City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 143 The Nebula Graduate Versailles: Barely Make a Meal!

Time to enter June.

The national senior three candidates have ushered in the college entrance examination that will change their fate.

And college graduates will also spend their final college years.

Early June.

Nebula Financial Center.

International Conference Hall.

The Nebula Professional Basketball League held its first draft.

Countless media attended the scene one after another to report on the event.

In the Nebula Basketball League, 30 professional teams have been established, which are distributed in major cities in the Xia Kingdom.

The draft is divided into two rounds with 30 picks in each round.

In the spotlight.

60 graduates of Nebula University were selected by various teams.

Every selected player can get an annual salary of tens of millions of yuan or even hundreds of millions of yuan.

In other words, they are already multi-millionaires without playing a game!

And those players who weren't drafted.

By other means, the contract with each team is reached.

From now on, they will train hard to prepare for the first Nebula Professional Basketball League, which starts at the end of October.


The Nebula Professional Football League was established.

There are a total of 20 teams in the league, located in major cities in the Xia Kingdom.

Each team held a signing ceremony with the 02 graduates of Nebula University.

after the signing ceremony.

The players are officially part of the team.

You can get an annual salary of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan every year.

They will prepare for the battle and participate in the first Nebula Professional Football League in September.

late June.

Nebula University, main stadium.

All undergraduates of the class of 2024, and graduate students of the class of 2025, gathered together to participate in the graduation ceremony.

at the ceremony.

The students of the music department sang one after another graduation-themed songs, which made all the students feel sad.

In the past few years at school, they have experienced so many wonderful things.

After graduation, the world is different.

It may be difficult for them to meet again.

After all the performances are over.

Representatives of the student union, outstanding graduates, counselors, and deans all came to the stage to speak.

Finally, Li Yi, President of Nebula University, took the stage.

He slowly opened his mouth and said: "Approved by the 6th, 18th, 25th and 30th school administration meetings of Nebula University in the 2027-2028 academic year.

In 2027-2028, there will be a total of 50,000 undergraduate graduates of Nebula University.

There are 4,258 postgraduate graduates, including 4,258 master students. ""

Li Yi firstly reported on the graduation of undergraduate and postgraduate students and the conferring of bachelor's and master's degrees at Nebula University this year.

Afterwards, he made a list of the advanced collectives, outstanding graduates and outstanding graduates of the undergraduate graduating class of Nebula University, and congratulated the honored classes, bachelors and all graduates.

Then, Li Yi said: "According to the school's statistics, this year's 50,000 undergraduate graduates, with a postgraduate study rate of 63.5%, a total of 31,750 students, choose to pursue postgraduate study.

Of the remaining 18,250 students, 5,025 choose to start their own businesses.

The rest of the graduates have entered major well-known enterprises at home and abroad, and the overall employment rate is 100%.

Master graduates.

The postgraduate rate is 41%, and a total of 1744 students choose to pursue doctoral studies.

17% of the entrepreneurship category, with a total of 724 students, chose to start their own businesses.

The remaining graduates have entered major well-known enterprises at home and abroad, and the overall employment rate is 100%.

Students, I am truly proud of you!

Hearing this, all the graduates present had smiles on their faces.

This year, their job search went exceptionally well.

There are students who join the Nebula Agricultural Center and become a researcher.

There are students who join the Nebula Industrial Center and become a senior engineer.

There are students who join the Nebula Financial Center and become a financial practitioner.

There are students who join the Nebula Science and Technology Center and the Nebula Artificial Intelligence Center and become a scientific researcher.

There are students who have joined famous companies such as Penguin Group, Ali Group, Duniang, Pinxixi, ByteDance and so on.

There are students who become a professional athlete.

There are students who have entered the film and television industry, entertainment industry, and art circle.

There are students, who become doctors, diplomats, lawyers, architects, accountants.

There are students, become civil servants, or enter the business establishment.

Have students, start their own businesses, and be their own bosses.

all in all.

They all found the jobs they wanted.

At this time, Li Yi continued: "The students are about to embark on a new journey, and I would like to share four thoughts with you as we part.

The first is to be inspirational and patriotic.

Students should be determined to serve the motherland and serve the people.

This is great virtue, and only those who cultivate great virtue can achieve great deeds.

The second is to be anxious and face challenges head-on.

On the road of life in the future, we will encounter many unknown risks and tests.

Only by always having a sense of urgency, thinking of danger in times of peace, and worrying about the world, can we plan ahead and deal with various challenges.

The third is to study diligently, think deeply, and be determined to innovate.

The new round of scientific and technological revolution will further promote the intersection and integration of disciplines.

Forward-looking vision and innovative thinking, life-long learning ability and courage to be the first in the world are the keys for students to open the door to the future.

I hope everyone can continue to study, be down-to-earth, forge ahead, and take learning and innovation as a lifelong pursuit.

Fourth, openness and inclusiveness, exchanges and mutual learning.

No matter where they are, the students must maintain cultural self-confidence, and must have the feelings and patterns of embracing the world.

Be a good messenger of civilization exchanges and make due contributions to human peace and development.

Finally, I sincerely wish the students, in the new journey, be enthusiastic and youthful, bravely be the pioneers, pioneers and devotees in front of the new era, and create a better future!"

The students applauded and took Principal Li Yi's words to heart.

Then, in the melodious melody of the Nebula school song.

The second graduation ceremony of Nebula University came to a successful conclusion.

College Forum.

College graduates are talking about the topic of employment.

A student from 211 University complained in a post: "Now all walks of life are so intense, it's so hard to find a job! If this goes on, I'll go to a restaurant to serve dishes."

This post came out.

Immediately, the students were bubbling.

"Reminder from Versailles in the front row, this is a graduate of Modu University of Foreign Languages!"

"The average monthly salary of the graduates of Modu University of Foreign Languages ​​is 10,922 yuan, so why don't you leave Versailles! 35

"Damn, shameless! We haven't even found a job, and you're still spreading salt in our wounds!

"Hey, it's really hard to find a job now. Yesterday I saw a master student from Huaqing University going to a township in a fifth-tier city to become a civil servant."

"It's 767. It's so difficult for a master's student at Huaqing University, let alone an undergraduate graduate from an ordinary university..."

In the discussion room.

A student whose id is [Half a small goal has been achieved] replied: "It is not difficult for undergraduates to find a job! Undergraduate graduates of our school are paid quite high."5

This reply came out.

Suddenly someone asked: "How high is the salary?"

[Half a small goal has been achieved] replied: "Our dormitory is all undergraduate graduates, a total of four people.

One went to the strategic investment department of Penguin Group with an annual salary of 500,000.

One went to the investment department of Ali Group with an annual salary of 500,000.

One went to play professional basketball, with an annual salary of 36 million.

I'm just a little short.

I can only open a small company, barely make ends meet, and maybe one day it will go bankrupt.

Fortunately, the Nebula Financial Center has support for graduates to start their own businesses, and the first year is free of rent.

Otherwise, our company's annual rental expenses will be 12 million.

Seriously, it's really not that hard to find a job.

Every undergraduate student in our school has found a job!"

The voice just fell.

Huaqing University student: "???

Yenching University student: "???99

Students from major colleges and universities: "???99

Soon, everyone cursed.

"Damn, this is the real Versailles, right?"

"Students at Nebula University, right? I've had enough of you!"

"12 million in rental expenses? Barely making a living, what are you pretending to be!

"This strong Versailles tone makes you an old Nebula student!

"I checked my eyes, it's from Nebula University!"

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