a major in seed science and engineering. You can work in the biological breeding engineering base and apply the knowledge you have learned.

As for the salary standard, the annual salary in the first year is 200,000 yuan, with five insurances and one housing fund, including board and lodging, and two weekends a week.

If you enter the Nebula Agricultural Center to work.

The treatment in all aspects is no worse than the agricultural engineering research center of the school! 95

The voice just fell.

Many students in the class cheered.

The job that the school has arranged is amazing!

First, they don't need to leave the magic capital, they don't need to leave the Nebula University.

Second, the annual salary of 200,000 yuan is not low even in the magic capital.

Third, this is an iron rice bowl with stable work and great development potential.

Fourth, their majors are too suitable, and they can go directly to the Nebula Agricultural Center to work without adapting.

Fifth, biological breeding engineering, this profession sounds very high, and it has a face to speak out.

At this time, Lu Yuan smiled and said: "Okay, if you are willing to work in the Nebula Agricultural Center, come to me and fill out a form, I need to hand it over to the school as soon as possible.

The words fall.

The students chattered around.

There was a cheerful atmosphere in the class.

The School of Agriculture of Xingyun University has many disciplines.

The employment prospects of students majoring in agronomy, fruit tree science, vegetable science, agricultural product processing and storage engineering, facility agricultural science and engineering, aquaculture, traditional Chinese medicine, tea science, silkworm science, facility agricultural science and engineering are not very clear.

They all face difficulty finding jobs.

As graduation is approaching, students are very anxious when they have not found their desired jobs.

But with the completion of the Nebula Agricultural Center, everything suddenly became brighter!

For example, students majoring in silkworm science.

After graduation, they are suitable for mulberry cultivation and silkworm breeding, cocoon and silk processing, sericulture resource investigation, comprehensive utilization of silkworm by-products, sericulture management and silk trade.

Now, there is a Sericulture Research Institute in the Nebula Agricultural Center, and it's a lot of fun to talk about this profession!

The same goes for students in other majors.

Agricultural centers, there are too many jobs for them.

They are very satisfied with their professional counterparts, high salary, iron rice bowl, and high job title!

After students find a job they like.

The big stone in my heart has finally fallen, and my mind has relaxed a lot.

Some students called their parents for the first time to announce the good news.

"Dad, I have found a job, the Sericulture Research Institute of the Nebula Agricultural Center, the annual salary is 200,000 + five insurances and one housing fund + board and lodging + weekends!

"What? Silkworm Farm?"

'Dad, it's not a sericulture institute, it's a sericulture research institute!""

"What? Planting a mulberry garden?

"Dad, it's not the Mulberry Plantation Institute, but the Sericulture Research Institute!"

"What? Cocoon Silk Courtyard?"

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