City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 142 Nebula's student painting and calligraphy works sold for 1.5 billion, the eight maj


Nebula Financial Center.

Major enterprises and merchants have settled in one after another, and the overall occupancy rate is 80%!

Many of these companies are Fortune 500 companies.

Some of them set up branches here, while others simply moved their headquarters.

In addition, banks, financial institutions, securities institutions, insurance institutions, intermediaries, law firms, accounting firms, and shopping malls have settled in, making the Nebula Financial Center extremely prosperous.

When the leaders of Smart Island saw such a scene, they immediately waved their hands.

The government spends huge sums of money to develop in all directions with the Nebula Financial Center as the center, laying out three-dimensional transportation hub complexes such as subway stations, urban rail stations, tram stations, and public stations.

Just over a month.

The Nebula Financial Center has become a gathering place for golden leaders, giving it a sense of sight as an international city.

Nebula University.

Principal's office.

Li Yi was a little surprised to see the 81 billion yuan added to the school's account.

He originally thought it was the Nebula Foundation, but later found out that it wasn't.

This money is one month's "rent" of Nebula Financial Center!

"Seven Six Seven"

That's right!

108 skyscrapers, the monthly rent is as high as 81 billion yuan.

Li Yi was a little emotional about this.

81 billion a month, 972 billion a year!

This money can make him a life-long worry-free food and clothing.

With so many properties under his banner, the most profitable one is "collecting rent"

But that's fine.

Preparing for a sports league is very expensive.

More money is always better.

end of March.

Nebula Medical Center.

Su Qianyun was in the obstetrics and gynecology ward and gave birth to a son who weighed 8 pounds and 6 taels.

Li Yi named his son Li Hao.

The birth of Li Hao also immersed the Li family and the Su family in a festive atmosphere.

29-year-old Li Yi is finally a father!

at the same time.

The Turing Award, the highest international award in the computer field, was announced.

Qian Shengjie, a student of Nebula, became this year's Turing Award winner for his research achievements in the field of artificial intelligence.

This is also a Nebula student who has won this award for the third consecutive year.


The Nebula Professional Sports League kicked off one after another.

Tennis events, boxing events, golf events, etc., are staged in major cities in Xiaguo.

In the past, Xia Guo rarely saw such a high level of competition.

But now there are Nebula students, almost every game is full, and it's hard to get a ticket.

In addition to football, basketball games have not started yet.

All other events have been played, becoming the favorite sporting events of the audience.

May 15.

Guardian Art Auction.

Nebula Financial Center special session.

In the venue, Ye Yi, the tutor of Xiaguo Academy of Fine Arts, brought his most proud disciple, Wu Cancan, to meet the world.

Ye Yi taught: "Cancan, I brought you here this time, mainly to let you experience the charm of the art world and feel the potential of the art market. I hope it can help you a little in your future creative path.

Wu Cancan nodded obediently: "Thank you, Teacher Ye, I will learn more and read more!

Next, the two visited various treasures in the exhibition hall.

Xia Guo calligraphy and painting, porcelain and antiques, rare ancient books, celebrity handwriting, jewelry and jade, fine wine and tea, etc., are all here.

Suddenly, Wu Cancan's eyes were attracted by a Chinese painting.

The painting is called "Night Scenery of Nebula".

The vivid nebula night scene appeared on the paper impressively.

The author's painting skills are amazing.

Wu Cancan hurriedly called the teacher and asked, "Mr. Ye, what do you think of this "Night Scenery of Nebula"?"

As Ye Yi looked at it, he praised: "That's right! The technique of this painting is similar to that of famous masters of various generations. The ink accumulation, splashing ink, breaking ink, and smearing ink are used in each other, which makes the building layer by layer, rich and magnificent.

The unreal, complex and simple, dense and dense in the rules and regulations have been very well unified.

The author's brush is like a seal script, strong and powerful, and where the writing is rigorous, there is an interesting vertical and horizontal..."

Speaking of which.

Ye Yi was stunned.

The inscription of this painting turned out to be a Nebula student?

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

The calligraphy and painting works that can appear here are all treasures that are chosen in a thousand miles, and are kept for auction at night.

Generally speaking, the painter should be a famous and outstanding painter!

Ye Yi and Wu Cancan looked at each other, both very surprised.

At this time, Wu Cancan said with a disappointed expression: "Mr. Ye, am I bad?

The calligraphy and painting works of Nebula students can all appear in the Guardian Art Auction.

And I don't have that power. "

Ye Yi patted her on the shoulder lovingly and said, "You forgot, this place is very close to Xingyun University.

It should be that there are not enough works in the Guardian auction, so I temporarily borrowed a painting from Nebula University to make up the number.

It is difficult to sell the works of those famous artists, let alone the paintings of students.

You say, is that true?"

Hearing this, a confident smile appeared on Wu Cancan's face again.

Then, the two continued to visit the calligraphy and painting works in the exhibition hall.

They found that there are at least 10 paintings here, which are from the hands of Nebula students!

Wu Cancan looked at his mentor with suspicious eyes.

Ye Yi said solemnly: "Borrowing one painting is borrowing, and borrowing ten paintings is also borrowing. Do you think this is the truth?""

Wu Cancan nodded and didn't bother about this topic anymore.

that night.

Guardian Art Auction, grand opening.

Ye Yi and Wu Cancan, sitting in a corner, quietly watched the guests auction.

A piece of art is often auctioned for tens of millions, which amazes Wu Cancan.

The auction is half over.

On the big screen at the scene, the painting and calligraphy work "Night Scenery of Nebula" appeared.

The auctioneer said, "This painting and calligraphy work is the work of Tong Yinqi, a third-year student of the Nebula Academy of Fine Arts. The starting price is 9 million yuan, and the increase shall not be less than 100,000 yuan each time."

Hearing this, Wu Cancan took a deep breath.

9 million yuan?

The price is too outrageous!

Ye Yi shook his head, thinking that no one would buy it at this price.

However, the art collectors on the scene raised their placards again and again.

Soon, when an art collector called out the price of 100 million yuan.

Ye Yi and Wu Cancan were both dumbfounded.

This painting is worth hundreds of millions!

At the auction house, the bidding was very fierce.

In the end, the painting was sold by a collector at a price of 156 million.

I didn't wait for Ye Yi and Wu Cancan to come back to their senses.

The works of other Nebula students have been auctioned off one after another.

And each of the works was auctioned for hundreds of millions of dollars.

After doing some statistics, Ye Yi was surprised to find out.

The total auction price of these 10 Nebula student calligraphy and painting works is 1.5 billion yuan!

An average of 150 million yuan per work!

After all, Ye Yi has seen the world, and she said earnestly: "Cancan, there is a saying that a thousand pieces of gold can't buy a good heart.

Art collectors are spending 1.5 billion yuan on works by Nebula students.

In fact, this is not to say that the painting level of Nebula students is better than yours, but that each student has his own eyes.

In the eyes of teachers, your painting level is no worse than theirs!

Art is such a thing, it is difficult to really distinguish the superior and the inferior.

Hearing this, Wu Cancan said, "Mr. Ye, you once told me.

Art museum exhibitions are only a means of artistic communication.

The realization of art transaction is the ultimate goal.

And don't you often say that when you take art too high, you may be far from art?55

Ye Yi held her forehead speechlessly and choked silently.

Silly child, the teacher is comforting you!

If you tell the truth directly.

Your child's mentality has already collapsed...

Chia 3.7 after the German auction.

The total transaction price of 10 paintings of Nebula students was 1.5 billion yuan, which spread all over the Internet in an instant.

Student from Zhongyang Academy of Fine Arts: "The Nebula students are too outrageous! The transaction price of 1.5 billion, is this something that people can do?"

Xiaguo Academy of Fine Arts student: "In our domestic auction market, works with a transaction price of hundreds of millions are basically middle-aged or elderly painters."5

Student at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts: "I have sold several paintings, and the average price is only 200 yuan... (laughs and tears)

Student of Sichuan-Chongqing Academy of Fine Arts: "I am even worse, no one wants a painting for 100 yuan..."

Student at Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts: "The average painting is 150 million yuan? Mr. Lu Xun said: I beg you students of Nebula to be personal!"

Student at Yangcheng Academy of Fine Arts: "In the history of our eight major art academies, there has never been such a painting that sold for over 100 million yuan during the student period, right?"

Student of Xiangbei Academy of Fine Arts: "How do I feel that the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Xingyun University are more awesome than our eight academies?

Student of Jincheng Academy of Fine Arts: "Don't feel it! The students of Nebula Academy of Fine Arts are more proficient than us!

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