City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 134 The National Southwest Associated University, the backbone of Xia Guo's education!

November 1.

Yunnan Normal University.

Inside the school hall.

A special ceremony is being held.

The 90th anniversary of the founding of Southwest United University and Yunnan Normal University!

At this moment, the auditorium that can accommodate thousands of people is full.

President Qiu of Huaqing University, President Hao of Yenching University, President Cao of Nankai University, and hundreds of college presidents were all on the list.

In addition, many senior guests from the education, academia, political, and medical fields all gathered together.

On the Internet, countless netizens are watching the live broadcast.

ceremony ceremony.

On the big screen at the scene, a documentary began to play.

The documentary tells the story of the war-torn and turbulent era.

"In 37 years, in order to preserve the lifeline of Xia Guo's culture and education, National Yenching University, National Huaqing University, and private Nankai University jointly moved south to Shacheng, Hunan Province, and formed the National Shacheng Temporary University."

"After the war was approaching, in April 1938, the National Shacheng Temporary University moved to Kuncheng and was renamed the National Southwest Associated University."

"The school has been ups and downs with the destiny of the nation since the day it was born. In the era of frequent wars, the Southwest Associated University experienced turbulent times, moved twice, and even walked 3,500 miles by teachers and students, working together to overcome the difficulties. "

"The National Southwest Associated University has preserved the important scientific research forces during the war, cultivated a large number of outstanding talents with outstanding achievements, and made outstanding contributions to the development and progress of the Xia Kingdom.99

"After the victory of the war, the three colleges and universities that formed the Southwest Associated University returned to the north, and the normal school reorganization system remained in Kuncheng, and it was named National Kuncheng University, that is, Yunnan Normal University!

"In just 8 years and 11 months, the Southwest Associated University has conducted academic research, inherited the success of Xingtan, and trained 3,882 graduates."

"Among them, 834 joined the army, 27 became the first academicians of the Xia Guo Academy, 82 became academicians of the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, 13 became academicians of the Xia Guo Academy of Engineering, 4 won the highest national science and technology award, and 2 won the Nobel Prize!"

"Union University, fortitude and perseverance, its writings are brilliant; continuous success, eight-rank string songs, its brilliance and brilliance. 35

"Ninety years of wind and rain, the plan to save the nation will survive. The string song has not stopped for ninety years, and Zilan Shuhui Yufanghua 々"!"9

With the narration of the documentary.

All the guests at the scene seemed to have returned to the war-torn era.

In the webcast room.

Netizens fluttered.

"Tearful eyes, salute to the seniors in the education field!"

"How can the years be quiet, it's just that someone carries the burden for us!

"In 8 years and 11 months, Southwest Associated University has cultivated countless talents, this school is amazing!

"The pioneers of modern science in the Xia State were all trained by the Southwest United University and then went abroad for further study."

"The Southwest Associated University is really full of talented people. Although I can't match this romantic pursuit, I yearn for it!"5

"The Southwest Associated University really interprets what it means to study for the rise of the Xia Kingdom!"

"Southwest Associated University is the golden age of education in Xiaguo. This is a legendary school that has produced a group of legendary students!"

"Set your mind for the heaven and earth, set your life for the people, follow the ultimate study for the past life, and open peace for all generations. This is the Southwest Associated University!

"The national scholar is unparalleled, the backbone of Xia Guo's education circle!

The end of the documentary.

In the auditorium, the school song of the Southwest Associated University rang out.

"Long March of ten thousand miles, quit the palaces of the five dynasties, stopped temporarily in Hengshan and Xiangshui, and parted again.

Jue 徼 transplanted the dried zhen, and the blood of Li Yuan was sprinkled all over the Kyushu.

Blowing and reciting strings in the mountain city, the love is very close.

A thousand years of shame, and finally when the snow.

Zhongxingye, must be outstanding.

There are three households in one, and it is difficult to break a strong pregnancy.

How difficult it is to worry about the movement of the new country, to be tempted and forbearance to hope for the former philosopher.

Waiting to expel the pirates, restore Shenjing, and return Yanjie.

in the school song.

The applause was deafening and long-lasting.

At this time, President Jiang of Yunnan Normal University stepped onto the high platform.

He looked at the crowd and said loudly: "Today is the 90th anniversary of the founding of Southwest Southwest United University in Kuncheng and Yunnan Normal University.

Here, we would like to extend our sincere greetings and high respect to leaders at all levels and friends from all walks of life who have long cared about and supported the construction and development of the school, to all teachers, students and staff, and to the vast number of alumni who care about the development of their alma mater!

Yunshi University has taken off in the new century, and has never stopped in the face of difficulties, and has always moved forward despite ups and downs.

Eighty years of evolution, generations of Yunshi people have always adhered to the school motto of "Fortitude and Perseverance".

The school song of Southwest Associated University carries the mission of the country and the country.

It condenses the glorious mission and lofty ideals of generations of Yunshi people.

It has created the outstanding character of generations of Yunshi people with perseverance and determination.

It has inspired generations of Yunshi people to not forget their original aspirations and to forge ahead with their responsibilities.

To this end, the school sincerely thanks guests and friends from all walks of life from all walks of life for taking the time to come.

Let's talk about friendship, share in the grand event, and create the future together!""

The words fall.

The audience burst into applause, deafening.

These juniors in the education world all grew up listening to the story of the Southwest Associated University.

Even though the Southwest Associated University has been suspended, the raging fire that ignited the Xia Kingdom has long been scattered into a sky full of stars.

This is a real university!


President Qiu of Huaqing University came to the stage to speak.

He said slowly: "Southwest Associated University is an educational miracle and a monument that will stand forever.

The school-running experience of the Southwest Associated University is the treasure house of Xia Guo's higher education.

It provides a valuable reference for us to develop higher education, improve the quality of higher education, cultivate innovative talents and build an innovative country today.

It is worth our in-depth study and study..."

Then, President Hao of Yenching University also gave a speech.

President Hao said: "`" Ninety years ago, National Huaqing University, National Yenching University, and private Nankai University, the three universities cooperated closely and worked together to support the Southwest Associated University through the arduous eight years.

As the inscription "Monument to National Southwest Associated University" said.

The three schools have different histories, different styles of study, and have been cooperating with each other for eight years.

The same does not harm the difference, the difference does not harm the same, the five colors complement each other and complement each other; the eight-tone ensemble is finally peaceful and peaceful..."

Soon, President Cao of Nankai University also gave a speech.

He said slowly: "Recalling the past, Nankai University, with the spirit of 'great love is hard to break, never stops singing', even though the campus was destroyed and devastated, but 'the spirit of Nankai is more and more motivated because of this setback'


Teachers and students traveled thousands of miles, crossed the Xiangshui River in the south, traveled to Kuncheng, and formed the Southwest Associated University with Huaqing Yan University.

(Zhao Wang's) is the fire of civilization for the survival of the Xia Kingdom, and cultivates outstanding talents for saving the country and serving the country.

In the southwestern border of the motherland, the book is a legend in the history of higher education in the Xia Kingdom and even the world, until the return to the North and the rebirth of Nirvana..."

in the live room.

Netizens were deeply moved when they heard the words of several principals.

"Now Huaqing University, Yenching University, and Nankai University are all affiliated colleges and universities +985. If Southwest United University is here, maybe it will be the strongest university in the world?

"That's for sure! Huaqing + Yanda + Nankai, what scale do you think this is?"

"Southwest Associated University can be called the backbone manufacturing machine of the Xia Kingdom. It has cultivated so many pioneers in 8 years, let alone 90 years!""

"By the way, compared to Nebula University and Southwest Associated University, who is stronger?"

"Is that even a question? It must be the Southwest Associated University!"

"However, Xingyun University is now ranked third in the world, and has also trained countless scientists! There are 10 Nobel Prize winners... Moreover, Xingyun University is only in its fifth year!"5

"Ah this..."

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