City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 146 Nebula Art Center, a place of pilgrimage in the field of art!

Early September.

Nebula University.

Eastside restaurant.

Miao Qi and Xia Jinshi chatted while eating.

"Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye we are all studying for three!"

"The freshmen have all gone to military training. I wonder if there are any handsome guys in this class?"

Hear this.

Xia Jinshi smiled and said, "Qiqi, you are already a 25-year-old girl, and you still think about your junior brother? According to their seniority, they should call you auntie!

"Screw you!"

Miao Qi said solemnly: "I am 24 years old this year, and I will turn 25 in a few months. Auntie or something~, it does not exist!

Xia Jinshi rolled his eyes and complained: "In the eyes of the freshmen, seniors, juniors, and seniors are all too old, let alone a third-year-old monster like you!

"Humph! Don't eat it!" Miao Qi's face was full of grievances, "-Baby is emotional!

Xia Jinshi raised her forehead and said, "Aunt Miao, can we stop making trouble?"

The two quarreled after a few words.

Miao Qi whispered, "Jin Shi, do you know how much rent the major companies in the Nebula Financial Center pay to the school each month?"

"How much?" Xia Jinshi was a little curious.

Miao Qi made an "8" gesture and said, "More than 80 billion!


Xia Jinshi sucked in a breath of cold air, her face full of horror.


That's just one month's rent!

If calculated in terms of years, wouldn't it be more than 960 billion yuan?

For a long time.

Xia Jinshi clicked his tongue and said: "960 billion yuan, I can't imagine the concept at all! 99

Miao Qi smiled and said, "I'll give you an example, and you'll understand.

It is known that one ‘cool’ is equal to 2.08 million yuan per day.

According to this standard, 'Shuang' needs to film 1263 years in order to earn 960 billion yuan!

"You are too old!" Xia Jinshi pouted.

Miao Qi continued: "I'll give you another example.

10,000 yuan in Xia national currency, about 0.25 jin.

960 billion yuan, weighing about 12,000 tons.

If the rent received by Xingyun University every year is exchanged for 100 yuan banknotes, and then these banknotes are sold as waste paper.

It can also be sold for 22.8 million yuan!"

Hearing this, Xia Jinshi burst into laughter and said, "Haha, I laughed so hard! You're not an English major, why did you start studying mathematics! 99

"Student Nebula is omnipotent!" Miao Qi said confidently.

Xia Jinshi rolled her eyes and said, "Then you can calculate the 22.8 million yuan for me, and how much can you sell the waste paper for?

Miao Qi said speechlessly: "Good guy! Where are you putting this doll? You are addicted to selling waste paper!""

Xia Jinshi immediately retorted: "You put this on this one! 39

Miao Qi complained: "After saying so much, I just want to say that our Nebula University is rich!

No, the school has built a new Nebula Art Center and a Nebula Meteorological Center in the new semester.

I heard that the Nebula Art Center has many works of art in its collection, which are of great value!"


Xia Jinshi suddenly became interested: "Where is the Nebula Art Center?"

Miao Qi replied: "It's just over there at the Academy of Fine Arts. It's full of precious collections. The museum opens today. Would you like to see it?"

"Of course!" Xia Jinshi nodded again and again.

Nebula Art Center.

Teachers and students of the Academy of Fine Arts gathered.

They were dazzled by the art collection inside.

Ai Ping, the host of Nebula Satellite TV, is currently broadcasting live.

Ai Ping introduced to the audience: "The Nebula Art Center consists of 5 art galleries and 5 art museums, covering an area of ​​5 square kilometers.

In these art galleries and art museums, there are calligraphy, painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, design, photography, architecture, installation art, media and books, etc., with a collection of up to 3 million pieces..."

While introducing, she walked into the museum.

The architectural design in the museum is breathtaking and can be called a boutique of modern architectural art, which is very eye-catching.

After a close visit, the audience found that all the works inside are full of artistic atmosphere, which makes people yearn for it.

Different art galleries show different styles.


Romantic art.

Modernist art.

realistic art

Neoclassical art.

Xia Kingdom ancient art.

Precisionism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Minimalism, all kinds of different artistic expressions are harmoniously intertwined here.

Coupled with a variety of different architectural styles, it has become a paradise for art.

The works here seem to have no nationality, some are just the purest art!

Many netizens who studied art saw everything in the museum and immediately discussed it.

"My God! The collection of Nebula Art Center is too rich!"

"I really want to see it myself. I wonder if Xingyun University will allow students from other schools to visit?"

0.. ask for flowers ·

"Xingyun students are so happy! They look at so many works of art every day, aren't they inspired by diarrhea?

"That's right! Students from the Academy of Fine Arts and the School of Design lack everything, except for inspiration! And the Nebula Art Center is the best place for inspiration!"

"Students of the Nebula Academy of Fine Arts are very good. The previous Jiade Art Auction House sold 1.5 billion yuan of calligraphy and painting works, and now they are even more powerful! 99

"The Nebula Art Center, all-encompassing, is a place of pilgrimage in the field of art! 35

"If there is a heaven in the world, it must be what the Nebula Art Center looks like!

Ai Ping's live broadcast is very long.

She took a general tour of the art galleries and art museums here.

Although netizens can't see all the works, they can see how awesome the Nebula Art Center is!

At this time, Ai Ping came to a vacant venue.

The architectural pattern in the venue is shocking and magnificent.

But no artwork appeared.

Ai Ping explained: "This Nebula Art Museum is specially reserved for Nebula students.

From now on, the outstanding works of the students will be collected here, and the permanent collection will continue to be collected from time to time.

In a few years, countless works of art will appear in this Nebula Art Museum. "

Finally, Ai Ping said: "Because of the Nebula Art Center, it is located on the Nebula campus.

Therefore, it is only open to Nebula students and students of C11 allied schools for the time being.

Outside students who want to know the collections of Nebula Art can log in to the world's top original art database on the official website of Nebula University and search.

Of course, the school holds an art exhibition open to the outside world every year. Please pay attention to the official website of Nebula University for the specific time!

After this episode airs.

The students of the major art colleges across the country are just like lemons.

The collection of 3 million is simply enviable drooling...

In order to find inspiration, they need to travel to and from art galleries all over the country, constantly trying to figure out the works of art by the masters.

I just hope to be inspired to capture the moment of inspiration.


Nebula students don't need such trouble at all.

They go to the Nebula Art Center for a walk, and they may be inspired at any time!

In this regard, the students of the Academy of Fine Arts have collapsed again...

The gap between school and school is bigger than man and dog! Go.

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