City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 147 Nebula Aerospace Center, amazing my Nebula University!


Nebula University.

The host of Xia Guo TV station, Bing Bing, brought the filming team to the school to record.

This recording is mainly for visiting the Nebula Aerospace Center, which has just been completed by Nebula University.

Li Yi introduced to Bingbing and his party: "The Nebula Aerospace Center, located in the northeast corner of the school, covers an area of ​​25 square kilometers.

The Aerospace Center is divided into four areas.

They are the industrial area, the launch base, the aircraft assembly building area, and the visitor center.

The industrial area consists of an assembly workshop, a control center, a weather center and a press work area.

The control center is the nerve hub of the entire space center and is responsible for launching.

The meteorological center is responsible for providing real-time satellite meteorological cloud images, wind speed and other data.

The assembly shop is responsible for assembling rockets or space shuttles, etc..."

The filming team led by Bingbing constantly took pictures in various areas of the Aerospace Center as material.

a few hours later.

Li Yi took them to a big ship and went out to sea to visit the satellite launch center.

Bingbing asked curiously: "President Li, is the satellite launch center of the Nebula Aerospace Center the same as the Oriental "770" spaceport in Yancheng? 35

Li Yi smiled and said, "That's right! Nebula University is close to the East China Sea and has a unique geographical location.

The satellite launch center established this time, the home port is at the Nebula Aerospace Center, but the launch port is at sea, dedicated to the launch of maritime satellites.

Hearing this, Bingbing nodded suddenly.

Generally speaking, satellite launch centers are built in flat, sparsely populated places.

As an international metropolis, Modu is obviously not suitable for building a satellite launch center.

Still, if the option is to launch satellites at sea, that's fine.

in the process of going to sea.

Bingbing interviewed: "President Li, every aerospace center represents an extremely terrible financial investment.

Even with all the strength of a country, it is overwhelmed!

At present, Xia Guo has five space launch bases.

Why does Nebula University have to spend such a huge price to build the Star Aerospace Center?"

Li Yi glanced at the sky and said with a serious expression: "We have doubted and given up on the exploration of space.

But the hardest part of the road has been overcome by us.

Today's technology is developing rapidly and changing with each passing day.

No matter how much money you put in, it's worth it!

When the aerospace industry develops to a certain extent.

Near-Earth travel, space travel, lunar bases, Mars bases, etc., are no longer a distant dream.

As the world's first university, Xingyun University is the backbone of Xia Guo's educational circle.

It is a duty and obligation to explore space!""

Bingbing nodded with admiration on her face and asked, "Principal Li, how to solve the funding for the aerospace center? 35

Li Yi said with a smile: "The major companies in the Nebula Financial Center will pay more than 900 billion yuan in rent to the school every year. This money will ensure the smooth progress of the scientific research mission of the Aerospace Center."

Speaking of which.

Li Yi smiled on the surface, mmp in his heart.

The school had so much rent that he thought he didn't need to work harder.

Never thought, the Nebula Aerospace Center is a "gold swallowing beast"!

Not to mention 900 billion, it is 9 trillion, and it can be spent for you...

In this regard, he was a little speechless.

The rewards of the main quests are good, but they can be spent without any ambiguity.

Fortunately, the monthly rent of Nebula Financial Center is more than 80 billion yuan, otherwise the school can directly declare bankruptcy.

At this time, Bingbing said: "Principal Li, after the rocket from the satellite launch center took off, the rocket booster and part of the rocket body were peeled off, thus forming the rocket wreckage.

Due to the combined effects of the Earth's gravity and rotational force, the rocket debris generally falls within 1,000 kilometers east of the launch site.

At that time, the rocket wreckage will fall in the vast East China Sea, and the safety is guaranteed.

This is the advantage of the sea launch center.

However, in the case of the launch missions of returnable satellites and manned aviation, if the orbit deviates, the vast East China Sea will become a huge disadvantage.

Li Yi explained with a smile: "This is about the Nebula Aerospace Control Center.

They will remotely control the Nebula launch center to ensure that the return orbit does not deviate in any way.

In addition, the Nebula Artificial Intelligence Center of Nebula University is not vegetarian.

Under the linkage between the two parties, the returnable satellites and manned aviation missions can be guaranteed to return smoothly.

Finally, the Nebula Launch Center can also be linked with the Wine City Launch Center.

To achieve the purpose of launching from the nebula and returning to the wine city. "

Hearing this, Bingbing nodded suddenly.

She had forgotten that there is an artificial intelligence center at Nebula University.

When a satellite or rocket is launched, artificial intelligence will calculate the best route and orbit of the launch in advance, and factors such as climate and latitude will not affect the overall situation at all.

Then it's totally fine!


The big ship came to the sea launch center to complete the shooting of the sea satellite.

Li Yi said: "Today's satellite is called the Nebula 1 weather satellite.

It can continuously predict data such as surface temperature, ocean temperature, and atmospheric temperature 24 hours a day.

From now on, the Nebula Maritime Launch Center will send 9 meteorological satellites to the sky one after another to escort the Nebula students and provide the most accurate and powerful weather forecast!""

Hearing this, Bingbing was speechless.

Nebula University is worthy of being the number one university in the world!

9 weather satellites, just to escort the Nebula students.

This is too extravagant!

The geographical location of the magic capital is superior, and natural disasters rarely occur. The biggest natural disaster is typhoon.

Now with these satellites, all the movements of the typhoon can be monitored at all times.

At this time, Li Yi added: "In addition to meteorological satellites, we will also send scientific satellites, communication satellites, reconnaissance satellites, navigation satellites, and ocean monitoring satellites to the sky to form a huge satellite network of Xingyun University.

Bingbing was speechless again.

I am very envious of the wealth and wealth of Nebula University.

conversation room.

The Nebula Maritime Launch Center officially launched the satellite.

The launch vehicle, booster and primary and secondary fuels for the construction of the Nebula 1 weather satellite have all been filled.

With the command from the control center.

There was a loud noise from the maritime satellite launch platform. ..

When the rocket is launched, the flame of the hydrogen burning liquefies the water in the buffer pool, producing a large amount of "white gas" that fills the four directions.

I saw the launch vehicle carrying the Nebula 1 weather satellite, with a high-temperature flame burning at the bottom, soaring into the sky.

Li Yi and Bingbing and his party watched the launch vehicle fly higher and higher, soaring into the sky, towards the boundless sky.

When everyone present saw this scene, their hearts were surging.

in the sky where no one can see.

The launch vehicle is still soaring into the sky.

Over time.

The launch vehicle starts from the first stage of the tail, and each stage automatically falls off after the fuel is used up.

At the same time, the next stage of the rocket engine began to work, so that the aircraft continued to accelerate forward.

Finally, when the rocket's fairing was opened, the Nebula 1 weather satellite successfully entered orbit.

Due to the speed of the satellite entering the orbit, it is between the first cosmic velocity of 7.91 km/s and the second cosmic velocity of 11.2 km/s.

The Nebula-1 meteorological satellite began to fly in the earth's gravitational field and rotate around the earth.

The launch vehicle, on the other hand, leaves orbit after completing its mission.

And when it returns to the atmosphere, it burns up in the air to avoid becoming space junk.

A few fragments fell into the vast East China Sea without causing any waves.

This episode was broadcast on Xia Guo TV.

Netizens immediately discussed it.

"I went, Nebula University actually built an aerospace center, it's too rich!

"The rent that Principal Li has worked so hard to collect is all invested in the Aerospace Center, which is really cool!

"Haha, our magic capital also has a space launch base! The sixth space launch base in Xia Kingdom!""

"Speaking of which, the space launch base at sea is indeed ingenious!"

"Dream in the sky! Great for my motherland, great for my Nebula University!"

However, there are also a small number of netizens who are against it.

"I think it's totally pointless for Principal Li Yi to invest so much money in aviation for 3.7 days! 99

"That's right! It's a waste of money, isn't it bad for Xingyun University to spend so much money in other scientific research fields?

"After all, space is illusory. Even if 1 trillion yuan is invested, what will happen? Can a breakthrough be made?"

These replies come out.

It was immediately criticized by netizens.

"More than 600 years ago, the Ming Dynasty had the largest fleet in the world, but gave up exploring the ocean. We missed the era of great navigation and lost the ocean! 35

"More than 130 years ago, the Qing Dynasty owned the first car, but they regarded it as a strange skill. We missed the development of the automobile industry and lost the land!

"More than 100 years ago, the government at that time planned to develop the air force, but later felt that the aircraft was too expensive to replace it quickly. It is better to put the military expenditure in the bank and earn interest. We lost the sky!"

"Now, Nebula University invests money in aviation, but you think it's pointless and a waste of money? 35

"Today we blame our ancestors for giving up the ocean 600 years ago, do we want future generations to blame us for giving up the starry sky 600 years later?"

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