City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 127 If Miracles Have Color, It Must Be Nebula Blue!

It's the college entrance examination season again.

All major colleges and universities across the country have begun to recruit students.

Nebula University is no exception.

Nowadays, the dream of students is to be admitted to Nebula University and become a glorious Nebula student!

Of course, Nebula University has a very high score.

Of the 10 million senior high school candidates across the country, only the top ones have the opportunity to study at Nebula University.

late August.

The Xiaguo University Rankings are released.

Nebula University, with a total score of 100, ranks first in the country.

Yenching University, with a total score of 93.51, ranks second in the country.

Huaqing University, with a total score of 93.03, ranked third in the country.

Zhejiang University, with a total score of 75.72, ranks fourth in the country.

Modu Jiaotong University, with a total score of 75.56 points, ranks fifth in the country.

Fudan University, with a total score of 75.20, ranks sixth in the country.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, with a total score of 75.05, ranks 7th in the country.

Western Eucalyptus Jiaotong University, with a total score of 75.04 points, ranked 8th in the country.

Jinling University, with a total score of 74.77 points, ranks 9th in the country.

Xiaguo University of Science and Technology, with a total score of 72.21, ranked 10th in the country.

This list is out.

Netizens have no objection.

Xingyun University is no longer the "Wuxia Amon" it used to be, and it is a rare thing that the school does not rank first in the country.

Since the list is based on Nebula University, even the total scores of other universities are much lower.

However, this is not to say that colleges and universities have regressed.

But Nebula University has become stronger!

at the same time.

The 4 most authoritative international university rankings are freshly released.

QS World University Rankings 2027.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with a total score of 100, ranks first in the world.

Stanford University, with a total score of 98.4, ranks second in the world.

Harvard University, with a total score of 97.9, ranks third in the world.

Caltech University, with a total score of 97, ranks 4th in the world.

Oxford University, with a total score of 96.7, ranks fifth in the world.

Nebula University, with a total score of 95.1, ranks 6th in the world.

ETH Zurich, with a total score of 95, ranks 7th in the world.

Cambridge University, with a total score of 94.3, ranks 8th in the world.

Imperial College, with a total score of 93.6, ranks 9th in the world.

The University of Chicago, with a total score of 93.1, ranks 10th in the world.

The evaluation criteria of the QS World University Rankings mainly include academic reputation, employer reputation, teacher-student ratio, research citation rate, internationalization, and international student ratio.

Because Xingyun University does not enroll international students and teachers, it has many disadvantages in this list.

However, Nebula University's ranking of No. 6 in the world has refreshed the highest ranking in the history of Xia Guo colleges and universities.

Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2027.

The University of Oxford is ranked 1st in the world.

Stanford University is ranked 2nd in the world.

Harvard University, ranked 3rd in the world.

Nebula University, ranked 4th in the world.

Caltech is ranked 5th in the world.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ranked 6th in the world.

Cambridge University, ranked 7th in the world.

The University of California, Berkeley, is ranked 8th in the world.

Yale University, ranked 9th in the world.

Princeton University, ranked 10th in the world.

The evaluation criteria for this list are mainly indicators such as teaching, research, paper citations, internationalization, and industrial income.

Nebula University ranked 4th in the world, once again setting the highest ranking in the history of universities in Xiaguo.

2027 World University Rankings.

Harvard University ranks 1st in the world.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ranked 2nd in the world.

Nebula University, ranked 3rd in the world.

Stanford University, ranked 4th in the world.

The University of California, Berkeley, ranked 5th in the world.

Oxford University, ranked 6th in the world.

Columbia University, ranked 7th in the world.

Caltech is ranked 8th in the world.

University of Washington, ranked 9th in the world.

Cambridge University, ranked 10th in the world.

The main judging criteria for this list are global academic reputation, regional academic reputation, publications, citations, publications and other data.

the past academic year.

Nebula University's publishing department, Nebula Publishing House, publishes more than 2,000 print and electronic publications, and has become one of the world's largest educational and academic publishing houses.

In terms of academic journals, Nebula Publishing House publishes 812 titles, covering various disciplines such as natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, and medicine.

At present, Nebula Publishing House has a total of 1,800 employees and an annual turnover of 870 million yuan.

In addition, this year, Nebula University ranked among the top in the world in terms of publications, academic reputation, and citations.

This time, it can be regarded as the third place in the world university rankings.

2027 Academic Ranking of Global Universities in China.

Nebula University, ranked No. 1 in the world.

Harvard University is ranked 2nd in the world.

Stanford University, ranked 3rd in the world.

Cambridge University, ranked 4th in the world.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ranked 5th in the world.

The University of California, Berkeley, ranked 6th in the world.

Princeton University, ranked 7th in the world.

Columbia University, ranked 8th in the world.

Caltech is ranked 9th in the world.

Oxford University, ranked 10th in the world.

This list, the main evaluation indicators, a total of 6 categories.

The equivalent number of Nobel Prize and Fields Medal alumni.

The equivalent of Nobel Prize and Fields Medal teachers.

The number of most cited scientists in each subject area.

"Nature" and "Science" published papers equivalent to 0..

The number of papers included in the Science Citation Index and the Social Citation Index.

The divisional mean of the school's five index scores.

These 6 major indicators, Nebula University can be called outstanding!

In early August, Du Chenhong, a student of Nebula, who proved Goldbach's conjecture, was awarded the Fields Mathematician of the Year.

This brings the number of Nobel Prize + Fields Medal winners at Nebula University to 8!

Be aware that these awards are limited.

Nebula students received these awards.

The scores of other universities in the ranking of Shanghai University of Science and Technology are naturally greatly reduced.

The number of scientists with the most citations in various disciplines, the total number of SCI papers published, and the number of papers published in top journals, Nebula University ranks first in the world!

In the end, for the first time, Nebula University ranked first in the world on the world's authoritative list, refreshing the highest historical ranking of universities in Xia State.

Take a look at the 4 lists.

Harvard University ranks 3rd on the qs list, 3rd on the list, 1st on the list, 2nd on the soft science list, and 2.25th on average.

Stanford University ranks 2nd on the qs list, 2nd on the list, 4th on the list, and 3rd on the Soft Science list, with an average ranking of 2.75.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology ranks first in the qs list, the sixth in the list, the second in the list, and the fifth in the soft science academic list, with an average ranking of 3.5.

Nebula University ranks 6th on the qs list, 4th on the list, 3rd on the list, 1st on the soft science list, and 3.5th on average.

Oxford University ranks 5th on the qs list, 1st on the the list, 6th on the list, and 10th on the soft science list, with an average ranking of 53.7.5.

These five universities are the top five universities in the world today!

The list is out.

Xia Guo netizens suddenly exploded.

"Fuck?! Nebula University ranks among the top 5 universities in the world?"

"Fuck +1, Nebula University is tied for the top 3 universities in the world! 95

"God, Nebula University is amazing! What is the world's top university? (Tactical leaning back)

"Tears! Our Xia Kingdom finally has the top three universities in the world!

"Principal Li Yi has created another educational miracle! No, it is an educational myth!"

"I was born Li Xingyun, the education world is like a long night!"

"I saw the style of the Southwest Associated University in this Nebula University!"

"If there is a university in the world that can surpass Harvard, it must be the pride of our Xia Kingdom - Nebula University!

"Yes, Star City is on the way to surpass Harvard University! Leading our Xiaguo education forward!

"Now is the era of Nebula University, and I am honored to witness it with my own eyes!

"If miracles have color, it must be Xia Guohong! If miracles have color, it must be nebula blue!"

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