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Chapter 151 Artificial intelligence conference, the rise of Xia Guo Technology!

October 20.

Nebula University, Convention and Exhibition Center.

Countless media reporters, academicians of the Academy of Sciences, and leaders from all walks of life gathered together.

They all came to participate in the "New Birth of Strong Artificial Intelligence Press Conference" of Nebula University.

Yes, it is strong artificial intelligence!

At first, when they learned the content of the press conference, they all had an incredible feeling.

Strong artificial intelligence emerges?

how can that be?

There are countless scientists in the world who are studying artificial intelligence, but they are always out of reach.

Computational rates, abstract models, neurological development levels, philosophical and mathematical paradoxes, data thinking, consciousness architecture, etc., countless bottlenecks have yet to be overcome.


Strong artificial intelligence is invaluable.

This is a technology that can truly change the world!

There are many platforms for live broadcast of this artificial intelligence conference today.

Xiaguo TV, Nebula TV, Modu TV, Bilibili, Douyin, Penguin Video, etc. are all live broadcast in real time.

Netizens went completely crazy.

"My God! The real artificial intelligence is here, the world is crazy!"

"Has artificial intelligence in sci-fi movies finally appeared in the real world?

"Xingyun University is too strong, only the world's first university can develop true artificial intelligence!

"That's great! For those of us who can't find a wife and are already lying in bed and dying, let's do it again!

"Huh? Why do netizens upstairs say that?

"With the advent of artificial intelligence, maybe the country will issue a robot wife!""

"Ah this..."

The start of the conference.

On the big screen, a promotional video began to play.

The content of the video is of the sci-fi genre, telling the day of Xiao Ming ten years later.

Early morning hours.

A robot turned on the room stereo on time and played a special good morning song, awakening Xiao Ming.

This song is an artificial intelligence song customized according to Xiao Ming's mood state and fatigue level in the past day or even three days, and even according to today's event memo combined with psychology.

The memo shows that Xiao Ming is going to ride a horse in the suburbs today.

The exciting melody of the Good Morning song awakened Xiao Ming's longing for galloping on the grassland in his brain.

After Xiao Ming woke up.

It was found that breakfast has been prepared by various smart kitchen utensils robots in the kitchen, and the nutritional ratios are all customized.

Xiao Ming came to the door of the garage.

The unmanned nuclear-powered car can automatically identify and open the garage door according to the direction and frequency of Xiao Ming's footsteps, and head to the suburban riding field according to the itinerary information of artificial intelligence.

During the riding process, Xiao Ming had an accident while riding and injured his arm.

Xiao Ming scolded the stupidity of the creature while going to the hospital for an injury examination.

On the way to the hospital, artificial intelligence has already handled all the relationships between intelligent legal assistants, insurance companies, hospitals, etc.

inside the hospital.

It is the robot medical staff who help Xiao Ming heal.

Robot medical care will not cause unnecessary mistakes due to shaking hands.

at the same time.

The insurance company's system, according to the scene conditions recorded by the camera, conducts a systematic analysis and handles the relevant compensation expenses.

The intelligent legal assistant told Xiao Ming that in accordance with the new Consumer Rights Protection Law of 2038, he would receive a spiritual compensation.

As long as Xiao Ming presses the confirm button.

The intelligent court system will immediately submit the case for filing, and the intelligent procedural judge will make a judgment according to the schedule.

in this promo.

Artificial intelligence is fully involved in Xiao Ming's day.

Ten years from now, there will be no babysitters, drivers, construction workers, etc.

Hospitals are all intelligent medical devices to replace doctors' diagnosis and operation to reduce the probability of medical accidents.

Courts are all artificial intelligence-assisted case determination, reducing human factors in the judicial process.

At that time, artificial intelligence has truly changed the world!

The promo is finished.

The scene was boiling again.

Everything in the video, built on the basis of artificial intelligence, is not a fantasy.

This is entirely possible!

The crowd was amazed.

Li Qingyun, President of the Student Union of Nebula University, stepped onto the high platform.

She said neither humble nor arrogant: "Welcome everyone to attend the "New Press Conference on the Birth of Strong Artificial Intelligence" by Nebula University.

As everyone imagined.

Just a few days ago, Nebulas University Turing Award winners Zhou Zisheng, Tang Shiyun and Qian Shengjie, together with many researchers from the Nebula Artificial Intelligence Center, successfully developed a real artificial intelligence.

Of course, instead of calling it a strong artificial intelligence, it is better to say that she is an intelligent life!

The voice just fell.

The scene was sensational again.

Smart life!

At this time, Li Qingyun said, "Huanhuan, come out and say hello to everyone?"

On the big screen, various programs and data appeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a blue face emerged.

Huanhuan's mouth moved, and a mechanically synthesized voice sounded: "Hello everyone, I am the intelligent life Huanhuan!

Film sound, shutter sound, exclamation sound, exclamation sound, at the same time sounded in the exhibition center.


Li Qingyun interacted with the artificial intelligence Huanhuan to demonstrate the difference between her and the weak artificial intelligence.

Compared with the weak artificial intelligence in a certain field.

Huanhuan is very powerful in any field and can be called omnipotent.

Everyone present was impressed by Huanhuan.

The scene in the sci-fi movie finally appeared in the real world!

After Huanhuan showed her abilities roughly.

The press conference entered the second segment.

Zhou Zisheng, Tang Shiyun and Qian Shengjie came to the stage to deliver speeches.

There were bursts of applause at the scene, and it was sent to the three "Fathers of Xia Guo's Artificial Intelligence"!

They are Turing Award winners for the last three years.

The real intelligent life developed this time is destined to be remembered in the annals of scientific circles and passed down from generation to generation.


Countless netizens were talking about it.

"Zhou Zisheng, Tang Shiyun, Qian Shengjie, I would like to honor you as gods in the field of artificial intelligence!

"The pioneer of science and technology, the father of Xia Guo's artificial intelligence! 39

"respect! Three scientists, leading the progress of science and technology!

0・・For flowers......

"The times are about to change, and the technological revolution is officially here!"

"In other words, only Nebula University has this condition to give birth to truly intelligent life! 35

"Yes, Xingyun University has an artificial intelligence center, countless scientific research funds, Turing Award winners, and many academicians of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, this is the best scientific soil in the world!

at a press conference.

On-site question and answer session.

The media reporters raised their hands frantically.

They have too many questions to ask.

At this time, Li Yi, President of Nebula University, appeared on the high platform.

He said, "Everyone, there is a new mobile phone beside your seats.

If you have any questions, you can communicate directly with this phone.

The intelligent life Huanhuan will appear in this mobile phone and chat with you in real time. "

The voice just fell.

Everyone picked up the mobile phones on the side, and sure enough, they saw the intelligent life Huanhuan appear in the mobile phone.


They started a conversation with Huanhuan for the first time, and the scene was extremely noisy.

Li Yi couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

In fact, Huanhuan has the ability to appear directly on their mobile phones.

However, directly invading other people's mobile phones without authorization is too practical, and the impact is not good.

After the noise and amazement.

The press conference continues.

Media reporters, began to ask Li Yi questions.

They have many problems.

For example, when will intelligent life enter every household?

For example, whether intelligent life can be mass-produced.

For example, whether intelligent life can be controlled by humans.

For example, will intelligent life affect the current social pattern?

For example, whether Xingyun University accepts cooperation with external technology companies.

In this regard, Li Yi answered them one by one.

He said slowly: "Whether intelligent life can be mass-produced and whether it can be controlled by humans, the answer is yes.

The birth of intelligent life is destined to affect the social pattern of today's world.

the next period of time.

We will conduct a series of seminars to promote the formulation of national AI laws and the implementation of specific regulations.

Wait until the specific "Artificial Intelligence Law" is introduced.

The day when intelligent life enters every household will come.

In addition, Nebula University is very happy to cooperate with Xiaguo Technology Company!

This is a lot of information.

The media reporters caught the point in an instant.

"Intelligent life can be mass-produced!""

‘Intelligent life can be controlled by humans!

"Cooperation with Xiaguo Technology Company!

After the press conference.

Global sensation, the world was shocked.

Nebula University has developed intelligent life, once again creating a miracle in the scientific world!

Countless netizens cheered for the emergence of artificial intelligence.

Everyone realizes.

A new era of artificial intelligence is coming!

Xiaguo Technology, officially rises! Go.

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