City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 152 The game of high-end chip powers, Xiaguo's chip manufacturing industry takes off in

After the advent of artificial intelligence.

The major social platforms in China all sang, danced and rejoiced.

The popularity of intelligent life "Huanhuan".

Always on top of the Internet.

Countless people are looking forward to it, hoping that the smart products across the era can be brought to the market as soon as possible.

B station comment area.

"I watched the artificial intelligence conference of Nebula University 3 times, Huanhuan is really awesome!

"Nonsense, this is an intelligent life, can it be good?

"With artificial intelligence now, the scenes in sci-fi movies will become our daily life!

"Haha, I first thought of Jarvis, the artificial intelligence in "Iron Man". If there is artificial intelligence in real life, it would be too cool!"

"According to the latest census data, there are 34.9 million more men than women, and many bachelors can't marry wives. Now with artificial intelligence, there may be robot wives in the future!"

"Yeah! Marrying a wife requires an RV, a betrothal gift, and three gold "seven or seven zeros", which often empties 6 wallets. According to the cost-effective calculation, marrying a robot wife is absolutely cost-effective!

"Aren't you afraid of intelligent life fighting you? (dog head)"

"Ah this... intelligent life can also punch? (laughs and tears.jpg)"

Netizens discuss.

A netizen with an id called [Laying and Equal Death] poured cold water on everyone.

He said: "Don't be too happy, just wake up a bit.

Intelligent life is really awesome, it can change the world and make our life better.

But don't you forget.

Any electronic device is inseparable from semiconductor chips!

Do high-tech products such as smart phones, smart computers, smart cars, and smart robots need chips?

No, no, no?

No one really thinks that smart products don't need chips, do they?"

The voice just fell.

The cheerful atmosphere in the comment area suddenly stagnated.

Netizens were stunned.

They were all just fantasizing about the wonderful life brought by artificial intelligence.

But subconsciously forgetting any electronic product, it is inseparable from the chip!

New energy vehicles, satellites, radars, medical equipment, mobile phones, computers, TV sets, power grids, which do not need semiconductor chips?

Moreover, the United States has long imposed a chip ban on companies such as Huawei.

Now, Xia Guo has artificial intelligence.

The chip ban in the United States will definitely be more reckless.

At this time, [Laying Equal Death] continued to pierce his heart: "Xingyun University has real artificial intelligence, which can be said to be the pinnacle in the field of software, but what about the field of hardware?

If you think about it, you will know that various high-tech products with artificial intelligence have higher requirements and performance on chips!

In other words, high-end chips do not meet the standards.

We have black technology in hand, but we cannot exert the ability of artificial intelligence!

As soon as the words came out.

Many netizens in the comment area fell silent again.


Hardware and software are never separated.

For example, can a computer from 20 years ago run today's large-scale games?

You don't have to think about it, you know it won't work!

The United States has imposed bans and layers of blockades on chips.

I just don't want to see Xia Guo catch up.

When there was no artificial intelligence in the past, they were unwilling to sell advanced lithography machines to Xia Guo.

Not to mention now.

In this regard, netizens sighed.

"Our Xiaguo imports 380 billion US dollars of chips from abroad every year, and the domestic chip self-sufficiency rate is only a pitiful 30%! 35

"Hey, Huawei's chip design concept has been among the top in the world. However, because the domestic lithography machine is too backward, it cannot produce high-end chips, and it is limited everywhere."

"The most advanced lithography machine in the world, we can't buy it with money! They are just afraid of the rise of our Xia Guo chip!"

"Yes, the most advanced lithography machine in the industry can reach a 7-nanometer process technology! The most advanced lithography machine in China is a 28-nanometer process technology, which is too far behind!"


Netizens chatted about the topic of chip manufacturing and lithography machines, and their hearts were very heavy.

Of course they can whine online.

But this is always a manifestation of incompetent fury.

Faced with the blockade of Xia by Western countries in the chip field, what can they do?

At this time, [Laying Equal Death] said again: "Everyone, don't be too pessimistic.

In the past two years, Huawei's first finfet process production line was born, which can produce 5nm Kirin 9000 chips.

Huaqing University is also making progress in the field of high-end euv lithography machine light sources.

As the saying goes, if you don't accumulate small currents, you can't make a river or sea!

The rise of domestic chips is destined to be a road to overcome obstacles.

There are countless difficulties ahead for us.

As long as domestic chips are given some more time, technology research and development, and talent training are focused, domestic chips will surely achieve major breakthroughs! 99

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

The rise of domestic chips is a long way off.

But they are willing to wait!

at the same time.

Nebula University.

Principal's office.

Li Yi is also thinking about domestic chips.

Chip manufacturing has always been an area in which Xia Guo lags behind.

At present, the largest imported project in China is chips!

Chip imports even exceed oil imports by 0..

This has led to the fact that even if Xia Guo has artificial intelligence, in the absence of a large number of high-end chips, it is impossible to mass-produce the most advanced black technology products.

in chip manufacturing.

The most important thing is the lithography machine, because it is the soul of the entire chip.

At present, the lithography machine has become a key killer in the game between great powers.

Countries around the world control lithography machines from entering the Xia Kingdom, which makes domestic technology companies lack high-end chips.

They made it clear that they wanted to limit the development of Xia Guo's high-end technology industry!

In the field of military chips, China can basically achieve self-sufficiency because of its strong financial resources.

But in the field of civilian chips, I really pulled my hips!

thought here.

Li Yi checked the list of properties.

Just finished looking at the property list.

In the list, the reputation value has reached 27.58 billion.

After he thought about it.

Spend 20 billion RP directly in the system mall to exchange for Nebula Chip Center and Nebula Robot Center.

The Nebula Chip Center produced by this system.

It has high-end chip laboratory, microfluidic laboratory, lithography process laboratory, biochip laboratory, chip manufacturing base, chip design base and other institutions.

These institutions cover all fields such as chip research and development, chip manufacturing, silicon wafer production lines, and extreme ultraviolet lithography machines.

And the Nebula Robot Center produced by the system.

There are many institutions such as intelligent robot laboratory, robot research and development laboratory, robot innovation center, robot design center, and robot manufacturing base.

These institutions cover all fields such as robot research and development, robot manufacturing, and machine 3.7 robot production.

Li Yi was amazed by the introduction of these two centers.

In the chip center, there is a 5nm extreme ultraviolet lithography machine, and all aspects of the equipment are top-notch!

As long as the scientific research personnel are in place, the world's top high-end chips can be produced as soon as possible.

As for the Robot Center, there's not much to say.

With sufficient high-end chips, various high-end intelligent robots can be produced soon.

Li Yi believes.

With the chip center and robot center at Nebula University, Xiaguo's chip manufacturing industry can definitely advance by leaps and bounds!

Tech blockade in Western countries?

Feel sorry!

I, someone from Xingyun University, was the first to refuse!

From now on.

Xiaguo chip manufacturing Wuhu takes off!

The country will no longer spend $380 billion a year importing foreign chips.

Instead, its own chips will be exported abroad.

It will make you 380 billion US dollars every year!.

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