City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 128 The average annual salary of Nebula graduates is 400,000, the fourth chance to change th

late August.

Magic City, a food stall.

Liu Qing and Wang Zhe had a great time eating barbecue and drinking beer.

Both of them are fresh graduates this year and have just received their first salary in their lives.

The salary is not much, 4800 yuan per month.

Although it did not reach the standard line of the average salary of 6,504 yuan in the magic capital, it was a memorable moment for the two of them.

Liu Qing took a sip of wine and said with a sigh: "When we were studying, we always felt that money was easy to earn, and we should get a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan after graduation. Now that I think about it, I really overestimate my ability.

"Yes! 35

Wang Zhe said with emotion: "When we really step into society, we realize how small we are!"

Liu Qing said: "The two of us didn't study hard back then, and we only got admitted to the Modu Publishing and Printing College. If we could have been admitted to the university back then, it might be a different situation now! 99

Hearing this, Wang Zhe said glumly: "Four years ago, Xingyun University did not set up a score line.

Students who fail to pay the tuition fee can go directly to Xingyun University to study.

It is a pity that when we took the college entrance examination, Nebula University had already established a score line, and it reached the threshold of 211 colleges and universities. "

Liu Qing sighed, raised his glass and said, "It's really hard to talk about things like fate. Let's not talk about this, let's drink! 35

"Come on, do it!"

When the wine glasses collided, the two of them drank the beer.

Suddenly, a mobile phone push sound rang.

Liu Qing picked up his mobile phone and saw that the app had pushed him a piece of news.

"2027 Xiaguo College Graduates' Average Salary Ranking"!

With a hint of curiosity, he immediately checked the news details.

I see above it says:

In the University of International Business and Economics, the average monthly salary of graduates is 11,028 yuan.

In Yanjing Foreign Studies University, the average monthly salary of graduates is 10,922 yuan.

Huaqing University, the average monthly salary of graduates is 10,818 yuan.

Yenching University, the average monthly salary of graduates is 10,698 yuan.

In China Foreign Affairs University, the average monthly salary of graduates is 10,688 yuan.

In Modu Jiaotong University, the average monthly salary of graduates is 10,673 yuan.

Yanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, the average monthly salary of graduates is 10,551 yuan.

Xiaguo Renmin University, the average monthly salary of graduates is 10,467 yuan.

Zhejiang University, the average monthly salary of graduates is 10,461 yuan.

The average monthly salary of graduates in Modu University of Foreign Studies is 10,394 yuan.

see here.

Liu Qing handed the phone to Wang Zhe and said, "The average monthly salary of graduates from key universities is much higher than ours. No wonder students all over the country want to study in 985 and 211 universities."

Wang Zhe nodded while watching: "Yes, the graduates of 985 University and 211 University have more employment opportunities and higher employment quality than us."

Suddenly, Wang Zhe found his school in the list.

He was surprised: "Our Modu Publishing and Printing College has an average monthly salary of 6,854 yuan for graduates, ranking in the average salary list of Xiaguo Higher Vocational Colleges."

Liu Qing glanced at it and smiled bitterly: "Our monthly salary of 4,800 yuan is a drag on the school!"

Wang Zhe echoed: "I instantly feel that the salary just paid is not good...

The two looked at each other and drank again.

At this time, Wang Zhe wondered: "By the way, why doesn't this list have the name of Nebula University?"

Liu Qing explained: "This list counts the basic data of college graduates entering the company for one year.

Nebula University just gave birth to its first graduates this summer and will not appear on the list until next year.

However, according to the resumes of Nebula students, their average salary must be very high.

Wang Zhe nodded suddenly.

Then, he subconsciously logged into the official website of Nebula University with his mobile phone, and found that there was a "2027 Nebula Graduate Employment Quality Report" on the homepage.


I see above it says:

There are 50,000 undergraduate graduates of Xingyun University in 2023.

The postgraduate rate is 61.8%, and a total of 30,900 students choose to pursue postgraduate studies.

The entrepreneurial rate is 10.2%, and a total of 5,100 students choose to start their own businesses.

14,000 graduates have entered major domestic and foreign enterprises, the overall employment rate is 100%, and the average monthly salary is 32,156 yuan.

There are 4,830 graduates of the 2024 class of Master of Nebula University.

The postgraduate rate is 38.1%, and a total of 1840 students choose to study for a doctoral degree.

The entrepreneurial rate is 18.24%, and a total of 700 students choose to start their own businesses.

2,290 graduates have entered major domestic and foreign enterprises, the overall employment rate is 100%, and the average monthly salary is 35,125 yuan.

see this data.

Wang Zhe exclaimed: "Oh my God! The average monthly salary of undergraduates of Xingyun University is 32,156 yuan, and the average monthly salary of master's students is 35,125 yuan, and the annual salary is almost 400,000 yuan!"

Liu Qing came over to take a look, and suddenly took a breath.

The same students, this gap is too big!

The average income of Nebula students is as high as 32,000 yuan!

Moreover, these incomes do not include self-employed Nebula students!

If all are included, it can raise the average salary of students by a large amount.

After a moment of stunned.

Liu Qing said with emotion: "There are three opportunities in one's life to change one's destiny.

Once was born, once was the college entrance examination, and once was marriage.

But in my opinion, going to the Nebula School to study is the fourth chance to change my destiny.

After studying Nebula Elementary School, you can study Nebula Junior High School.

After studying Nebula Junior High School, you can study Nebula Middle School.

If you go to Nebula Middle School, you can go to Nebula University.

After studying at Nebula University, the monthly salary after graduation is at least 30,000 yuan!"


Wang Zhe nodded and said: "The students of Xingyun University, everyone is a dragon and a phoenix, and they are leaders in various fields.

The average monthly salary of 32,000 yuan is just the beginning.

When they gain a firm foothold in the society, the monthly salary will definitely be higher!

at the same time.

The "Xiaguo College Graduates' Average Salary Ranking" is also being discussed on the Internet.

"University of International Business and Economics, the average salary of graduates is 11,028 yuan, ranking first among colleges and universities in the country. It really deserves to be 'two finances and one trade'! 35

"Yenjing Foreign Studies University is also good! Their graduates are doing well!

"Huaqingyan University ranked third and fourth, but 70% of their students chose to take the postgraduate entrance examination and postgraduate examinations to continue their studies. This set of data does not explain much."

"That's right, Huaqing Yan University is a comprehensive institution, and some majors have low starting salaries. The University of International Business and Economics and Modu University of Foreign Studies have very strong majors, and the salaries for these positions are already high!"

"The list shows that the average salary of college graduates is 5,763 yuan. I'm holding back everyone..."

"Drag +1! As a graduate student of 753, my salary is only more than 4,000 yuan..."

Netizens chat.

The "Report on the Employment Quality of Nebula University Graduates" once again aroused widespread discussion.

"My God! The average salary of undergraduates at Nebula University is 32,000 yuan, and the annual salary is almost 400,000 yuan!

"The street salary of Hupu Pedestrian Street is 300,000, while the annual salary of Nebula students is 400,000! (dog head)"

"Wait, didn't someone say just now that comprehensive colleges have low starting salaries for some majors? Please explain what happened to Nebula University?"

"I'm so sour! Seeing you graduates from top universities, the average salary is so high. I really regret that I didn't study hard!"

"By the way, does anyone know the average salary ranking of graduates from major universities in the world?

"I know! Harvey Mudd College, the average annual salary of undergraduate graduates is 92,300 US dollars, ranking first in the world! The average annual salary of MIT undergraduates is 88,300 yuan, ranking second in the world!!"

"Hi...$92,300, equivalent to 646,100 yuan. This figure is more than 200,000 yuan higher than the average annual salary of Nebula University!"

"No no no! You can't say that, the statistics of Nebula University do not include students who are self-employed. If you count them all, it should be no worse than Harvey Mudd College!"

"Well, foreign universities also count entrepreneurship students, while our domestic list only counts the average salary of students working in companies!

"Xingyun University is really good! It is indeed the third top university in the world!"

"Everyone says it's hard for fresh graduates to find a job, but after seeing the Nebula students, I think you're kidding me?"

"Students of Nebula: Difficulty finding a job? It doesn't exist!"

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