City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 126 Recalling Youth, I am young, we are graduating!


The Ministry of Rural Agriculture under the Ministry of Science and Technology of Xia State released the latest "List of National Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Bases".

The list shows that there are 152 national agricultural science and technology bases in China.

Among them, 10 national agricultural science and technology bases from 9 colleges and universities across the country were shortlisted.

Xiaguo Agricultural University.

Inner City Agricultural University.

Jilin Agricultural University.

Jinling Agricultural University.

Jinan University of Science and Technology.

Yangcheng Agricultural University.


Jiangcheng University.

Nebula University.

Among these 9 universities, Yangcheng Agricultural University has 2 agricultural science and technology bases.

As soon as the list came out, netizens were stunned.

what's the situation?

How did Nebula University get into this list?

Isn't their agricultural major weak?

With a hint of curiosity, netizens read the specific information of the Agricultural Science and Technology Base of Xingyun University.

"Xingyun Agricultural Center, covering an area of ​​56 square kilometers, is a modern agricultural science and technology innovation center integrating agricultural scientific research, international exchanges, industrial incubation, and comprehensive construction..."

After reading the detailed introduction.

Everyone was immediately stunned.

"What the hell?! 56 square kilometers of agricultural science and technology center? This is too outrageous!"

"Yeah, 56 square kilometers, equivalent to 84,000 mu. This should be the largest agricultural science and technology center in the country, right? 39

"That's right! Previously, the largest agricultural science and technology centers in the country were the Agricultural Science and Technology Park of Xiaguo Agricultural University and the Golden Silicon Valley Agricultural Science and Technology Park. Both of them cover an area of ​​5,000 mu with an investment of 30 billion yuan! 35

"So, the area of ​​Nebula Agricultural Center is 16.8 times that of Xiaguo University Agricultural Science and Technology Park?

"Xingyun University Niubi! One family is worth 16.8 others!"

"My dear! A national agricultural science and technology center of 5,000 acres requires an investment of 30 billion yuan. Does the Nebula Agricultural Center require an investment of 504 billion yuan?"

"What I care more about is how many jobs will be created in the 84,000-mu agricultural science and technology center!

"A lot of them anyway! In the future, the students of Nebula University's College of Agriculture will no longer have to worry about work..."

"I am an agricultural student, and after graduation, I will go to work on a large farm in a remote area. Now I see the agricultural center of Nebula University, it is like a lemon!"

"A weak question, can we go to work at the Nebula Agricultural Center?

late May.

After the completion of the Nebula Agricultural Center.

The 2027 National Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Conference will be held at Xingyun University.

The heads of agricultural science and technology bases from all over the country came one after another.

After visiting the scale and facilities of the Nebula Agricultural Center, they were amazed.

With these modern facilities, and the endless supply of agricultural talents in Xingyun University.

In the future, the Nebula Agricultural Center will definitely produce numerous scientific and technological patents and research results in the field of agriculture.

The presidents of Xiaguo Agricultural University, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Huazhong Agricultural University, Jinling Agricultural University, and South China Agricultural University, the five top agricultural universities in the country, sighed.

In the field of agriculture, they ask themselves not to lose to anyone.

But when they visited the Nebula Agricultural Center in person, they discovered the gap in all aspects!

Be beaten by others in what you do best.

This taste is absolutely unpleasant!

From now on, in the field of agricultural science and technology in Xiaguo, Xingyun University will be the first!

Nebula Agricultural Center, when the outside world set off a storm.

Fresh graduates from major colleges and universities across the country have started their thesis defenses, as well as taking graduation photos.

And the senior three candidates of high school colleges and universities ushered in the college entrance examination.

It's bound to be a busy summer.

late June.

Nebula University.

main stadium.

All undergraduates of Class 2023, and all graduate students of Class of 2024, gathered together to participate in the first graduation ceremony after the establishment of Nebula University.

Principal Li Yi and the senior management of the school were all present.

Wearing academic uniforms, the students greeted this long-awaited moment with warm applause and cheers.

On the Yinyin grass of the stadium, the layout is new.

The graduation background board of "Nebula Blue" and the neatly arranged white chairs create a solemn and ceremonial sense of the graduation ceremony.

Due to the large number of graduating students this year, most of the students can only sit in the auditorium of the stadium.

In addition, Xingyun University TV, Xingyun University Weibo, Xiaguo News Network,, Xiaguo Youth Daily and other media platforms will broadcast live video of the graduation ceremony.

The ceremony begins.

Grammy Best Female Singer Liu Jingyan, and Golden Bell Award Best Pop Male Singer Yun Ming, sing together the song "There will be no end in the future".

"When a ship sinks to the bottom of the sea,

When a person becomes a mystery,

You do not know,

why did they leave,

That goodbye was his last word.

When a car disappears into the sky,

When a person becomes a mystery,

You do not know,

why did they leave,

Like you didn't know this was the end..."

The students at the scene were rhythmically, and the atmosphere was very touching.

Then, several counselors appeared and sang the song "You at the Same Table" together.

"Will you remember tomorrow,

The diary you wrote yesterday.

Do you still think about tomorrow,

You who used to cry the most.

0・・Ask for flowers・

Teachers can't remember

You can't guess the problem..."

When the students heard the singing of the counselors, they immediately recalled the scenes of their school days, which were deeply touching.

Next, there were several students at the scene who sang a few songs of parting class.

The students were a little disappointed.

From now on, they will leave the Nebula campus, the campus that has accompanied them for 4 years.

After all the performances are over.

Representatives of the student union, outstanding graduates, counselors, and deans all came to the stage to speak.

Finally, Li Yi, President of Nebula University, took the stage.

Li Yi, who was also wearing a degree uniform, said, "Approved by the 4th, 14th, 21st and 28th school administration meetings of Nebula University for the 2026-2027 academic year.

In 2026-2027, there will be a total of 50,000 undergraduate graduates of Nebula University.

There are 4830 postgraduate graduates, including 4830 master students. ""

He firstly reported the undergraduate and postgraduate graduates and the conferring of bachelor's and master's degrees of Nebula University.

Then, he read out the list of advanced groups, outstanding graduates and outstanding graduates of the graduating class of Nebula University, and congratulated the honored classes, bachelors and all graduates.

Li Yi said affectionately: "Students, you are about to start a new journey in life.

As people of Nebula, you should make dedication to the society, live up to your time, and pursue excellence as your life-long responsibilities that cannot be relinquished, and bloom brilliantly in the historical process of human civilization and progress.

I hope that you will grow your talents in the long-term experience, and achieve a meaningful life in the hard work of fighting for the day and the day and living up to your youth.

I hope that you will be firm in your original aspirations in the key life choices and move forward with determination on the magnificent life path.

I hope that you will devote your whole life to your true feelings and make a lifetime of hard work to do things beyond personal value and to do things with long-term significance.

With self-improvement and persevering efforts, write an extraordinary life in the torrent of the times and historical achievements.

The road flag on the road to the school fluttered in the wind, and the friendship in the flourishing graduation photo was undiminished.

The mountains are high and the water is long, and there will be a period in the future.

Respect each other.

Students who are about to set off for their respective faraway places.

Nebula University will always watch you move forward from behind, give you the most solid strength, and welcome you home at any time!"5

In the melodious melody of the Nebula school song.

The first graduation ceremony after the establishment of Nebula University came to a successful conclusion.

The students threw their degree caps into the sky.

Recalling youth, being young.

Take dreams as horses and ride the wind and waves.

We are graduating! Go.

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