City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 135 The Song of Songs is Unstoppable, Resolute and Strong, Donate to Nebula University!

Inside the Cloud Master Auditorium.

Li Yi, President of Nebula University, stepped onto the high platform under the watchful eyes of the audience.

He said with a serious expression: "I am honored to be invited to participate in the 90th anniversary of the founding of Southwest United University and Yunnan Normal University.

On the 80th anniversary of my birthday, I was still on the campus of Yan University, listening to the headmaster and teachers recount the heart-wrenching history.

The Southwest Associated University, which has existed for only 8 years, is full of stars and masters.

Various ideas took root here, and finally grew into a towering tree, supporting the sky of the academic, scientific and cultural circles of the Xia Kingdom.

At the beginning of the establishment of Southwest Associated University, there was a shortage of funds and the conditions were unimaginable.

The design scheme of the school has changed from tall buildings to low buildings, low buildings to bungalows, bungalows to thatched huts, and dormitories to thatched.

Under the conditions of rain leakage in summer and wind in winter.

The Southwest Associated University, which was formed at an extraordinary time with the strength of the three schools, developed into an ideal place for teaching and educating people at that time, and a spiritual highland for saving the nation.

It has written an immortal chapter in the history of higher education in the Xia Kingdom!

When Xia Guo was a teenager, there was no grand campus.

Their campus is the earth and mountains and rivers!

The so-called university is not called a building, but a master.

Today, Xia Guojin has entered a new era of great weather and inspiring progress.

Every university in China is forging ahead.

And Nebula University, these five years.

Always adhering to the spirit of the Southwest Associated University's "constant songs, perseverance and perseverance", and launched an impact towards the goal of a world-class university.

Nebula University undertakes the most solemn and sacred mission.

Nebula teachers always bear in mind the mission of teaching and educating people, willing to be a ladder of people, and willing to be a stepping stone.

Guide students' minds with personality charm, and open the door of students' wisdom with academic attainments..."

on the high platform.

Li Yi talked eloquently.

All the guests present nodded in satisfaction.

The Southwest Associated University was the best university in the Xia Kingdom at that time, and it wrote an educational miracle.

Xingyun University is the best university in the Xia Kingdom in this era, writing educational miracles.

Taking into account the factors of the times.

There is no doubt that the Southwest Associated University is even more legendary.

Regardless of the time factor.

The achievements of Xingyun University in the past five years are even higher.

at the guest seat.

President Qiu of Huaqing University said in a sour tone: "Old Hao, I really envy you, Yanda, for being able to train such an excellent educator as Li Yi (acdh).

Hao, President of Yenching University, laughed: "When Xingyun University surpassed Huaqing Yanda two years ago, I was still a little sad.

But looking back on it, it was a good thing.

Yan University students have created a university that surpasses their alma mater.

the student surpasses the master.

I should be proud of it!

After speaking, President Hao added: "Don't worry, Lao Qiu, wait another 10 years and 8 years, maybe you Huaqing University can also cultivate educators like Li Yi.

10 years 8 years?

Principal Qiu's face twitched.

At this time, Principal Hao said again: "Old Qiu, you kicked me out of the group chat some time ago, when will you add me back?"

Principal Qiu sighed.

He didn't want to talk to Principal Hao anymore.

on the high platform.

Li Yi said impassively: "Gathering is a mass of fire, and scattered is a sky full of stars.

The mountains and rivers are shattered, and the character will last forever. The Southwest Associated University will be exiled for eternity!

Nebula University will always pass on the spirit of the Southwest Associated University from generation to generation.

Finally, on behalf of all the teachers and students of Nebula University, I would like to pay tribute to all the seniors in the education field!

When the words fell, the audience burst into applause.

In their eyes, Li Yi is a junior in education.

these seven years.

In the first two years, Li Yi built Xingyun Middle School, which was at the bottom of the magic capital, into the first middle school in China.

After that, he created a private Nebula University from scratch.

In just five years.

Xingyun University rides the wind and waves, surpasses Huaqing Yan University, and grows into the top three famous universities in the world.

Countless educational miracles were born in the hands of Li Yi.

In today's era, Nebula University is the "Southwest Associated University" in people's eyes!


The ceremony continued.

A 108-year-old alumnus of the Southwest Associated University came to the high platform in a wheelchair with the support of his family.

He eloquently recounted that glorious period of time.

At the end of the speech, the old alumni recited the inscription of the Southwest Associated University.

"Looking at the past history, if our nation cannot stand on the Central Plains, it will be called Nandu.

Those who have traveled south have not been able to return to the north.

Jin people traveled to the south, the first example is also;

Song people traveled to the south, the second example is also;

Ming people traveled south, and the third example is also.

The scenery is not different, the deep sorrow of the Jin people; the return of my rivers and mountains, the false wishes of the Song people.

This is the fourth time that we have made the southern crossing, and I will be able to recover the full power in less than ten years. Yu Xin does not mourn the south of the Yangtze River, and Du Fu is happy to harvest Jibei, which can be commemorated by four!"5

The guests at the scene were a little sad when they saw the old alumni's old appearance.

Time flies, 90 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

The alumni of Southwest Associated University have passed away one after another.

Until the next 100th anniversary of the Southwest Associated University, no alumni will be able to come to the scene again...

Then, proceed to the next link.

President Jiang of Yun Normal University exhibited artworks themed on the Southwest Associated University, old manuscripts, old photos, and calligraphy works donated by alumni.

The guests at the scene seemed to have seen the life of the Southwest Associated University in the past from these items, and felt the memorable history.

The beacon smoke has set off on a journey of thousands of miles, and the trunk has been moved to the Spring City.

Thatch is the roof to cover the rain and dew, and the mud wall is the house to listen to the sound of books.

Playing the strings and chanting according to the previous Yan, following the sundial burning the ointment and looking forward to the next generation,

The 90th anniversary is in a prosperous world, and the two dreams are fulfilled in the ten thousand years of spring.

This is the miracle of Xia Guo's education circle - Southwest Associated University!

Finally, the students of Yunshi University Choir brought a chorus performance of the school song of Southwest Associated University.

The ceremony came to a successful conclusion in the melodious singing.


Netizens were overwhelmed with emotion.

"The mountains in the west are green, the country in the south is swinging, united with Junyan, and the university is great!

"Yunshi University students raise their paws, I hope I can always uphold the school motto of perseverance and perseverance!"

"Huaqing students raised their paws, I hope I can uphold the spirit of the Southwest Associated University! 35

"Yan college student raises his paws, hoping that he will not forget his original intention!

"Nankai students raise their claws, hoping that they can become useful talents for the society!"

"The Southwest Associated University is the strongest university in the history of the Xia Kingdom. With its independence of thought and freedom of academics, all famous schools and gods gather together."5

"Eight thousand miles of road, cloud and moon, in that age of artillery fire, the Southwest Associated University exemplified what the backbone of the country is! 99

"Yeah, the years of ups and downs, the magnificent Southwest Associated University!

"The old alumnus at the ceremony was 108 years old. Sure enough, knowledge can make people live longer!"

"It was a great era! For generations to come, Changle is still young!"

"May contemporary students ride the wind and waves without questioning the west and the east!"

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